Sen. Edward Kennedy has malignant brain tumor
May 20th, 2008 . by TexasFredBOSTON (AP) - A cancerous brain tumor caused the seizure Sen. Edward M. Kennedy suffered over the weekend, doctors said Tuesday in a grim diagnosis for one of American politics most enduring figures. He remains in good spirits and full of energy, the doctors for the 76-year-old Massachusetts Democrat said in a statement.
They said tests conducted after the seizure showed a tumor in Kennedys left parietal lobe. Preliminary results from a biopsy of the brain identified the cause of the seizure as a malignant glioma, they said.
His treatment will be decided after more tests but the usual course includes combinations of radiation and chemotherapy.
Kennedy has been hospitalized in Boston since Saturday, when he was airlifted from Cape Cod after a seizure at his home.
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Sen. Edward Kennedy has malignant brain tumor
Do we operate under a system of equal justice under law? Or is there one system for the average citizen and another for the high and mighty?
Senator Ted Kennedy, 1973
I wonder, when the hallucinations set in, and they will, I wonder if Sen. Kennedy will ask that question of Mary Jo Kopechne, will he use that as his justification for her death??
I am sure there will be a reckoning, and a time when Kennedy answers for that incident in his near future
Mary Jo Kopechne (July 26, 1940 - July 18, 1969) was an American teacher, secretary and administrator, notable for her death in a car accident on Chappaquiddick Island in a car driven by Senator Ted Kennedy. SOURCE
So, here we go again, just like last weekend, the MSM has a bleeding heart story to flood the airwaves with, even FOX News, all of them, they are singing the praises of Ted Kennedy as if he were being Canonized, and ya know, that wouldnt surprise me either, knowing the desperation of his followers for another idol to worship
In all the ballyhoo being spewed by the MSM I have yet to hear them call him a murderer, a drunk, a womanizer, and adulterer, an abortion supporting liberal or any of that, hes getting a free pass from ALL of them, and hes not even dead yet, I wonder what we’ll hear when that takes place?
Excuse me if I can’t offer up any sympathy for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, I despised him in life and I will not denigrate myself by becoming a hypocrite as his death approaches.
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American and Proud
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[...] …Debate Politics Forums -|||Sen. Edward Kennedy has malignant brain tumorMary Jo Kopechne (July 26, 1940 – July 18, 1969) was an American teacher, secretary and [...]
I know it sounds mean, and I seriously wish no one any harm, BUT, my first thought was “see what happens when you advocate the murder of the unborn, and endorse the anti-Christ for President ? ”
He is not the first person to suffer from cancer, his family is not the only one beset with tragedy after tragedy, and I’m tired of hearing about him already. Again.
a bit of this, that and some other damn thing…
Thoughts on everystuff :
Robert, from American and Proud, has a plea for assistance up at his place ( no, it does not require money )
He has been helping so many of us NOT tech savvy folks with our blogs lately, and his on got wounded in the process. …
[...] Sen. Edward Kennedy has malignant brain tumorMary Jo Kopechne (July 26, 1940 – July 18, 1969) was an American teacher, secretary and administrator, notable for her death in a car accident on Chappaquiddick Island in a car driven by Senator Ted Kennedy. SOURCE …TexasFred's - [...]
My dad had cancer and nobody made a fuss about it. And it killed him. At least he didn’t kill a young woman in the best years of her life. And he actually served the nation in combat.
No, I have zero sympathy for a man who has deemed himself above the law due to his family name and his postition.
I doubt that G-d will have mercy on his soul. Mainly because he has no soul.
[...] Cross Posted at TexasFred’s [...]
Well I don’t have sympathy for the seditious son of a bitch!
For whatever it’s worth, my Daddy died of a very aggressive form of cancer which killed him within days of it being diagnosed. He didn’t want any fuss made over him so instead of having a funeral, memorial service or anything like that, he donated his body to science thereby figuratively “riding quietly off into the sunset.”
As to Ted “I got away with manslaughter” Kennedy: I have absolutely zero respect for the man nor anyone as far as I can determine from the Kennedy clan.
‘Nuff said.
I know a guy who was killed just the other day down in NC in a motorcycle accident. I don’t know the details, but he was 35, married, with a one boy. No one is going to make a fuss over this and 35 is real young for biting the dust. So I can’t work up any sympathy for a 76 year old Kennedy bastard who got away with murder and is one of the worst politicians this country has ever had.
No matter what his politics is I cannot wish harm on him. I will pray for his speedy recovery and wish him and his family all the best. I feel that it is the right thing to do, regardless of what he did in the past.
He couldn’t leave this world soon enough. everyday he is here more people suffer and die from his poor decisions.
If he is healed of this let it be a full miricle with compassion and God centered judgement to replace his defective thoughts.
Well? I posted some pretty mean things about him on my blog, and got blasted by a lot of “Christians” for doing so. Guess what? Like Fred, I am not the least bit ashamed of feeling what the Germans call “shadenfrought.”
he killed that girl, and never once has shown remorse. He passed laws that got two friends on mine raped because they couldn’t properly and effectively defend themselves. Three others went bankrupt and have never recovered because of laws and policies that he helped to enact, or supported. I really could go on and on. But you know what? He just isn’t worth it. Go to hell ASAP, and rot there.
Wow! I guess I was getting wrapped up in the news, thank you all for waking me up! I like the shadenfreude comment the best. When I heard brain tumor, I was surprised, I thought for sure it would be liver disease! Well at least he’s already embalmed. He won’t be going swimming for a while! Somewhere, Mary Jo is laughing…. Thanks for the “pick me up”, Fred, I thoroughly enjoyed it.