There are NO wasted votes
October 26th, 2008 . by TexasFredThere are NO wasted votes
But there are MOONBATS, on ALL sides of this presidential race, ALL sides. I am probably going to piss some folks off with this post, but you know what? I really don’t give a DAMN, this blog is a HOBBY, it doesn’t pay the bills, as a matter of fact it costs ME money, and here on TexasFred’s, MY opinion is the one that counts. You like what I have to say?? Great, I truly appreciate my readers and have no problem with disagreement, reasonable, sane disagreement, not the name calling BS that the banned libbers like to engage you with. But, if ya don’t like it here, leave. I don’t want to cause anyone to feel uncomfortable. How simple can it be?
This rant was inspired by a post HERE and the quoted post below.
If you’re a Conservative and you didn’t vote for McCain/Palin and, perhaps, voted for another lesser candidate that more - ahem - aligned with your philosophy, then you’ll get your wish: Barack HUSSEIN Obama. Because a vote for a candidate other than McCain/Palin = a vote for Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Simple as that.
You vote your “conscience”? Equals Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
You stay away from the polls because you’re making a “statement”? Equals Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
So I would throw this out for those who “voted their conscience” or wanted to “make a personal statement” by voting for anyone OTHER than the McCain/Palin ticket:
You’d best consume a large cup of “shut the hell up” when the Obamessiah Reigns Supreme come November 4th.
Because, quite frankly, you pissed away your right to complain by voting for a complete electoral LOSER such as Bob Barr or Mickey Mouse or ANYONE other than McCain/Palin.
If they lose, I don’t want to hear or read a PEEP out of you, you destroyer.
Post can be found HERE
The above quoted post is the biggest crock of BULL SHIT I have ever seen, 100% pure BULL SHIT!! If you voted, you did your duty, no matter WHO you voted for.
If you DON’T vote, then you have no right to gripe, but to make ANY attempt at forcing, by ANY means, coercing a person to vote for a candidate in this manner is wrong, on MANY levels. To denigrate a voter by using this lame BULL SHIT excuse of *A vote for anyone other than McLame* is pure propaganda. The last time I checked, we are still the land of the free, at least for now, and as such, I am free to vote for the candidate that I feel best represents me and MY beliefs.
We have freedom of choice in this nation, at least for now, and a vote for ANY viable candidate is an exercise in freedom of choice, to demand otherwise, to denigrate a person for exercising that freedom of choice, is bordering on communistic tyranny!
A vote for Mickey Mouse IS a wasted vote, on that I DO agree, a vote for any person NOT on the ballot IS a wasted vote, but this is an election, and EVERY vote counts, no matter who it’s cast for. I have worked very hard AGAINST Obama, no one can deny that, but I lost all respect for McLame when he turned the final page by voting FOR the bail out! That, for me, was the final straw.
I wasted my vote?? I gave Obama a vote because I voted for Bob Barr? I wasted my vote because I voted my conscience? Go screw yourself!! I was true to MY beliefs, not those of some asshole that would attempt to BULLY a person or scare a person into voting THEIR way. I will NOT bow to peer pressure, or any other pressure, I have a few people that I need to make happy, they are blood family, and my peers are not on the list!
On Nov 5th, when the numbers come in, IF Obama wins with better numbers than McLame and Barr put together, I am afraid I am going to be in a “You can ALL kiss my ass” mood. And to be really honest with you, I am damn near there now!!
I did NOT stay home, I did NOT vote for Obama, if you find that VULGAR, ask yourself WHY I have that “Kiss my ass” attitude. Opinions are like assholes so they say, we ALL have one, and they ALL stink… The post quoted above is a case in point!!
And if this post makes you hate me, if this post makes you NEVER want to read here again, oh well, adios, you will NOT be missed…
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Some things never seem to change… Voting your conscience is a matter of honor, period. Not voting at all is an act of cowardice. I have made no bones about it at all. Obama and McCain are both not good for this nation. Look at their records for God’s sake. I am sick of casting votes based upon the lessor of evil, and yes, I consider both of them to be evil. Both have worked nearly full time to undermine the Constitution that forms the backbone of our nation. Voting is the expression of that backbone. Not voting, is something that I would not consider. I consider that to be dishonorable, and I also believe that if you didn’t vote then you give up your right to complain about whatever it is that the government is doing.
People can point to this or that element of political science, and the attendant algebra but it still will not change a thing. Two negatives cannot be turned into a positive, period. Following this or that candidate come hell or high water isn’t loyalty it is being a lemming. It is not joining forces like being a single arrow in a quiver and thereby gaining the strength that unity provides. It is passing on your duty and responsibility to do what you know to be correct in your own heart.
