Convicted murderer Wesley Ruiz sentenced to death
July 12th, 2008 . by TexasFredConvicted capital murderer Wesley Lynn Ruiz was sentenced to death late Friday for the fatal shooting of a Dallas police officer.
The Dallas County jury deliberated for more than 10 hours before sentencing him to death for capital murder in the killing of Dallas police Senior Cpl. Mark Nix.
As the verdict was read Mr. Ruiz’s mother, Barbara Ruiz, sobbed into a crumbled tissue and turned to her mother for comfort.
Mr. Ruiz, 28, fatally shot Cpl. Nix after a high-speed chase in 2007. Mr. Ruiz testified last month during the guilt-innocence phase of the trial that he thought police were shooting at the car in which he was hiding. The jury did not believe his self-defense claim.
The courtroom was cleared about 6 p.m. tonight so the jury could watch the police dash camera recording of Cpl. Nix being shot. The recording was played repeatedly during the guilt-innocence phase of the trial and was also played during closing arguments earlier today.
Full Story Here:
Convicted murderer Ruiz sentenced to death
I remember the afternoon that Senior Cpl. Mark Nix was shot and killed, vivid memories. One of our local news stations was all over the incident. At the moment it was one of those high speed car chases that TV media is so fond of showing.
It turned deadly in an instant.
I am very happy with this verdict, a Texas jury can get it right, and our citizens don’t take kindly to *cop killers*. If Ruiz had been given a life sentence instead of the death penalty, Dallas would have erupted.
My only regret is that Ruiz was alive to even see a trial. It would have saved Dallas and Texas a lot of money if the DPD officers had been able to take Ruiz out, on the spot.
If you read this article in full, you will see that Ruiz was not exactly a model citizen and his upcoming demise will be no loss to this world.
Burn in HELL you bastard!
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You guys “have it right” in Texas a lot of the time, but the PC bullshit is drifting into your state as well. This is one time we should be thankful the jury DID get it right.
Sadly, yes, you’re right, some PCness and *wussyism* is creeping in, but with any luck, we’ll overcome that too…
So, in 15 or 20 years, the world will be, MAYBE, rid of another POS. It’s a shame they don’t carry out the sentence immediately anymore. But golly gee, that would “cruel and unusual”. Pfft!
Yep, the jury got it right!
What is the cost per inmate to support a death row convict, $25K a year?
$25K x 10 years = another $250K down the drain.
It is ridiculous tax payers have to support people who have been found guilty and there is hard core evidence, “a tape”, that clearly shows the facts therefore hard core facts should override the right to an appeal. That is justice, not ten years wading through an appeal process.
He was found guilty. Hang him in less than a week in the public square as an example for all people to see what will happen when you commit murder.
[...] Convicted murderer Wesley Ruiz sentenced to death - Texas Fred’s [...]
TopGun your figures are wrong. Now he gets free legal representation all the way up to the 9 Crows. It will be years before Justice is finally served at a cost to the taxpayer of $2 million.
Now the cost of a bullet fired by the police is much, much lower. Too bad he had to live. Would have saved the honest, law abiding taxpayers of Texas millions of dollars.
I hate it when the government wastes taxpayer money like that.
Haley, what’s wrong?? Did we hit a nerve because we’re ALL quite happy that this scum of the earth Ruiz is gonna ride the juice?? If he means EVERYTHING to you, you must be as big a scumbag as he is…
As I said, I can’t wait for him to BURN IN HELL, and if I am still on this earth when it happens, I’ll make a post on the son of a bitch and his demise…
Haley is apparently in love with a murderer, she left a very NASTY message, she’s apparently not very well educated, she can’t express herself without the *F* word, a lot of the *F* word…
I have it saved for proof Haley, I won’t have some trashy wannabe GANG BITCH come in here cussing me and my readers out…
And Haley, GOOD MEN don’t run from the police in a wild car chase, GOOD MEN don’t commit murder in an attempt to avoid capture, murderers do…
And now Ruiz is going to PAY for his murder of a fine police officer, he’s going to pay with his WORTHLESS life…
And if it were tonight it wouldn’t be ANY too soon…
My first thought was “GOOD”. But alas, it won’t happen any time soon. He will probably die of old age before he is executed with all the appeals they get these days.
