But at this moment, the open borders and the “Z” plan are going to hurt us more than anything else, and yes, I say in a loud and resounding voice, La Shawn is right, George Bush IS an IDIOT…
It’s Official
All these years, liberals were right about one thing: George Bush is an idiot. Video here.
What a disappointment.
Addendum: The backlash begins. (Thanks, Renee!)
Update (6/1): President George W. Bush will go down in history as the man who ushered in a dramatic demographic shift that turned the United States into a Third World country, with a disappearing middle class, another poorly educated and poor underclass (this one much larger than the other and Spanish-speaking), and a wealthy, insulated, gated-community elite.
And I voted for him. Twice. I voted for Clinton twice, too, but I’m more ashamed of voting for Bush.
Peggy Noonan writes: “What conservatives and Republicans must recognize is that the White House has broken with them. What President Bush is doing, and has been doing for some time, is sundering a great political coalition. This is sad, and it holds implications not only for one political party but for the American future.”
Check out this exchange between a Republican donor and the RNC.
I’m a revolter! At times like this, I’m glad I don’t belong to the Republican party. No annoying phone calls (or junk mail) from the RNC. 😕
If you’d like to comment on this post or illegal ‘immigration’ in general, see Culture of Illegal Aliens
From: La Shawn Barber’s Corner - It’s Official
Please read La Shawn’s blog folks, she’s as Conservative as it gets and she calls it like she sees it, and she is a lot nicer about it than I am, and yes, I know, it doesn’t take much to be nicer than me. 😛
I wonder what he’s thinking, I wonder if he cares?
I wonder if he has the ability to think or care?
This was a great read, thanks.
I wonder how long it’ll take for the likes of Amy and Company to begin the castigation of La Shawn Barber??
That’s precisely why I made this post — instead of sending a check to the RNC, I stuffed their prepaid envelope with a two page letter indicating that, unless they get control of Bush and other Republicans supporting this bill, they’ll never see a cent of MY dinero again.
Ann Coulter agreed in a recent article..“Americans — at least really stupid Americans like George Bush —
Thought you might like to know lol.
Sad but true. The Oval Office is now in “Legacy Building” mode and to hell with the conservative base. Although the man did do some great stuff over the years, he appears to have all but abandoned his core constituency. Amnesty for illegals, global warming, Israeli land for peace, lack of pre-emptive action on Iran, Harriet Miers, blah, blah, blah… The only recent thing he’s done right is hold fast on no timetable for troop withdrawal in Iraq. All we can do at this point is distance ourselves from such ridiculous non-conservative policies and focus on getting making sure we get the proper leadership in Washington come November, 2008. Personally, I believe Fred Thompson is the man with the right stuff. What say you?
Who is Amy & Company?
Amy Proctor , a ‘Bush Bot’ blogger that thinks Bush does NO wrong, she is a VERY FAR right moonbat and she takes personal offense to ANYONE speaking badly of Bush, and if you DO say one word against her ‘heart throb’ she WILL write a bad post about you… She’s done more to promote my blog, unintentionally of course, but has sent me a lot of readers and new blog roll members in her bashing of me, and I really want her to write another story telling people how much I despise Bush, because that’s as close to the truth as she’ll ever get…
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Amy & Johnny Proctor gave me a good bashing the other day.
They both were bashing Hollywood while they were on their way to a movie, Hypocrites.
I wonder if they’re against Abortion while on the way to the clinic, I wouldn’t doubt it.
She’s an expert on Iraq, she’s never been there.
She’s an expert on the Middle East, she’s never been there.
She’s an expert on War, she’s never been in one.
She’s an expert on everything she has never done, typical Moon Bat.
She’s as bad as anyone on the far-left, maybe worse.
Bush is not only a loser on the border issue.
He has also taken our service men and women in Iraq who our warriors, they are trained to be warriors and turned them into policemen. These fine people are being killed daily trying to do something they weren’t trained to do, be policemen.
Troops don’t make good cops, that is a fact, and we are in places we never needed to be, doing things we never needed to do… And while they aren’t ALL trained to be MP’s they DO have a general knowledge, but that’s STILL not the job we need to be doing…
It was shortly after I started my blog last November when I realized that George Bush no longer cared about you and me. He is all about big government & open borders. Someone tell me how that is different from the Democrats?
