Al & Jessie…

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7 Responses to Al & Jessie…

  1. ttueoop says:

    This is hilarious! Funny and so true! Thanks.

  2. Patrick Sperry says:


    Fred knows, as others here do not.

    That I have in fact, had a run in or two with both of these idiots. 

  3. Robert says:

    You insensitive jerk, its Just like you to insult great Americans like Al and Jesse…How dare you, you must be a liberal…… LMAO!!!!!!!

    To bad it’s not that easy to get rid of them.

  4. TexasFred says:

    Patrick, there’s a new twit reading here that would never believe what we have done…

  5. Sues says:

    I LMAO when I saw this!! Thanks Fred, I needed that!!

  6. Patrick Sperry says:

    No doubt Fred!

  7. SCRebel says:

    In a perfect world. . . .

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