U.N.: Bomb Iran and face Mideast ball of fire

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - The U.N. nuclear watchdog chief warned in comments aired Saturday that any military strike on Iran could turn the Mideast to a “ball of fire” and lead Iran to a more-aggressive stance on its controversial nuclear program.

The comments by Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, came in an interview with an Arab television station aired Saturday, a day after U.S. officials said they believed recent large Israeli military exercises may have been meant to show Israel’s ability to hit Iran’s nuclear sites.

“In my opinion, a military strike will be the worst… it will turn the Middle East to a ball of fire,” ElBaradei said on Al-Arabiya television. It also could prompt Iran to press even harder to seek a nuclear program, and force him to resign, he said.

Iran on Saturday also criticized the Israeli exercises. The official IRNA news agency quoted a government spokesman as saying that the exercises demonstrate Israel “jeopardizes global peace and security.”

Full Story Here:
U.N.: Bomb Iran and face Mideast ‘ball of fire’

Can someone, anyone, answer this question? WHY is everyone so scared of Iran?

I think it’s fairly obvious that Mohamed ElBaradei will likely side with Iran, but other than that, WHY is Iran so feared? WHY is Iran’s reaction to being attacked such a worry? Iran doesn’t have nuclear capabilities, YET, so, in my mind, this is the perfect time to strike, wipe out their entire nuclear program, turn the entire thing into rubble, small pieces of rubble.

Israel was criticized for it’s military exercises recently. By Iran and ElBaradei.

ElBaradei thinks that if Israel attacks Iran it may force him to resign? No kidding, resign? Like anyone cares WHAT ElBaradei does? All ElBaradei is doing now is protecting Iran and his little buddy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the man who said that Israel would be wiped off of the map.

Now I can’t speak for all the citizens of the USA, but as for me, I applaud Israel for the restraint they’ve shown so far, it’s a miracle that they haven’t already leveled Tehran, and I personally wouldn’t blame them if they did, their very existence has been threatened, their lives, homes, jobs, families, everything they have is threatened by a little piss-ant wannabe dictator, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

I have issues with Iran, I have had since November 4, 1979 when our Embassy was attacked and it’s occupants were held hostage by the government of Iran for 444 days, under the administration of the weakest WIMP to ever inhabit the White House, Jimmy Carter.

Carter did nothing to bring about the release of those hostages, nothing that was successful, and the reason he lacked ANY success was simply because the Iranians knew he was a wimp.

Those hostages were released just minutes after Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President, and do you know WHY? The Iranians knew that Mr. Reagan had BALLS and he was about to bring their nation to it’s knees, everything we had in the region was on HIGH ALERT and ready for immediate action and the only thing that stopped the USA from leveling Tehran was the FACT that they succumbed to their greatest fear, the fear of our military power, and that is exactly what it’s going to take to bring Iran into line this time.

Now Iran is holding Israel hostage, IF Israel attacks Iran we need to give Israel everything they need to accomplish their mission, we MUST support the Israelis, they are our friends and allies, and the only glimmer of sanity and hope in the entire region.

Some people, especially those that have never been, just don’t realize this 1 hard, cold and indisputable fact, WAR IS HELL, people die, innocent men, women and children die, it’s the nature of the beast, it’s called collateral damage and while it is regrettable, it is unavoidable, Israel can either go to war and take care of business, or continue to live with the threat of Iran hanging over their heads.

Cross Posted at Reject the U.N.

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24 Responses to U.N.: Bomb Iran and face Mideast ball of fire

  1. Colin in Canada says:

    Could not have said this better myself. All the radical arabs and muslims have to be brought into line, or eliminated. They are a clear and present danger to all the we hold near and dear in our free world.
    All they seem to understand is violence, so lets show them what they really want. And do it right this time.

  2. Kate says:

    Ok, I’ve got a really stupid question. If the whole Middle East becomes a fireball, then won’t they all be toast? I mean, it’s kind of hard to do any retaliating on anyone if you are a crispy critter.

  3. TexasFred says:

    Kate, I think that was just ElBaradei trying to scare the beJesus out of everyone, I may be wrong but I have the idea that he ‘sides’ with Iran, Islamic brothers and all…

  4. Kate says:

    Oh, well hey….I hope he’s in the area when the fireball hits. Join his crispy critter buds. :)

  5. Jo says:

    “Ok, I’ve got a really stupid question. If the whole Middle East becomes a fireball, then won’t they all be toast? I mean, it’s kind of hard to do any retaliating on anyone if you are a crispy critter.”