I took a lot of heat from conservative friends last year when they saw me hammering the President on my blog. Back then they thought illegal immigration was a tiny issue and they would hold their nose and still support the President.
But its amazing how many of them are right there next to me now saying what crap this bill is and how George Bush has turned his back on the conservative base.
And if the rest of the Republican party keeps supporting him down this path of turning America into some third world sewer pit I will hammer every one of them too.
This horrific illegal alien amnesty bill MUST NOT be passed.
They’re running for the hills.
Dan Bartlett Resigns
It’d be like rats and a sinking ship if there was some way to just make Bush go away…
President NumbNutz… That is gonna be MY name for him now I think…
How can so many people see the same thing so differently?
Fred, You having a back ground in law enforcement will understand this more then most.
Years ago a friend and I were driving south on PCH not knowing that a high speed Police chase was heading our way in the north bound lanes. The police did one of those maneuvers where they hit the back of the car to make them lose control; I forget what you call it.
The car did lose control and ended about 20 feet in front us and we had to stop. There we were stopped on PCH with a red Corvette sideways in front of us. This person jumped out of the Vette and ran right by our window and took off down the wash.
Police were everywhere but no sign of the guy, he was gone. There was even a helicopter overhead.
We were eye witnesses and the police wanted to talk to us. The officer started asking my friend and me what we saw. I said that a man with brown hair about 6 feet tall got out of the car. My friend said, “What, are you blind, he had red hair.†The policeman said not to worry, this happens all the time.
My point to all this is maybe these is what’s happening with Bush.
When they finely caught this guy, he had brown hair. We both saw something at close range but we both saw it so differently.
We are all seeing and watching the same person, Bush. Yet we all see such different things.
I see what you see, a loser that has all but destroyed my country. Other people see him as a God that has saved our country.
Only time will tell but I’m putting my money with you on this one.
It confounds me that we’ve had two Bush presidencies that have both undercut the conservative movement. George 41 was outsmarted by Dems into selling out, ushering in Billy and his dancing girls. George 43 - never a conservative (neither of them were) looks to be willing to leave the White House despised by left and right. A lot of that is his inability to explain himself - the rest is his ‘compassionate’ conservatism undercutting principles that make up the Republican base. The last two months of his presidency are going to be lonely - not one Republican candidate is going to want to him on stage with them - the man is destroying the party.
Ronando - you can backhand Amy all you want, but she kicks your ass all over that blog of hers. You’ve never made much sense, other than anger at sending our soldiers to the middle east to fight terrorists. If you don’t think we’re in a war, that’s fine. If you think there’s a better way to fight, then tell us. Amy Proctor isn’t always right, but there’s no mystery about where she’s coming from on her pet issue: Islamic extremism. She knows her subject. You… you just whine.
Too much whining going on. Why don’t you try turning some of those intellectual nerf balls toward your senators or representatives? It only takes a minute - and then you can say you actually did something today…
The backlash begins? All I want to know is what took so long. Bush has been acting like what we want means nothing! We have been frustrated for so long, and it finally took this one speech to pull us together and force us to really make a stand. Why?
If you don’t think we’re in a war, that’s fine. If you think there’s a better way to fight, then tell us.
Yes, I have a better way. How about going to war to win and not police.
Amy Proctor isn’t always right
Amy Proctor is never right, never.
Are y’all gonna fight?? 😕
Ronando - you can backhand Amy all you want, but she kicks your ass all over that blog of hers. You’ve never made much sense
I never make sense to those who think Iraq is going well or that Iraq is where we need to be.
