TexasFred’s California Adventure:
Posting will be a bit slim thru Tuesday. We are flying out to California tonight, my better half has a transfer offer from her company, they want her in the office in Irvine and we have weekend meetings with some real estate people, I will be looking further on Monday, who knows, maybe.
Seems to be a lot of really nice town homes in the area of Irvine and Tustin, and it’s not too far from her company office to Tustin, we found a couple of really nice listings there, so.
I am not terribly thrilled about California, but if it’s what we have to do, it’s what we have to do.
And with me being fully retired, what the hell, I can aggravate some of the local moonbats and libbers if the better half takes the transfer.
See?? There’s a bright side to every scenario!!
I’ll have the laptop, the hotel we’ll be staying at has a wireless setup so I won’t be totally cut off in a foreign land, I might get to see Gawfer and Bushwack while I’m there, that would make it worth my time…
EDIT TO ADD: Trip updates are in the comments section.

theres’s some good eats in that neck of the woods, fred. Ruth’s Chris and Mortens Steakhouses are within 10 minutes or so from Irvine.
the Spectrum in Irvine also has som great places to eat and interesting stores to visit. the nice thing is you won’t be far from some excellent beaches and Dana Point offers some killer charter fishing.
All in all, the place isn’t too bad; OC is fairly conservative. I just know those townhomes are a little rich for my poor blood. Give us a call when you get settled into your hotel.
The earthquake cometh!
You might want to check to see if California will tax your retirement pay. They became a nightmare for military folks stationed there even though they held residencies in other states. Even GI’s who were non-residents but stationed there for a certain numbers of years are having to pay income tax on their military retirement to CA, even though they didn’t retire there.
HOLY CRAP, I knew she was looking but CALI? and Fred? that just don’t sound right. Well let me know when you get settled in and I’ll make the drive.
Call my Cell Fred, I might be out and about this evening.
*shakes head* Gun laws here are a lot different than Texas Fred..
We’ll be at the Comfort Suites - John Wayne Airport
As soon as we’re in I’ll call both of ya… Gotta run, on the laptop now, we’re boarding in 30 minutes… See me soon…
P.S. Rob, you know Cali gun laws don’t apply to me man, I have *The Card*…
Dad, you do realize how hard this could be on my weekend visit that I’m planning????
Oh, and be sure and use the camera and take some pics of everything for me!!!
U might move to California?? NOOOOOOO!!!??!!
Texas will crumble if you leave you sock monkey!!
Love ya,
Mean it,
Lets do lunch hehe.
Wow, a move to Cali….What about us and the Keith. Its alot harder to get to Papaw in Cali than in is is Texas…
Why isn’t she looking in Tennessee? LOW property taxes, no state income tax, carry type stuff….and it smells better.
Be safe!
I left CA and many are doing that to get away from the high taxes, illegal immigrant and Hollywood BS that goes on there. Remember that you can only own 1 gun there, so make it a good one.
Your wrong about owning one gun, I own many. You can buy one a month if you like.
You need to make sure you make it to Long Beach. This week-end is Spank-the Monkey Festival.
uh, I thought those kind of festivals were up in ‘frisco, Ranando.
The Land of Fruits and Nuts? Actually, depending on what part of Cali you go to, it may not be TOO bad…. The desert is nice because there aren’t any people. Once you get into San Francisco (aka Pelosiville), things can start getting pretty weird…….
“…Remember that you can only own 1 gun there, so make it a good one…”
Yeah, Katie, Renando is correct.
you can own as many as you like, but they tend to look down on weapons stockpiles, LOL!
There are certain weapons that are not allowed like the Barret .50cal sniper rifle… man, they take the fun out!
oh, and RTaylor, ther are a heck of a lot more nuts out in the desert… That was about the creepiest place I have ever worked!
you are right though, there are nicer places than others… Where Fred is looking is pretty nice. Just north in Santa Ana is one of the most infested gang areas in CA though.
Got to John Wayne Airport at 7PM Cali time, was met with a real surprise, The Bushwack Clan was waiting for us at the gate, can I say *clan*??
Had dinner at Gulliver’s, great prime rib and the company was fantastic.
Breakfast this AM early with Gawfer, he is an EARLY riser, he took us to The Original Pancake House in Aliso Viejo, we had their 49er hotcakes that are thin and chewy, and a side of butcher cut bacon that even a Muslim would envy.
