Obama exhorts US, allies to bolster Arab spring

Obama exhorts US, allies to bolster Arab spring

WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Holding out Poland’s transformation to democracy as a model for the world, President Barack Obama on Saturday exhorted Western allies and the American public alike to extend their support, energy and vision to those now reaching for democracy in the Middle East and North Africa.

Obama wound up his six-day trip to Europe with a message aimed squarely at the people of the United States, saying that in a time of tight budgets, “I want the American people to understand we’ve got to leave room for us to continue our tradition of providing leadership when it comes to freedom, democracy, human rights.”

Obama, in a brief news conference with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, assured Americans that he spends the bulk of each day worrying about the U.S. economy and how to strengthen it and create jobs. But he coupled that with the message that it is a U.S. obligation to support democracy around the globe, one that pays dividends in the form of a safer and more prosperous world.

Speaking with urgency in his voice, Obama said that while no outside country can “impose change” on another, “We can really help. We can facilitate. We can make a difference.”

Full Story Here:
Obama exhorts US, allies to bolster Arab spring

I am done with using ANY degree of civility when posting about Barack Hussein Obama, his regime, his supporters and the Muslims they seem to be so in love with. I once felt that it was possible to dislike, even hate the MAN but still have at least some respect for the Office of The President. I can’t even respect the Office any more.

I have been called a racist and a bigot because of my deep hatred for everything Obama is and for everything he stands for.

There are those that believe I hate Obama because he’s Black. That is NOT true.

I hate Obama’s WHITE side just as much as I do his Black side, but his RACE is NOT what I hate, it’s his Socialist libber side that I hate. I truly detest the man because he is a LIAR, because he hates America and because he has tried his very best to destroy America.

I hate him because I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he pro-Islam and is a Muslim supporter, and is, more than likely, a Muslim at heart.

I hate Barack Hussein Obama because of this statement from The Audacity of Hope:

“Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

Obama states that he WILL stand with those that are enemies of America, Christianity, Judaism and a FREE way of life.

I have said this before, and I will repeat it again, Democracy and Islam are words that do NOT belong in the same sentence. Democracy and Islam are like oil and water, they don’t mix and they can’t coexist.

Islam, and its members, do get *the look* here in America. That *look* is because Islam is the sworn enemy of free people everywhere. Islam is sworn to convert ALL of humanity to their ‘Religion of death and destruction’ or kill those that refuse to submit.

Does that sound like a people we need to be friends with?

When there are riots in Muslim nations, supposedly riots that represent a Muslim people that want democracy, I never get involved nor do I offer support of any kind. That’s because these democracy riots are a crock of B.S.

No matter how democratic they appear to be during the upheaval, should a *democracy* movement win the day in an Islamic nation, they will immediately become an Anti-American, Sharia ruled Islamic dung heap as *Death to America* becomes the new mantra.

I am an America 1st kind of guy, and I don’t have any use for Muslims, Islam, Sharia Law or any rag-head SOB that is a part of it, or supports it, in ANY way.

If that makes me a racist, I am damned proud to BE a racist.

I have no problem bearing the mantle that a certain self proclaimed erudite and faux Conservative Political Science professor has placed upon me. I will always stand against the enemies of this nation, and Islam IS our enemy, I have stated that on many occasions and will continue to do so any time I feel it needs to be pointed out.

I don’t care who our enemies are, be they foreign or domestic, be they Islamic terrorists, socialists, ILLEGAL invaders from other nation, White, Black or brown, it makes me NO difference. An enemy is an enemy, not a race, but *some* seem to think it is.

I pity them and their incredible ignorance.

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11 Responses to Obama exhorts US, allies to bolster Arab spring

  1. Robert says:

    It’s extremely difficult to comment about Obama with out using some really foul language. IF the GOP can’t win in 2012 they should just pack it up and give all of DC to the Liberal/Progressive Democrats.

    This man is the epitome of American ignorance. Obama’s entire make up is based on America is the problem mentality. He’s vindictive, he’s shown his business sense. And if The republicans don’t kick his ass out of office next year there is NO HOPE for our nation.

  2. Always On Watch says:

    America voted for this Trojan Horse. I’ve never been in such despair in my life — that we have this Trojan Horse in the White House!

    Before we went to the polls, we had plenty of warnings, some of them in Obama’s own books — or books that he claimed to have written, anyway.

    Now, on to the “Arab Spring.” Today, a friend sent me “The Arab Spring from a Counter-Terrorism Perspective.”

    Quite an essay and one that should be of interest to all our national security people. Of course, our national security people, including our diplomats, are ignoring the FACTS about the Arab Spring!

    Indeed, even some of my blogging friends who should know better (They’ve studied Islam and its history extensively) are yapping about how the Arab Spring will bring democratic changes to Islamic nations. People whom I’ve known for years have turned into Pollyannas.

    As I said, I grow more and more dismayed every day!

  3. Tex says:

    People need to quit thinking of Islam as a religion. It is a totalitarian regimen ruled by misogynistic pedophiles. It is based on falsehoods and lies…a lot like our current administration.

  4. minuteman26 says:

    The leader of this country is also the enemy of this country. Am with you on this one Fred.

  5. Rich Timm says:

    Remember, the Oath I took 24 years ago had no expiration date and it applies to foreign & DOMESTIC enemies.

    It’s just a matter of time before we move to that stage and 1776 plays itself again.

  6. Rich Timm says:

    FYI-just ran across this little tidbit of info. Douche-bag Barry just can’t let the symbolism to islam rest.

    Today marks the commemoration of the fall of Constantinople and the end of the Byzantine Empire in 1453.

  7. TexasFred says:

    Rich — Did Obama make a point of bringing this up somewhere or what?

  8. Rich Timm says:

    Fred — No, I found this at Big Govt. site.

    Sunday Open Thread: Ottoman Edition

    I could not ignore the connection of it to obama’s speech.

    He calls for the support, both financial & logistically, of the Arab spring and the day he makes this call for support is the day the Byzantine empire falls to the scourge of islamic hordes.

    Just another of overt showings of his true islamic heart.

  9. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    And the funny thing is, Fred, I know that you got that phrase from me. And I cannot tell you how I love you for it: “Sharia Law and Democracy cannot co-exist.”

    Plus, I have said for — literally — years: Islam is as Islam does.”

    Buddy, you and I are both on the same page here.

    PRECISELY on the same page, sir.

    Which is why, I should care to point out, that YOU are on the TOP of my The Usual Suspects list and, I hope, why I am on top of yours.

    I wish, quite, that WE could wake UP the rest of this nation!


  10. Patrick Sperry says:

    “Arab Spring..?” Give me a break. Islam is out to rule the entire world. Period. I’m still in favor of cashing in on our massive investment in ICBM’s, and to hell with what the rest of the world thinks.

  11. TexasFred says:

    BZ — It’s funny, we have at times disagreed, but over all we’re too damned much alike for the good of the moonbats.. :P

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