McCain TV ad blames Obama for ‘amnesty’ failure – in Spanish
September 19th, 2008 . by TexasFredMcCain TV ad blames Obama for ‘amnesty’ failure – in Spanish
WASHINGTON –A new Spanish-language John McCain television commercial airing in Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico attacks Barack Obama for not doing enough to support the so-called “comprehensive immigration reform” legislation backed by President Bush and Sen. Ted Kennedy that was defeated last year after a national uprising in which it was characterized as a massive “amnesty” scheme.
The ad claims Obama deliberately backed “poison pill” amendments meant to undermine the compromise hammered out by McCain, Kennedy and others.
Supporting its claims in the commercial, the McCain campaign cited a Christian Science Monitor column of April 17 by Ariel Sabar that said: “Obama was part of the bipartisan group of senators who began meeting in 2005 on comprehensive immigration reform. But last summer, with the presidential nominating race well under way, Obama backed 11th-hour amendments – supported by labor, immigrant rights, and clergy groups – that Republicans saw as imperiling the fragile compromise. None of those measures passed. But Obama was part of a 49-to-48 majority that voted to end after five years a temporary worker program that had been a cornerstone of the immigration deal. The vote, backed by labor, was seen as a major setback to bipartisan negotiations.”The campaign also cited a June 17, 2007, column in Roll Call by Morton Kondracke that said Obama voted for a labor-backed amendment “designed to insert a deadly ‘poison pill’ into the bipartisan ‘grand bargain’ on immigration reform.”
Full Story Here:
McCain TV ad blames Obama for ‘amnesty’ failure – in Spanish
At the risk of incurring the wrath of some friends, Republicans and Conservatives, all political BS and mudslinging aside, McCain was all for the AMNESTY plan. McCain was all for making some 20 odd million or so ILLEGALS instantly legal and fast tracking them to U.S. citizenship!
My Congressman, Sam Johnson, and one of my Senators, John Cornyn, worked vigorously to block this open door amnesty plan, one that is still enthusiastically supported by John McCain. This amnesty support by McCain, done in direct lockstep with George W. Bush, has been my biggest reason for being so slow to back the Senator from Arizona, and this article tends to still give me great pause regarding McCain and his leadership abilities, and make me ask the question, just WHAT are McCain’s real intentions??
McCain chides Obama for not supporting this trash legislation fully, as he and Sen. Kennedy did. Obama did drop his support of the amnesty bill, but it had nothing to do with beliefs, it had everything to do with pandering to the polls and paying attention to one of the largest movements to surface in a long time, the Conservative BLOG WORLD, as many courageous bloggers took on the President and our elected officials to stop this travesty called immigration amnesty.
Do I feel that John McCain will be a better POTUS overall?? Yes, reluctantly, I do, at least to some degree, but I also feel that the illegal immigration issues will NOT be addressed to the satisfaction of the voters. I believe that we’ll have to fight at least once again, fight to stop McCain from actually being a continuation of the Bush administration, especially on the topic of amnesty.
I have said, on many occasions, McCain sides with the Democrats on as many, if not more issues as he does the Republicans. I still maintain that McCain is NOT a Conservative, not by ANY definition. I also believe that McCain will be almost as bad for this nation as Obama, and therein lies the fly in the ointment.
We, the American people, are about to be forced to vote for the lesser of the evils all over again, and no matter how you cut it, McCain IS the lesser of the evils, and that forces me to ask this question: Don’t the American people deserve a better choice than that?
Maybe not, as of late I haven’t seen a lot of enthusiasm that’s deserving of the very best, all you have to do is look at the possibilities that were overlooked in the nominations process of BOTH parties, and if you take a close look at BOTH of the individuals running for President, you can plainly see that we, the people, are NOT putting our best foot forward.
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Well, McCain SAYS he got the message, but I’m not so sure. Given the alternative, BO, I’m going to have to hope that we the people will be able to keep his feet to the fire on this issue, and not let him, or anyone else, shove amnesty down our throats.
I, too, suspect we will have to fight the Amnesty Battle all over again. I will work as hard, if not harder, next time around to defeat it.
Best regards!
Having until recently worked in Hazleton Pennsylvania, home of (hopefully soon to be Congressman) illegal immigration opponent Mayor Lou Barletta was what got me into blogging in the first place. And I’m not going to roll over and play dead on this issue for Barry Obama, John McCain or anyone else.
I have problems with McCain on this as well as the McCain Fiengold bill that I am still wondering got past the courts…an obvious curtailment of 1st Amendment rights.
But, I came to the conclusion that a vote for anyone but McCain is a vote for Obama and Obama has already let it be known that he could give a shit about the constitution, private property, nor the country. His ideas..all of them…are from the socialist hand book. And I also have a fear that he will turn the country over to the ragheads if we let him.
McCain is lying about ‘getting the message’, but then again McCain is a politician and lying is their stock in trade.
Neither McCain nor Obama are material for POTUS, they’re just what the Dem’s and Repub’s presented us with and its a damn shame this is the only choices we have. A RINO or a Socialist/Communist ain’t much of a choice at all.
