Some Gave ALL!

And we salute your sacrifice for this nation!

I sincerely hope that all my readers have
a blessed and SAFE Memorial Day,
and speaking for me, I will NEVER forget!  

8 Responses to “Some Gave ALL!”

  1. Robert Says:

    Some continue to give all and for that we ALL should be grateful. Those that look upon this time as a cause to bash our efforts in the world, need to be shot and or hung.

    The military follows orders, the orders come from the top, bash the President, bash congress, but bash the military at your own peril.

    This is a time to thank the families of the fallen, and the soldiers that sacrifice for our nation.

  2. Bloviating Zeppelin Says:

    God bless America and her soldiers.

    Our country: the first
    The best
    The ONLY hope
    . . . for the entire globe.


  3. JR Says:

    Hi Fred and all,

    Yes, may God bless as we remember our brothers and friends…

  4. GM Says:

    What BZ said (and said so well). As a vet, as the son, grandson and great-grandson of career Army folk, I know full well the sacrifices of those dying to keep us free, and of the sacrifice made by those that didn’t die, but suffered harships and weather, bullets and bombs for that same freedom. God Bless Them All.

  5. Ranando Says:

    God bless each and everyone of them.

  6. Panhandle Poet Says:

    Well said.

  7. Murray Says:

    Right on, Fred! My family has sent their sons off to war, and we will never, ever, forget!

  8. Rmebratt Says:

    We will never forget their sacrifices for this great country. Great tribute Fred!

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