    Kate and I are of the same mind. I do know there is no way to negotiate any peace with Iran, it will take a strike, and should be done asap. Diplomacy does not work with violent people. Israel needs to kick ass and be done.

  6. Robert says:

    The same thing should have been done in Iraq… Leveling the place would leave room for doubt, You know…. There were WMD’s they were destroyed in the hail of Nuclear and conventional munitions. Prove otherwise.

    it will not happen Fred, not until we get a REAL man like Reagan in the leadership role. Reagan would have ran the Iraq issue much better, and McCain would assuredly screw it up as well as Obama will.

  7. Basti says:

    Iran ain’t never got over getting their asses kicked by Alexander the Great. Looks like now they want a go at Israel and that bodes ill for Iran.

  8. Pingback: Southern Sass on Crime

  9. Katie says:

    When I saw this I laughed. He would resign if Israel attacked Iran? Why? Because he is hiding their weapons program. That’s why. This is what happens when you put the foxes in charge of the hen house.

  10. Cary says:

    I’m with Jo and Kate.

    These sand-pounders (deferring to the sensibilities of the ladies who read this blog) need to get it through their trog heads that they are asking to be bounced - hard - into last century, or the century before.

    Israel has taken care of the nuclear issue with Iran before, they will do it again.

    And we, as a country, BETTER back their play - because if we don’t, we will be showing the world we are no longer in possession of our gonads. And that, my friends, will show the terrorists that they are, in fact, starting to make progress.

  11. Ranando says:

    I’m with Robert….

    If it’s not going to done right, don’t do it.

  12. Paul, Miami Florida says:

    Iran is playing with fire, nuclear fire and will get burned. To publicly state that Israel is to be destroyed is a call to war. That the Israelis do not bomb them all to Hell is remarkable. Such restraint. Iran’s window of survivability is past. I do believe that their end is coming soon. Radical Islam can not get along with the world and will be dealt with one way or another. It is up to them to decide if they will survive.
    Hopefully, enough of Iran will be left that they can rebuild a sane country able to get along with others. That UN guy’s just another Muslim trying to support Iran and destroy Israel. Threatening to quit? Good, one less to worry about. There is no credibility in the Muslim world. You can bet and bank on that the Israelis will defend themselves and do what they need to do.

  13. Cary says:

    I just had a thought - if Iran is bombed beyond all redemption, then the whole “where do we store the spent nuclear fuel” issue gets solved, too.


  14. Top Gun says:

    It is very improper to wish hostilities upon such a friendly country as Iran when they have gone out of their way to show their deep love for mankind. Their friendly religion is a positive example others in the world should immolate to seek the peace they offer and spread.

    To not allow them to seek Nuclear power so they can spread their deep love and become a prosperous country is a sign others speak of hypocrisy only. Once they have established Nuclear power, they will only use it to teach their citizens and better their economy so their citizens can live within a democratic government.

    Muslims wish to only bring peace and harmony with Nuclear capabilities.

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  16. christmasghost says:

    Good old MO’ ….he’s always so helpful isn’t he? AND he’ll resign if Iran gets bombed? My gawd…it’s atwofer!!!!
    BOMB BOMB BOMB, bomb bomb IRAN……has such a zippy ring to it.

  17. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    Any disruption in the Middle East will equate to a massive disruption in the flow of oil to the US. Period.

    The overarching question: is it worth it now? The overarching question later: was it worth it in a global context?

    We can flex our muscles as desired — but we a mere percentile of the Giant we once were thanks to a succession of presidents.


  18. ablur says:

    Iran will do nothing. They are nothing more then toothless dogs barking and growling hoping no one will call their bluff. If anything happens at all it will be one of their terrorist arms that they can continue pretending they don’t know.

    Once they get a nuclear weapon the table turns. Stomp them now and hard. Prepare for the mosquitoes of Humas and Hezbolla.

  19. Andrew Paquette says:

    As far as I’m concerned, all these statements by Ahmadinajad about destroying Israel are so many declarations of war. If Israel attacks, it is in response to the war declarations already made by Iran, and their growing nuclear capability. This is beyond restraint, I think Israel has been too timid also, probably because the US is trying to work out a “diplomatic” solution and doesn’t want Israel getting in the way.