He deserved the death penalty for killing a police officer. I used to work with officer Nix’s mother. I hate to think what she has gone through. I think of the death penalty as permanent rehabilitation. Like Ron White says in Texas we have an “express line” for executions.
Mark was a good kid, dedicated to helping others throughout his life. Revenge? NO. Justice! YES.
We have gotten away from just punishment in the US. I pray that Mr. Ruiz would see his need for help and turn his life over to Jesus. I am grateful that the jury has come to the right decision and allowed the punishment to fit the crime. This brings some relief and closure for us. Thank you all.
Uncle Dave, my son and his wife are both officers, my brother, my brother in law and his wife are retired officers, this hit very close to home for us…
Someone named Haley Austin tried to get a post in here cussing all of us out, saying that Ruiz was a good man, it may not have even been real, in the blog world you tend to see a lot of *drive by* trouble makers that are too ignorant to post anything worth reading, so they try to disrupt a decent blog with their garbage…
I am sure Mark Nix was a good guy, not a doubt in my mind, I was watching when this all went down, and my only thought after Mark was hit was, WHY in the hell haven’t the DPD officers blown this son of a bitch in the car all to to hell and back??
We didn’t know who Ruiz was at that time, we didn’t know his name, his ethnicity, nothing, all we knew was that he was a MURDERER, and that he had just gunned down a police officer…
And quite honestly, that was ALL it took for me, and God have mercy on his soul..
All the best to you and Mark’s family, I hope this does give you closure, I also hope we don’t have to wait 10 years to see the sentence carried out, an appeal should be out of the question, Ruiz IS a murderer, a vile and useless individual and this world will be a bit better place once that scum is gone…
Ok, Wesley is mt cousin. I do not in anyway agree with what he did. I have never been close to him at all. He is some 10 years younger than myself. I to have served in the law enforcement for awhile. I have only one thing that bothers me. Is he is a father of some wonderful children and the fact that any child must lose their father. For I was a teen when my father died. We have too face life and know we choice our path in life. I never want to lose anyone this way and as
someone close to always uses it is what it is and now we cant judge but we will be judged.
I only talk to a few on my family members but if they read this they will be upset and outraged with me. So, I want to say this in closing. We all know that everyone has done something wrong in life . But from when I worked in the prison system.
My saying to all the inmates is weather it is stealin a piece of gum to the worst crimes in life. the only difference is wrong place wrong time or right place right time. The road is picked at that time in life. I have feelings and regrets for both families involved. I was not at any of the court process for my mixed feelings. I only want what is right to be right either way.
David, you can pick your friends, you can’t pick your family, no one is blaming you for that…
As to the Ruiz children, they will have to live with the fact that their father MURDERED a good man…
David - you are not responsible for what a family member does. Wesley Ruiz may be the father of some wonderful children but he IS NOT a wonderful father. Through his chosen lifestyle of selling and using drugs, carrying and using firearms in an unlawful manner and murdering a peace officer, he was setting the stage for his children to follow in some heinous footsteps. Hopefully you will stay close enough to his children to be a positive influence and to remind them there are consequences for your actions.
A wonderful father sets a good example for his children to follow not one of evading police, shooting up homes or murdering police officers.
I am sorry for you if this horrible crime puts distance between you and your family - but I also say if your family members really think Wesley should be able to live his life out visiting with his family, friends and fellow thugs while being worshipped as a cop killer - then maybe you should put a greater distance between you and the rest of your family. Mark Nix’s family, friends and loved ones will forever only have memories to hold on to. Mark Nix didn’t get a chance to be a wonderful father to some wonderful children.
I have no pity for Wesley Ruiz - he is getting what he wanted out of life.
its disgusting how young people choose their lifestyles and especially when they have children of their own like Wesley.He should have been at the park or on a Disney vacation with his kids and have a real job.He chose what he sees life is all about and it never included being a daddy and settling down.