Not met any fruits and nuts, yet, but we’re off to explore a few listing’s, ya never know WHAT might happen..
Going to San Diego tonight for a Cowboys/Chargers game… Oughta be a blast!! This 2 hour time difference is a bitch…
Well, I sure hope you call me. I’d love to get a picture of your ass on a surfboard wearing your cowboy hat.
That’s a picture worth a few bucks.
Glad ya got there safe and…….sound?
Ranando, I think my brain just short circuited with THAT mental image. One I could have really done without!
Glad you made it in one piece! Tustin used to be pretty nice. I haven’t been there in a very long time though. Not since my step Dad was NCOIC at El Toro, so it really was some time ago. Stay in touch.
Also I would like to thank the folks from here that have helped me deal with the troll attacks over on my blog!
Hey Dad, I got to thinking and if you guys do decide to make a move why not go with CajunFred…… sounds good to me and the rest of the family. Just a thought.
AA, oh no Sha, that’s not gonna happen…
I was stationed in San Bernardino for 3 years in the late 70′s and loved it. I was within an hours drive from the Mountains, high desert, low desert, Palm Springs, Los Angeles, Disneyland, and everything my heart could desire. Also, they estimated there were 3.5 girls for every guy.
Wow. Almost neighbors.
About the same as the rest of the bunch, anyway. Glad to hear your trip was uneventful (best kind of plane ride, uneventful) and you had excellent company there.
I’m with Kate, though - I don’t think Ranando should be allowed to give us mental images like that.
Back at the hotel, Dallas lost… DAMN!!
Early round of golf and another day of looking at houses that are over priced by at least 3 time their worth…
Personally, I think these folks are ALL crazy…
I hope you settle down quickly Fred, new places are tough even though standard of living may be higher, I still long for my old apartment.
If you are really interested in finding a place in CA, try a foreclosure auction. You might pick up a home for cheap.
You may make more money in California but you’ll spend it in the cost of living.
Isaac, I think you may have *standard of living* and *cost of living* mixed up…
There is NO higher *standard* in this area that I can see, only a bunch of yuppies struggling to keep their heads above water while paying 3 times the price for EVERYTHING…
A *higher standard* means a better class of living, hopefully a better class of people and a better WAY of living, what I have seen so far, in THIS area, is not a *standard* of living and a *higher* tolerance for insanity…
Bushwack and I were discussing the price of home vs square footage, his home is about the same size as mine, and he’s not in one of the high dollar neighborhoods, so far, the comparison of square footage to square footage, appointments, extras and so forth, a house like the one we have in Texas would go for somewhere around a half a mil.
And the home we had in Canton TX, before we moved back into town was a 2435 sq ft home on 15 acres, 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, 2 car garage, formal dining room, breakfast nook, a huge back porch, the house is 8 years old now, with a 2 acre pond full of bass and crappie, we could shoot deer off the back porch, we had wild hogs coming to the pond to water, great hunting and fishing, ON MY PLACE, and, it was out in the country, we could shoot guns any time we wanted too, no *city* or anal retentive Cali restrictions placed upon you by the loony libtards…
The cost of the place, last appraisal was $245K…
Late night, early tee time, played a fairly fast 9 holes and called it good… It was too, but we have to go look at 3 more places…
I am starting to think my better half is coming to her own decision about ANY part of Cali, and I am hoping she is thinking what I am…
Nice place to visit…
I told you… I can’t wait to move back to America, and you are thinking about leaving it… *shakes head*
BTW, you may have been a golfer back in the day…LMAO
I know man, playing golf with Bushwack is a humbling experience
Once a Texan always a Texan.
Well, it depends of Cali itself… You might grow to like it.
Issac, not in this lifetime, not in ANY lifetime…
Apparently American sarcasm is something you haven’t caught up to just yet…
Why anybody would spend their life living in a state they don’t like is beyound me, I just don’t understand.
Home is where your heart is and that’s where you should be.
No excuses.
Ranando, I could live out there where you are, I just have a problem with yuppie pricks…
Especially ones that think they are 10X better than ALL of us..
lol, ok Fred, I suppose I need a bit more brushing up.
Screw what people think……
You need to live where you feel the best, period.
Y’know Fred, I actually lived out there a couple of years. I barely made it back to Texas with my sanity.
Hmmm… never mind.
Suggestions if possible.
Keep your home in Texas.
Bring your guns, bring voters.
LMAO Excellent suggestion!