Like I said before, I’m voting the McCain/Palin ticket because of Palin. I believe, as a nation, our hope for the future is the Palin’s Jindals, and Hunters.
Both McCain and Obama will grant amnesty to illegals if they can. Our hope to stop them is going to be the Senate.
The main difference between the two is that with McCain I’ll have a better chance of keeping my guns to defend my home against the attacks sure to come from the forces trying to take control of our nation, especially the forces of radical Islam.
Bob hit that one out of the park… True, every word true…
I have never nor will I start settleing for the lesser of two evils. I will simply do what we (all of us) have talked about for months, None Of The Above for me.
McCain is McCain and Obama is Obama, niether of these two men deserve to be President of The United States.
I don’t care who their running mates are.
For the rest of my life I will be able to say that I didn’t vote for either of these two people and I will be fine with that.
Ranando, I am going to say this as nicely as I possibly can, you are entitled to your opinions, but if you’re not gonna vote, don’t come here bitching about the candidates, the President, the economy or the government of this USA…
You give up that right when you don’t vote!!
If this hurts your feelings all I can say is, freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, so don’t take it personally…
You’ve got to stand for SOMETHING or you’ll fall for ANYTHING and even if McCain is NOT the best choice we could possibly have, he IS the only hope we have of keeping that halfbreed son of bitch OUT of the Oval Office, and to do that I would vote for Satan right about now, he wouldn’t be ANY worse…
You and I have been through to much for me to take it personally. You know I’ll stand with you 99.9% of the time, you can count on that.
Over the past year and ahalf you, TexasFred have pushed None of the Above, do a write in and make a statement, that comes from you.
I simply haven’t changed and I agree with what you were pushing.
Say what you want but you put this idea in my head and I’m sticking with it, I like the idea.
This is a VERY sore subject for me Fred,the McCain/Bush/Kennedy amnesty plan what a Bunch of douchebags… BUT, the plan those three had pushed, was stronger than the one OBAMA wanted. So that tells you where we will go with Obama at the helm.
If we vote None of the above, I think we miss the bigger picture.
IF you believe Abortion as a form of birth control is OK, Vote None of the above or Obama.
IF want more federal regulations on Guns, Vote None of the above or Obama.
IF you want more taxes if you earn more than a dell taco cashier, vote None of the above or Obama.
Ranando I am truly not trying to convince you or debate you or call into question your opinions. I am saying there is a bigger picture that is more important than the disgust MOST of us feel about McCain.
Here is my reasoning for changing my mind: McCain and Obama will both more than likely suck as President. BUT, which one will cause more lasting harm and how long will it last.
SCOTUS is in a change, it is up to us to make sure SOME sort of moral standard is restored or at least held on to for our kids sake.
Both the good and bad part about freedom and democracy (I’m speaking about my own country as well), is that the people will get the leader they deserve. Sad, true, but also good in a way.
It is cool the way you stand fast on your views, but it won’t mean shit when the hadjis come in to chop off all our heads.
The only way they are going to get in here and crop off my head is through OPEN BORDERS.
You make the most sense I read so far.
And OPEN BORDERS it damn well will be if WE don’t stop them, but with McCain we don’t have to worry about HIM siding with the goddamned ragheads, ya can’t say that about Barack Hussein Obama…
Well the borders have been open for the last 7 years too and our heads are still attached, some attached to their ass, but attached just the same.
McCain might try the amnesty push again, and it will meet the same fate as his predecessor.
We still have the power to vote folks out, we still have the power to make our voices heard, think back to the amnesty push… WE stopped that shit, by threatening their Jobs. BUT we don’t have the power to appoint SCOTUS judges, We can strongly urge them not to confirm, but it’s ultimately the POTUS picking the SCOTUS, and WE have to deal with the fallout.
I just want to be clear on this……
Please don’t take this wrong but I’m just trying to clear this in my mind.
When you say, NONE OF THE ABOVE and DO A WRITE IN you’re Pro-American and Pro-Patriotic.
When I say, NONE OF THE ABOVE and DO A WRITE IN I’m Un-American and Un-Patriotic, because you changed your mind?
Is that what you’re saying?
Let me tell you 1 thing right now, straight up and NO bullshit involved, you will NEVER have to wonder about what I say OR the meaning thereof…
I never said anything even remotely close to that, and if you plan on using that kind of lame bullshit here, maybe it’s time you moved along before this DOES get out of hand…
Now I don’t think there’s ANY wiggle room in that statement either…
It’s sort of like the pot calling the kettle black isn’t it? McCain is the king of amnesty.
Right Truth, I am not sure who is the true king of amnesty, but Bush, McCain and Kennedy all had their hands in it, Obama voted against it because it would have gave the impression that he actually wanted the invaders to do ANYTHING other than be granted amnesty. Obama’s plan was a simple “Here ya go” at least McCain/Bush/Kennedy’s had some sort of teeth.. well one tooth. LOL
It really doesn’t matter right now anyway, we either vote McCain/Palin and deal with some less than conservative solutions, or we vote Obama/Biden and deal with ALL the way LIBERAL solutions.
