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Iran test-fires missiles in Persian Gulf

July 9th, 2008 . by TexasFred

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran test-fired nine long- and medium-range missiles Wednesday during war games that officials said aimed to show the country can retaliate against any U.S. and Israeli attack, state television reported.

Gen. Hossein Salami, the air force commander of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards, said the exercise would “demonstrate our resolve and might against enemies who in recent weeks have threatened Iran with harsh language,” the TV report said.

Wednesday’s war games were being conducted at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic waterway through which about 40 percent of the world’s oil passes. Iran has threatened to shut down traffic in the strait if attacked.

The report showed footage of at least three missiles firing simultaneously, and said the barrage included a new version of the Shahab-3 missile, which officials have said has a range of 1,250 miles and is armed with a 1-ton conventional warhead.

Full Story Here:
Iran test-fires missiles in Persian Gulf

I am fairly certain that we have at least as much data programed into Cruise missiles with Iran in the program as we ever did with Baghdad, but that’s just me talking.

I know for a fact that we have stealth bombers that can deliver deadly loads with precise accuracy, and then egress the area undetected, keeping their crews as safe as is possible in an act of self defense. And any attack on the nation of Iran, or the city of Tehran at this point could easily be defended as self defense at this point.

If done correctly, the command and government structure of Iran could be wiped out without so much a 1 U.S. serviceman having to put boots on the ground in a combat operation.

We don’t need to *liberate* the Iranians, no more than we needed to *liberate* the Iraqis, we need to remove the diabolical Muslim leadership and let the people of Iran take their own course in life.

Iran has always had an Islamic segment in place, but until the Shah was deposed and Ayatollah Khomeini took over, Iran was a wonderful place, great food, magnificent landscape, friendly people and beautiful women, not Arab women, Persian.

The population if Iran was a fairly moderate lot, until radical Islam took over the government, yet even today there are many more progressive and modern Iranians than there are radical Islamic moonbats.

Take out the Islamic leadership and Iran becomes a beautiful nation once again, and then that region of the world will be a lot more peaceful, including Iraq.

And as an after thought, maybe we need to send Syria an engraved card, with a picture of Mecca and Medina, with a 1 word message: NEXT!

“I assure you that there won’t be any war in the future,” Ahmadinejad told a news conference Tuesday during a visit to Malaysia for a summit of developing Muslim nations.

And I assure you, nothing that this man says can ever be believed, he is a liar and a manipulator, and I am of the firm belief that he is only trying to buy a bit more time for the Iranian military to strengthen itself further.

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28 Responses to “Iran test-fires missiles in Persian Gulf”

  1. comment number 1 by: Kate

    I must be extremely confused. I thought Mr. Ahmabooboo was the one threatening to wipe Israel off the map, along with the “great satan” of course. Wow, I really must be a ……RACIST….for even thinking such a thing.

  2. comment number 2 by: Robert

    You Said “And as an after thought, maybe we need to send Syria an engraved card, with a picture of Mecca and Medina, with a 1 word message: NEXT!”

    Why the warning Fred? Are you getting soft at your old age? I mean damn, we would already have birds in the air, whats a few more targets among friends.

    The whole situation is eerily similar to the saber rattling of old, but back then we had American guts, nerve, and COURAGE in our country to do what’s right and do it well. NOW we have Code Pink, the KO’s Kids and those like them that would rather kneel to avoid conflict than actually take action to avoid a greater one.

  3. comment number 3 by: Wicked Step Mother

    amen….I couldn’t have said it better.

  4. comment number 4 by: Kate

    @ Robert Odds are, their kneeling will be right before they get their heads whacked off, still wondering “what did I do?”

  5. comment number 5 by: FHB

    Just turn it all to glass. End of problem. OK, maybe start of new problem, but we have LOTS of bombs.

  6. comment number 6 by: Mark Krauss

    this is a perfect example of how waffling, whining and sniveling causes problems. Ahimanutcase is pushing our buttons because he thinks he can. why? probably because he watches US news programs with the likes of Pelosi, Reid, and our candidates and newspeople crying, whining and sniveling 24/7. what kind of image are we projecting abroad? strength? HAHA!! funny, eh?
    Prjecting a united and determined front against terrorism would save is a lot of military lives and hardware. but alas, US politics has devolved into primary school recess bickering and name calling.

  7. comment number 7 by: Gawfer

    Well, It’s nice to know Obama has a plan… Unconditional negotiations with tehran as he told Diane Sawyer yesterday.

    If we don’t act, and he’s elected el presidente, the Middle East will become a radioactive Barren Land for sure.

  8. comment number 8 by: Basti

    ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ has a plan for this its called, “UNCODITIONAL SURRENDER,” on our part.

