Dem opponent rips Texas Sen. Cornyn over donations
October 7th, 2008 . by TexasFredIn Texas Senate race, Dem opponent Noriega says GOP’s Cornyn too cozy with financial industry
AUSTIN (AP) — Democrat Rick Noriega’s campaign suggested Monday that despite his claims to the contrary Republican Sen. John Cornyn is cozy with Wall Street investors and bankers who contribute millions to his campaigns.
Noriega’s camp was responding to a Cornyn television ad in which the senator is shown walking among cattle in South Texas and speaking of the financial and credit crisis. “It shouldn’t have happened,” Cornyn says in the ad.
The Noriega campaign posted an ad on the Internet that contends Cornyn “just follows the herd.” It points out that Cornyn, a first-term Texas senator, has accepted $3.9 million from the financial, insurance and real estate sectors.
Among the donations are $731,525 from those in the security and investment industry and $546,342 from donors in commercial banking, the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, which is cited as the Noriega campaign’s source, states on its Web site.
“Cornyn has a long record of pay-to-play politics,” said Noriega spokesman Martine Apodaca. “Unfortunately for Texans, after taking nearly $4 million from the financial industry Cornyn turned around and gave them $700 billion in taxpayer money. It looks like the financial industry got quite a return on their investment.”
Full Story Here:
Dem opponent rips Texas Sen. Cornyn over donations
Conservative Texas voters are faced with a dilemma this time around, we can vote for John Cornyn and reelect a man that has proven himself to be in the pocket of the socialists that are taking over this nation, or we can vote for a Democrat, Rick Noriega, an unproven quality at best, but in MY opinion, the very fact that he IS a Dem says ALL I need to hear.
We have been reduced to voting for the lesser of the evils in our presidential races, have been for a number of years, now, we’re being given those exact same options in our senate race here in Texas. And that is something that doesn’t sit worth a damn with this Texan.
In Cornyn’s ad, the senator is cast as someone who tried to warn congressional leaders in Washington about the housing and financial crisis as long as two years ago. To back that up, Cornyn’s campaign released a 2006 letter to Senate leaders that he and 19 other senators signed warning of potential problems with the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Yes, Cornyn did try to say something, back in 2006, and that appears to be where it was dropped. Last week Cornyn rolled over like a whore in heat and totally disregarded the pleas of his constituents and supporters and he DID vote, right down the line with the Dems and Obama, to support this debacle called the Wall Street Bailout! See this link: as an example of the folks that were telling Cornyn to vote against! See it for yourself, John Cornyn took the glass and swallowed a huge shot of SOCIALIST Kool-Aid!
It galls me to no end that Cornyn has turned his back on the people of Texas, refused to listen to them, we are the ones that put Cornyn there, to be our Senator, and as such, he works for US, the people of Texas, and his job is to represent us in all matters, and to take OUR views to heart, and vote in a way that supports those that have supported him.
I have NEVER in my life voted for a Democrat, EVER, but come Nov. 4th that will no longer be the fact of the matter, I am all for firing ALL of them, Cornyn, Hutchison, any Senator or Congressman that voted for this bailout. Rick Noriega may not be the best there is but maybe he needs a chance, but he needs to be fully aware, the tide can, and WILL turn on him too, all he has to do is make several wrong decisions.
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I voted for a Democrat last Congressional election here in Missouri. He’s very pro military and very pro gun. But, this time around I’m voting for his Republican challenger because Ike voted for the Bail Out Bill. Ike Skelton brought the B-2 Bomber to Missouri and he’ll most likely die in office because folks around here will never vote him out. He’s great at bringing pork to Central Missouri in the form of military appropriations like a 4.2 million dollar dog kennel. After all, them dogs deserve the best, don’t they?
Maybe we just fire them all and vote for the dogs. After all they live in a very nice kennel. And we’d only have to pay them in kibble.
Ya know, Noriega may not win, but if he does, and IF he screws up, we can vote him out too…
Sometimes you just have to keep trying the samples until you find one you really like…
But under NO circumstances will I vote for Obama/Biden, as it says in my sidebar, under the McCain logo, Because Obama/Biden is an even bigger mistake…
You know, I have been wondering lately if some day soon we will be voting with force of arms…I think it will be a while though, FIRST you have to have enough folks KNOW what is happening in the world, That takes California and New York OUT. It also removes MOST university students and over 99% of professors.
I will vote for McCain/Palin but I think Mr Calvert is DONE in my area, I will vote for the Dem challenger as well (At this time) I am still in research mode, and I am asking the question “If you were in office would you have voted for the bailout and why?” IF his answer is yes, I vote calvert if his answer is NO because it needs more stuff in it, I vote calvert…IF there is no difference between them, I’ll stick with the “R”
The bad thing about Senators is that if they screw up, you have to wait 6 years before you can vote them out of office. Unfortunately most people don’t have memories that stretch that far when it comes to politicians. Now, Representatives are much easier to vote out since they come due for reelection every 2 years.
I think term limits for Congress are very much needed. 12 years for Senators and 6 years for Representatives. This way nobody can build an empire like Teddy Kennedy has.
With all this going on, looks like I lucked out with my 4th Critter, John Doolittle. But this is his last hurrah, and his seat is up next month. I’m voting McClintock INTO that seat.