Taxpayers Will Pay for Obama Bus Tour of Battleground States, Says White House
( - President Barack Obama’s upcoming bus tour through the Midwest states typically viewed as swing states during presidential election years will be paid for by the taxpayers, the White House says.
Obama will start the tour on Aug. 15 and will talk about strengthening jobs and the economy, the White House announced on Tuesday.
“He is very happily getting out into the country again after a very sustained period here in Washington and he looks forward to talking to folks about growing the economy, creating jobs,” said White House Press Secretary Jay Carney. “We will have more details, as I said, about the specifics of the trip.”
Full Story Here:
Taxpayers Will Pay for Obama Bus Tour of Battleground States, Says White House
This piece from CNS is a bit old but it serves to remind ALL of us, Barack Hussein Obama, in addition to being the worst President this nation has ever known, IS, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a LIAR, a CHEAT and a thief.
His staff lies. Obama lies. It’s a never ending cycle of lies.
White House Propaganda Chief Jay Carney said, “We will have more details, as I said, about the specifics of the trip.” and those details were not forthcoming, at least not in TRUTH! Does anyone have ANY credible information that states Obama was going out on a CAMPAIGN mission? Weren’t we told that Obama was going out to speak to part of the nation concerning jobs, the markets, the economy and so forth?
So far, all Obama has done is blame George W. Bush for ALL that is wrong in America and attempt to make himself look blameless.
Obama is abusing the taxpayer by having them pay for a *bus tour* that is nothing more than an *Obama Pity Party*, and one where he is not being met with much pity! I don’t believe that was a part of the Obama Bus Tour plan.
Yes, I did Photoshop the text on the bus, but I defy ANYONE to show me where it’s not a case of 100% truth in advertising.
Obama fences, parries at start of Midwestern tour
GUTTENBERG, Iowa (AP) — Rolling by bus through the heart of the country, President Barack Obama turned his attention to farmers Tuesday, promoting rural economic policies to fire up anemic job growth.
Obama is offering a mix of offense and defense that signals both his governing approach for the remainder of his term and the evolution of a campaign message for his re-election bid. SOURCE
Offense = BUSH DID IT…
Defense = I am as innocent and pure as the driven snow and I have fixed the economy, the GOP just won’t accept MY fix…
OK, maybe *driven snow* is NOT an appropriate descriptive.
The fact of the matter is this: In 2012 Obama has got to go and America must elect a real Conservative that can put America back on the path of greatness and financial success.
I am SO stealing that bus graphic. Brilliant Photoshopping Phred (sorry, couldn’t help myself).
I’m adding it to my post a Shovel Ready.
Excellent post Fred. (See, I can spell it right when I want to.
More fleecing of the taxpayers. Ugh.
You are not totally wrong by using that term…you should see some snow I’ve driven over…it’s dark and nasty looking.
I heard he has 3 buses and one is suppose to be used later by the GOP candidate after Perry wins…I mean after whoever gets the call.
Amen to your last sentence, Fred. Love the bus. Well done!