  9. comment number 9 by: BobF

    I wonder if the Iranian’s realize that right now, sitting in silos in America, are Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles targeted at their cities?

  10. comment number 10 by: Katie

    10 MT each on Mecca and Medina would do wonders for the place. It would be a real improvement. We could call it urban planning.

  11. comment number 11 by: Gawfer

    “…We could call it urban planning…”

    Don’t you mean Turban planning? :D

  12. comment number 12 by: Jenn

    I could use a new glass ashtray.

    The jihadi’s laugh at us right now. Our own media poops in our underwear drawer.

    Time to show them we’re not kidding.

  13. comment number 13 by: Mark Krauss

    The only thing the US is doing by not DOING anything but WHINING like a spoiled toddler about it is that they are FORCING the one party that risks complete annihilation, Israel, to HAVE to act on this. what’s going to happen when they do? the whole Muslim world will be in an uproar, their military backers, Russia, will be in an uproar with them. do you want to see what happens when the largest, most powerful democracy in the world elects f-king idiots to lead them? world war 3, very possibly nuclear exchange between US and Russia, who have opposing protection agreements in this (very likely) event.

  14. comment number 14 by: Mark Krauss

    Political correctness, and concern for our “image” abroad is going to carry one hell of a price tag. I guess we can tell our kids “sorry, but we didn’t want to offend the cultured and refined minds of Europe.” when they are glowing in the dark, eh?

  15. comment number 15 by: TexasFred

    Mark, you put it much more eloquently than I could have…

    PCness is going to kill America…

    Example?? If a black person calls you a *cracker* and you, in turn, call HIM a *nigger*, who’s the un-PC racist??

    Case closed…

  16. comment number 16 by: Aaron - Elephant Forum

    I know this is getting repetitive, but Obamanation has only been a “working” Senator for about 143 days. What the hell are people thinking. There are those in this country who are looking to this guy to solve our international issues with Iran…as well as Iraq, Afgan, and domestic issues. I have only been around for 37 years and even I could do a better job at running this country then this boobie. What does he think Achmed-iamnuts-a-job is going to do? Back down once you flex your intellect with him. “Oh, Mr. President, I am glad we have a fellow believer in the White House. Let us work together to undermine Israel…we can be friends, and sip tea together.” Kiss Kiss Hug Hug. If this country or should I say half of this country elects Obamaboobie it is all over! The liberalization of our children will be in full force. The plan has always been to desensitize the younger generation to Abortion, Homosexuals, Anti-gun, Socialize health care and every other institution. It may not happen next year or 10 years from now, but it’s coming. You may not kill a frog by sticking him in boiling water, but just turn the heat up ever so slowing and he will never notice the change in temp. Do you feel the water getting warmer….I do.

  17. comment number 17 by: Gawfer

    That’s be you, Fred. Ain’t no niggers left. Just Crackers and the Man… Or was that Chico and the Man?

  18. comment number 18 by: BobF

    Fred, if you now use the term “Black Hole”, that’s considered racist. A judge in Dallas ordered a Commissioner (white) to apologize to another Commissioner (black) because the white Commissioner used the term Black Hole to refer to where paperwork ends up.


  19. comment number 19 by: TexasFred

    BobF, we were just going over that at Misha’s: http://www.nicedoggie.net/2008/?p=1083#comments

  20. comment number 20 by: Gawfer

    I think that was “Black Ho”

  21. comment number 21 by: Mark Krauss

    I think black ho’s used to be a problem around big town blvd., dunno if they still are these days….

  22. comment number 22 by: Bushwack

    Well thank GOD he didn’t use the term “nappy headed Black Ho” that would have got his butt fired.

  23. comment number 23 by: TexasFred

    I wish all of you vile, bog dwelling racists would stop being vile, bog dwelling racists, you’re making this look like a vile. bog dwelling racist blog… :P

  24. comment number 24 by: TexasFred

    Wait, this IS a vile, bog dwelling racist blog, Dr. Dickless told us it was… :P

  25. comment number 25 by: Mark Krauss

    I can’t be a bog dweller, I live in the hills. besides, we were taking about these weren’t we?

  26. comment number 26 by: TexasFred

    Well Mark, I think that somewhere, in the original inception, yeah, we were, the it got a little off track… :P

  27. comment number 27 by: silent E speaks - Conservatively Speaking from Western Waukesha County » Iran……

    [...] a little bit of what Texas Fred has to [...]

  28. comment number 28 by: Wayne from Jeremaih Films

    Obama’s non position on issues in the middle east McCain vs Obama on Iraq War is the same kind of double speak that Iraq used to invade Kuwait.

    We can not afford to do anything less than make a clear statement then stick too it.