I applaud Fred for taking his stand, as I applaud any and all Americans that vote their conscience. Whether I agree with them or otherwise. If you believe in John McCain, then vote for him. Same goes for Obama, or Tom Tancredo or whoever it is that you prefer. Just don’t run around and slam others for voting for what, or who they believe in.
If I’m once again stuck in the shit house with Fred it won’t be the first time, and in all probability not the last. So be it…
[...] vote, then you give up any right to complain about what the government is doing whatsoever. Some people understand that, and others? Well, it is just beyond their ken [...]
Fred, at least YOU have a candidate that you can choose and actually believe in enough to cast your vote. Me, I’m so disgusted with this election that I’m tempted to write in my dog for president. He’s a hell of a lot better than the crap were having shoveled at us.
If any of you can convince me that any of these sorry sons-of-bitches are more honorable than my dog, then maybe, just maybe I’ll consider voting for them.
Until then, I’m just showing up to vote no on all the propositions except for Prop 8. All the Presidential candidates can go piss up a rope for all I care. Worthless.
Oh, and just imagine my frustration living in California. Voting *Conservative* is like trying to warm the ocean by peeing in it. (notice the big assumption I made by even thinking we might have a conservative presidential candidate…..)
I’ll vote McCain for one reason and one reason only: Sarah Palin. If she wasn’t on the ticket, I would not be voting McCain. I had already planned on writing in Duncan Hunter. He may not be on the ticket but he would know he got the vote and that some folks supporting him. I’m not going to be force fed whatever the RNC shoves at us just to stop a Democrat.
Also, McCain campaign staffers are apparently upset with Sarah Palin and say she’s going “rogue”. Apparently she’s fed up with their “handling” of her and she’s not going to let them direct her paths or control her message. They’re starting to call her a Diva in their attempt to make themselves look good. Palin is a Conservative and you knew it wouldn’t be long before she would be bucking against the blue blood Republicans.
BobF, you are right, Palin IS the only CONSERVATIVE in the race, but even that wasn’t enough for me…
She may be great with a bit more *seasoning*, she needs a bit of *speech* coaching IMO, lose the *North Pole Barbie* persona, then kick ass and take names, Palin has tremendous potential, but suppose McCain lives another 8 years?? It is possible, look at his mother, long life runs in the family…
Palin IS the Conservative, but she would be the VP, and quite honestly, she may be totally ignored by McCain if he is elected, that IS a possibility.
And I have heard the argument made by Bushwack, and rightly so, the SCOTUS is in danger if Obama is elected… It is STILL in danger if McCain is elected too.
McCain may make the most wonderful nominations ever made, the coming Dem majority won’t vote for them, they will NOT be approved. And just for shits and grins, suppose McCain reverts to his libber persona?? Gun grabber, siding with the left more than the right?? And THAT is also a distinct possibility..
Suppose THAT happened?? And suppose the demented old fool nominated Hillary or Howard Stern?? Just suppose…
And it *could* happen… And then where are we?? A f*ck up RINO President and a hard core Conservative VP that is totally powerless… And then she will have the yolk of McCain around her neck if she makes a run in 2012 or 2016…
Let’s look into the future, and Obama will NOT be the future, he will be a one term f*ck up, just like Jimmy Carter, and he WILL bring about a change, a return to REAL Conservatism and hopefully a REAL Conservative POTUS in 2012…
“Let’s look into the future, and Obama will NOT be the future, he will be a one term f*ck up, just like Jimmy Carter, and he WILL bring about a change, a return to REAL Conservatism and hopefully a REAL Conservative POTUS in 2012…” -Texas Fred
Hope! Fred, you just gave me H O P E ! It was dying a slow and painful death, but that last statement actually rekindled the little bit of hope I had sheltered in the black abyss that is my mind.
Damn, I AM good!!
I guess I’ve just been TOO DAMN ANGRY to think of it in terms of a “Carter-like” presidency. That scumbag Obama has no business occupying the Whitehouse. I don’t think I’ll ever get over that fact, but sometimes you have to let the disease rear it’s ugly head so you can diagnose it and cut the cancer out.
HOPE. We have HOPE.
If McCain were to get elected and revert back to his RINO ways, could Palin or another Conservative challenge him in 2012? Is it law that a sitting president automatically gets his parties nomination for a second term? I don’t know the answer but I’m sure someone here does.