Damn if I know but I’ll take whatever I can get if it’ll make the public aware of what many of us have known for way too long…
Evrviglnt, some of us DO have a better way to take care of Iraq but our experience and knowledge fell on DEAF ears in the White House, some of us HAVE sent letters and made phone calls to our Senators and Congressmen and I have personally met with mine, Senate and Congress, and they are fully aware that if they mess up and support Bush on this bullshit immigration thing that come next election cycle they will be OUT of a job, and none of MY representatives want that…
I have no idea what has been said between Ranando and Amy in her forum, that’s a place I don’t visit, I have no use for anyone that will suck Bush’s ass while the moron is getting our troops killed for nothing and leaving this nation weak and seriously in danger from these damned wetbacks and ‘other’ invaders, so I avoid Amy at all costs, I detest idiots and ‘Bush Bots’ and in MY opinion, Amy has a corner on BOTH of those descriptions…
Now we have MANY top shelf bloggers and assorted Conservatives finally getting off their dead asses and speaking out as to the kind of IDIOT they have grudgingly realized Bush to be, and I again say, I wonder how long before the entire Conservative movement will be castigated by the likes of Amy Proctor and her Far Right moonbattery, she defends the president regardless of what he says or does, and to my thinking, that makes HER an idiot too…
She told people I was a vile person because I said bad things about her husbands CiC, well, thank God he’s NOT my CiC, because I’d likely lose some serious pay grades for what I’d say if he was, I wouldn’t bite my words if I was still active and I don’t kiss ANYONES ass, not even the President of the USA, but SHE does…
And before it’s over she will realize that Bush is an idiot that has all but destroyed this nation and she will speak out thusly, or she will continue being a ‘Bush Bot’ idiot…
Personally, I hope she DOES see the light, but I doubt it will ever happen, there is none so blind as him that will not see and remember this, I was also castigated by Amy for using the following quote, I was told I was using it out of context and had twisted it to suit my own needs, now I ask you, how damned many ways CAN this be interpreted??
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” ~Theodore Roosevelt~
Amy is the epitome of hypocrisy, and I did not stutter as I said it either, she demands that no one criticize her ‘heart throb’ and absolutely goes OFF on any that do, or any that speak out against the Bush administration, and as a FREE people it is our right, no, more than that, it is our DUTY to hold our governments feet to the fire and DEMAND nothing but the very best FROM that government, and for many years now all we’ve received is the shitty end of the stick…
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Fred - I respect that you have a personal history with Amy that defies civility. My impatience with Ronando is more a reflection of a day where everyone is yelling but so little is being said.
But you’re in your rights to hate her. I’ll never begrudge a man his grudges…
Evrviglnt, I may be wrong but I think Ranando was responding to the trackbacked post just above, the one from Debbie, I may be wrong but if I am, well, you guys need to find an empty corner and have at each other, I won’t begrudge someone a good fight either…
Fred - Ronando left this at my blog:
You’re a coward.
You attack, run and hide.
al-Qaeda does the same thing, cowards.
What’s worse (for him) I just started my second margarita. I can’t be held responsible for what I write after I start my second margarita!
I stand corrected, you and Ranando are on your own, but to both of you, please take it to your respective blogs… Thanks guys…
I voted for Bush twice although the last time I had to hold my nose while I did it. Given the same options I would do it again and this time I would probably puke in the polling booth
Our problem in this country is much bigger than “Bush is an idiot”…it is the whole gotdam political system. What we need is a “none of the above” option and if “none of the above” gets the most votes then start the process all over until someone who can lead the country effectively is put into office. It is time for a third party to step forward..can anyone say ‘Neo-libertarian’ boys and girls?
“President George W. Bush will go down in history as the man who ushered in a dramatic demographic shift that turned the United States into a Third World country, with a disappearing middle class, another poorly educated and poor underclass (this one much larger than the other and Spanish-speaking), and a wealthy, insulated, gated-community elite.”
This is exactly our warning in the 2004 election (first time through he just lied about what he was going to do) but the point could not get through the fear campaign. Now you see that the libertarian movement was highjacked by the corporate elite. What are you going to do about it? Eliminate tax breaks for the rich? Cut military spending?
Grassroots donors dump GOP; Republican National Committee sacks its telemarketing team
It’s going from bad to worse fast.
Well, I have long contended that Pres. NumbNutz WILL be the one that gets the credit for the faux pas in Iraq and WILL be the one that bleeds this nation to death monetarily and runs the RNC into the ground to the point that a real Conservative would vote a Repub into the office of dog catcher…
But that’s just my opinion…
Now it’s getting serious…
This from NewsMax:
Al-Qaida Plans NuclearAttacks on 7 U.S. Cities
Just think, all they have to do is walk in.
I planned on screwing Heather Locklear once, and it happened about as well as will a nuke attack from al-Qaida…
As opposed to al-Qaida, I DO have a delivery system, but it never came into play, and their’s won’t either, all they could possibly do is set off a dirty bomb, and MORE people will be killed by the explosion than will be killed by the radiation…
THAT info comes from a source I have that is IN the NUKE business and we have discussed this at great length…
Won’t be any thermo nukes going off from al-Qaida…
Why am I thinking that Fred is holding back?
People who think they know everything really piss off those of us who do know everything.