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Cartoonist arrested for ‘insulting people’

May 16th, 2008 . by TexasFred

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - A Dutch political cartoonist was arrested this week on suspicion of insulting people because of their race or religion through his work, authorities said Friday.

The cartoonist, who works under the pseudonym Gregorius Nekschot, was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of violating hate speech laws and held overnight before being released, a spokeswoman for his publisher Uitgeverij Xtra said.

“He was arrested with a great show of force, by around 10 policemen,” the spokeswoman said.

She asked that her name not be used, and declined to give Nekschot’s real name, because the cartoonist and publisher have both received death threats.

Nekschot is known primarily for cartoons mocking Muslims and leftists, though the spokeswoman said he is a satirist who targets “any strong ideology.”

Amsterdam public prosecutor spokeswoman Sanne van Meteren said Nekschot remains a suspect in a criminal investigation.

“We suspect him of insulting people on the basis of their race or belief, and possibly also of inciting hate,” she said.

Full Story Here:
Cartoonist arrested for ‘insulting people’

We may have a lot of problems here in the USA but there is one thing that we do have that many other nations of the world doesn’t have, and that is FREEDOM of speech, at least we have that right for now…

The Netherlands is a founding member of the EU and Americans have become painfully aware of the dangers that the EU, and their obvious appeasement of radical Islam have brought on the world, this story illustrates what an overly PC nation and laws can do to the citizens OF that nation…

Hate speech, while a childish and likely useless effort, is still nothing more than speech, when an article or cartoon can be perceived as insulting, and that insult being a punishable offense, well, that’s taking PCness a bit too far in MY opinion…

Once in a while a deliberate insult is in order too, and that’s mostly because you just can’t reach through the screen and bitch-slap some asshat that truly deserves it…

If folks that post on the ‘net and read on the ‘net are so easily insulted, or so immature that they allow those perceived insults to bother them, maybe they need to read some 17th and 18th century literature and novels, might be a mind expanding and non-insulting experience for the weak-minded little twits…

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3 Responses to “Cartoonist arrested for ‘insulting people’”

  1. comment number 1 by: Cartoonist arrested for ‘insulting people’

    [...] Cross Posted at: Cartoonist arrested for ‘insulting people’ [...]

  2. comment number 2 by: Basti


  3. comment number 3 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    But do not think that we’re not heading somewhat in this direction; when the Demorats kick Obama into the White House, the Fairness Doctrine or something very MUCH like it will rear its head once again — trust me, you can count on it. That will completely kill talk radio, commentators, a good portion of news/commentary and the Demorats won’t give one shit about it.