You’re right about Palin probably being ignored if McCain gets elected as she’s already butting heads with his staffers. I’m hoping for more exposure for her, Bobby Jindal, and other Conservatives in the next 4 years.
The one thing we do need is a Conservative Congress. McCain’s reaching across the aisle to Democrats is only another way of saying “compromise”. I don’t want to compromise with Democrats as they have nothing in common with them.
I held my nose and voted for McCain/Palin.
Goes against everything I stand for, but you can rationalize anything, so that’s what I did. (I despise that fucking Commies more than I do that RINO McCain)
Bob, absolutely, he CAN be challenged, he would almost certainly be challenged, at least I would hope that the Conservatives of this nation would have the balls to challenge him in 2012, Palin could, but it would mean she’d likely be out as his VP in the run, and that’s no loss either.
And you are spot on about reaching across the aisle, McCain is as close to being a Dem as is humanly possible, he always has been…
All the war hero bullshit aside, McCain was NOT a war hero, he was a POW, plain and simple, and while that was a horrendous experience it doesn’t qualify him as a WAR hero in it’s truest definition, I will NOT give him a free pass on that in any way…
2012 is the ONLY hope we have for POTUS, the battle is now in the House, that’s where it matters, and the mid-terms could be a HUGE turn around, if they aren’t, we are truly screwed…
Basti, Obama isn’t a commie… He’s a Marxist/Socialist…
But so is McCain…
Good one, Fred. That bailout vote put me back on the fence with McCain myself. I no longer put up any pro-McCain posts - only anti-Obama stuff. I don’t know exactly how I’m going to vote now - but - you are damned tootin’ straight that regardless of who I vote for - McCain, Barr, Castle, etc - it’s MY vote! If we get Hussein in the house - so be it - the Republicans should have put up a better candidate.
Basti, Obama isn’t a commie… He’s a Marxist/Socialist…
But so is McCain…
Same church different preacher.
Here’s the deal, if this was a ball game, BoBo would have just hit a GRAND SLAM!!
He set, he swings, it’s OUTTA here…
I intend to exercise my right under the laws of the state of North Carolina to vote. It will not be for either of the current Presidential candidates. However, I AM thinking of writing in Palin’s name as my Presidential “preference.” Heck, maybe it’ll give her a boost for 2012. HA!
Like so many conservatives… I am sick and tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. The GOP has given the conservative wing the finger, this time around, and I am convinced it was/is deliberate. We embarrass the GOP “elite” and they’d very much like it if we moved on. Also, like many of you, I am fed up with being expected to vote for the GOP candidate, no matter who THEY choose to be the candidate.
I am also terribly concerned over the Supreme Court nominations. But, as was pointed out above, no matter whom the President is, the Senate is only going to approve far left wing Justices… period! So, we’re screwed on the Court… already
Just minutes ago I saw a gathering in Asheville, NC where Palin is supposed to speak any minute now. The building holds 7,500 people. 11,000 people had “registered” to attend this speech by Palin. As the cameras panned the building, there were huge crowds outside the auditorium with no chance of getting in… yet they were there.
Polls show McCain ahead of Obama 50% to 48% in NC. In SC McCain is ahead by 14 or 15 points. The last time the democratic presidential candidate won NC was in 1976. That was Jimmy Carter.
Something strikes me as terribly wrong with the polls. I’m telling you… something does not sit right about the polling results we are being fed day after day. WHO are they polling? How many of the people they poll are actually going to vote, anyway? There are a lot of questions I don’t expect I’ll ever get answers to because the MsM is so “in the tank” for Obama.
I have been known to vote for a third party candidate even though I knew he could possibly win…but that was at a time when I was not afraid that either of the major party candidates would do significant damage to the country and the constitution. I fear that Obama will…and McCain might but not as much as Obama.
Neither candidate is answering the questions I want are they gonna get us out of a economic crises without putting the tax payers even deeper in debt…a debt that is one of the biggest reasons of the crises. I see a “circle the wagons” approach coming on..a pull back from protection of out overseas allies including Israel and a cut in the military budget with the proceeds from the cut going to fund social programs..and fast track illegal aliens to citizenship..a move which will give the socialists a solid majority for years to come.
Any way I look at it regardless of which one gets to the Oval Office I figure we who believe in constitutional government..not government by the courts..are screwed.
Buy lead while you still can…
I am voting for Sarah Palin; McCain just happens to be on the same ticket.
If it wasn’t for her, I would probably stay at home or vote for Barr. McCain blew it with me when he caved in on the bail-out vote.
Fred, if she’s ignored and denigrated to menial tasks during McCain’s first term, then it’s best if she were off the ticket in 2012. In order to preserve a good apple, you’ve got to get them away from the rotten ones.