You said it, you made the statement and fine I’ll move on, pathetic.
You pushed NONE OF THE ABOVE and DO A WRITE IN for months.
Amazing, don’t worry I won’t be back.
Show me where I said YOU were un-American or un-Patriotic… Show me, and show ALL of my readers or be assumed a LIAR…
I am in NO mood for this bullshit, not from you, not from anyone…
I called you NOTHING, until now, and that word is LIAR…
Prove me wrong, put up or shut up and take your shit on down the road… No loss if you do…
Damn, Ranando I would really like to see that too? I didn’t get the “Un-American” or “Un-Patriotic” statement at all.
BUT I was for doing the None of the Above, or Write in thing too, BUT after my emotions subsided and I saw the bigger picture (And McCain picked a MUCH truer conservative than Bush or McCain) I was able to change my mind.
Just like if Obama came out and publicly stated he was Against Abortion, gay marriage, Amnesty for the invaders and taxes. I would vote for HIM.
That doesn’t make me less of a Conservative, I think it makes me a educated voter and one that can see through the rhetoric.
Ranando, I am going to say this as nicely as I possibly can, you are entitled to your opinions, but if you’re not gonna vote, don’t come here bitching about the candidates, the President, the economy or the government of this USA…
You give up that right when you don’t vote!!
You just lost one of your biggest supporters.
Rob, if Obama said he was “Against Abortion, gay marriage, Amnesty for the invaders and taxes” you know as well as I do, that halfbreed MUTT would be lying…
Ranando, How does that equate to “un-American or Un patriotic?
I think honestly if you dont vote, YOU do give up the right to bitch. Fred didn’t say “If you vote None of the above or write in” you give up that right he said if you dont vote. There is a difference or am I missing something?
Well Ranando, apparently I have not lost much, in that statement is nothing but the HARD truth. If you have a problem with the truth, then YOU have a problem…
And again I defy you to show me and the readers of this blog exactly WHERE I said you were un-American and un-Patriotic…
And here’s one more TRUTH for you, None of the Above in NO WAY advocated NOT voting, it was a write in effort, and again I say, if you don’t vote you have NO right to open your mouth about ANY of the political happenings in this nation.
The truth really sucks huh? See ya…
I am not American, but I do come from a democracy, so I have to agree with Rob and Fred on this one. If you don’t vote, you don’t have the right to bitch, it means that you give up your choice to choose your leader, which leads to someone else doing it for you.
And if you did not make a choice, you should not bitch about what others have chosen for you.
Kinda like dinner time at the old homestead, if ya didn’t cook it, don’t bitch about it, just be glad the wife thought enough of you to cook you something…
Eat it and STFU… Or cook something yourself…
This is nothing new. We bought McCain over Obama.
It’s like this:
I’m just wondering why we are making campaign ads for the President of the United States (an English speaking nation) in SPANISH… Why not Chinese, Arabic, Swahili and Persian?
Ballots should be in English only, too, with NO interpreters allowed.
No need for me to make a post concerning this topic, I”ll just link to your post.
I agree with you Fred pretty much 100%. I don’t have a candidate in mind that I can support 100%, and I have a long list of pro and con’s for each…
It’s blogs like yours that remind me that people still think for themselves and have a good understanding of the world around them. I love when people don’t just jump on a bandwagon because it’s the “popular” thing to do.
It’s great to be back online, after Ike…still rebuilding and trying to get back to normal life, here at home.
::shakes head at the thought of Spanish television in America::
I hate it just as much as I hate BET and others like it. Eh.
There are some clear points made here. Beliefs come into play as well as philosophies. History on my blog indicates that I was NOT a fan of John McCain for his Gang of 14 goatfuck, his amnesty RAMDOWN package (set into play in the literal dead of night and with the weekend in view), his McCain-Feingold package, his willingness to cross the aisle too frequently — we, of course, remember when McCain almost decided to register DEMORAT?
Despite that, yes, despite ALL that, I STILL tend to distill power down to the basics (and I have ALWAYS said and written): whoever controls and stacks SCOTUS (yes, STACKS SCOTUS!) WILL wield ultimate control in this nation — along with education. Control SCOTUS and Education and you control the entire nation. The Left control Education. We CANNOT afford to give them SCOTUS.
I distilled it down, in my mind, even further: who would make the best appointments to SCOTUS? Because, if you examine closely, you realize that the next term President will have the opportunity to select TWO or even possibly THREE appointments to SCOTUS. Two of our BEST jurists, SCALIA and Thomas, are not far from retirement, plus two others.
That said, McCain and — now — Palin will get my support. I’m NOT staying home and I am NOT making a write-in. There is NO “write-in” with sufficient strength to overturn any of the current players and that is simply fact, no matter whom we may wish to install.
I am telling you: Obama will DESTROY this nation if elected.
As a Chinese I have to say you are damn right.