    There are plenty of good people in the US and Israel who understand perfectly well that Iran is currently engaged in a covert war with the US in Iraq and has declared war against Israel, with several mideast allies lined up to assist. Unfortunately, there are enough people in the way who do not understand the situation for what it is, who actually think there might be a diplomatic solution, primarily on the basis that they want one, and who beleive in the concept that a story having two sides necessarily means that a half-way compromise is always in everyone’s interests. Sometimes, one side is a hundred percent wrong, as is the case here, and compromise, is inappropriate.

    Bush should just go on TV and call it for what it is, “Fellow citizens, Iran has been at war with US forces for the past several years in Iraq. They have sent their own troops, weapons, money, materials, and support into Iraq for the express purpose of killing US soldiers on Iraqi soil in a false-flag operation intended to disguise their role in the war. These acts of war were ignored at first in the hopes of a diplomatic solution to their repeated war activities against US servicemen and women in Iraq. They have murdered our soldiers in combat, they have committed acts of war, they have denied it. They are cowards. Now, we make it official: Iran has been at war with the US for several years in Iraq, today, we have brought the war to Iran. As I speak, military targets in Iran are being destroyed by US warplanes.”

    In Israel, I’m really shocked that they keep giving territory for no return other than empty promises. It’s time to say to the Palestinian leadership, “We gave up the Golan Heights and the West Bank on the condition that a permanent cease-fire and normalized relations ensued. This has not happened. You have violated the conditions of the agreement, and will now be ejected from those territories forcibly. As for Iran, there’s no time like right now to deal with their craven war threats. Al-Baradei, with all due respect (not much) just isn’t important enough to hold up any of these things for.

    The region will erupt into war, possibly involving Iran, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Russia, North Korea, China, and America; but sometimes when your house has become a roach motel, it’s time to fumigate, even if it means sleeping in a hotel for a few weeks.

  20. BobF says:

    Logistics: The aspect of military science dealing with the procurement, maintenance, and transportation of military material, facilities, and personnel (Websters definition)

    Logistics; that’s the key Iran doesn’t possess. It doesn’t matter how “powerful” a nation is, they have to have the ability to project their military might. When England sent a naval task force to retake the Falkin Islands back in the early 80’s, it nearly broke the nation. The US regularly sends out naval task forces, of the same size, on training missions. As far as I know, the US is the only nation on earth that can project its military might globally.

    Unless they have air refueling capability, Iranian fighter aircraft are limited to the duration of their internal fuel cells. Taking off with a bomb load severely limits their range and most likely if they can reach Israel, they won’t be able to return to Iran. Iran doesn’t posses the capability to project their military forces much further than their borders. The only forces they can deploy are Suicide Bombers. Also, the moment an Iranian fighter breaks ground, spy satellites and AWACS will have picked them up.

    It would only take a few B-2’s to set Iran’s military capability back decades. No need to send in ground forces. We know it, they know it, and the world knows it. So, the question is, why are we allowing these piss-ants to dictate to the world?

  21. christmasghost says:

    I’m with BobF……..why are we letting these Iranian pissants dictate who lives and who dies when we are actually the ones with that capability? And God help the world IF Iran gets that capability….and I think they are very very close right now.
    We need to bomb them physically back into the 7th century…that’s where they are mentally anyway……….
    The second best scenario would be that Israel bombs them into oblivion and then we do the clean up………neutron bomb anyone?
    The best scenario that idiot Clinton finished off,sadly…ah, for the good old days of a really strong CIA. Iran is pretty close to having the people take over…so close, that with a little help from their “friends” [covertly of course] it would happen. But Bubba just knew better didn’t he?
    Like all liberals/Marxists all he wanted to do was grab power for himself while stripping America of hers……..

  22. christmasghost says:

    President Bush was showing movies in the theater in the white house during the visit of a visiting Saudi bigwig.The first movie was Star Trek and after watching it intently the Saudi turned to the president and said “I don’t get it. There was a black woman, a Russian guy, and Chinese man….even people from other worlds.So where are the Arabs?”
    The President looked at him in amazement and said “This movie takes place in the future…there aren’t any Arabs………..”
    Couldn’t resist………..

  23. Kate says:

    Dang CG, that was priceless!!! LMAO

  24. christmasghost says:

    hey kate….i know..i just love that joke too. if you tell it to a friend deliver it deadpan, it takes a minute to sink in and then the laughter begins….