I’m still hoping for a winning ticket of her and Jindal in 2012. I think those two could make one heck of a team to carry this nation forward for another 16 years after 2012. Jindal is kicking butt in Louisiana and cleaning up the place. With over 100 years of entrenched corruption to fight against, he’s doing one heck of a job. Just think what the two of them, with the right supporters, could do in Washington. We may even get back to having a Government of, by and for the People.
Longstreet, you’ve given me a good idea of a write in: Sarah Palin. Thanks.
Texas will go for McCain/Palin. A vote for a Libertarian or any other party to the right of the Democrats is a protest vote. It will show the Republicans what we on the right believe is the path for the Republican Party in 2010 and beyond. Enough votes for Libertarians or others on the right will be the first indication that the Republicans need to get their house together. There is no such thing as a moderate Conservative, you are either a Conservative or you are not. Obama and the Democrats are going to win this election, they will not carry Texas. We are going to return the same ass holes who voted for the bailout back into office. But, this is an opportunity to set the Republican Party right, if we and the right wing of the party fail, then there will truly only be one party, The Socialist Party. Look at Britain, the Torries are not really Conservative they are only slightly different than Labor. If we fail to gain control of the Republican Party in the next two years, i.e., Conservatives, We are doomed to the waste bin of history and should prepare for the revolution. The Democrats and free hand outs will win many more votes than work hard and get ahead will ever win, when we legitimize 20 million Mexican Illegals the party is over.
I am voting for McCain because of Palin and the terror Obama inspires in my heart. That said, little pisses me off like someone acting like a holier-than-thou ass muncher to a person who is voting however the hell he wants to vote! It must be pointed out that third party ass-munchers are out there as well as Repubicans (not a spelling error). To me, who very nearly joined the Constitution Party when McAmnesty got the nod thanks to Huckabee’s self aggrandizing crap, the e-mails from third party supporters about throwing my vote away by casting it for McCain drive me just as nuts as when I see someone insist that conservatives with stronger wills than my own refuse to vote for McAmnesty.
You go, Fred and if anyone would tell you how you should vote, I suggest you drop your pants and invite a well-placed smooch!
Jindal is a personal friend of the family, there are other connections as well but I can’t go into detail at this time, but let it suffice to say, a Palin/Jindal ticket in 2012, after the 4 year debacle that WILL be the Obama administration, could be easily elected… And I would be a massive supporter, PROVIDED that neither has done something STOOPID in the interim period, like go SOCIALIST like Gramps McLame did…
All I can say now is prepare for midterm Congressionals, my Rep. Sam Johnson, is a shoe-in from the Texas 3rd, but you guys elsewhere need to get on the stick and get some seriously conservative people running…
John Cornyn will likely be re-elected as our Senator from Texas, the SOCIALIST son of a bitch, but Kay Bailey Hutchison is going to retire from the Senate in 2 years and come home to run for Governor, good luck you SOCIALIST BITCH, Texans have VERY long memories, and if I live to see you come home and try to run for Governor I will use every tool at my disposal to make damned sure it doesn’t happen…
I DO my work here in Texas, I can’t do it anywhere else, your state is NOT mine, but I can tell you this, I will fight the bastards until I die or they kill me, America 1st and DEATH to ANY socialist, commie, Marxist son of a bitch that would do her harm!!
And one other thing to point out, John F**king McCain is ALL FOR the wetbacks, just one MORE reason…
That son of a bitch is just as bad for America as Obama, I don’t give a damn HOW you try to rationalize it… Y’all better be looking for folks that have the balls to stand up to the wets, the commies, the socialists, the Marxists, ALL of em…
If we don’t get some real live FIRE BREATHING Conservatives in office in 2 years and an even bigger Conservative majority in 4 years, this nation IS done for as the nation we ALL once knew…
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mac sucks donkey balls. He’s a RINO, not much conservative there. Yeah we all know that. Finding myself actually having to come up with reasons to vote for the douche bag has kinda made me ill.
That being said. There are two people who have any chance to get into office, really one(The Messiah). They would be Obama and McCain. Barr, no chance. McKinney, no chance (praise beer.) Paul, no chance.
So that means one of those two people will be the next president. And as much as I would love to send my symbolic middle finger to RINO ass McCain and the GOP, I can’t.
The very thought of a house, senate and presidency in the hands of the likes of Pel-Ho-Si, Reid, Dodd, Obama, Biden etc. etc….is enough to explode my ulcer and give me a brain tumor.
A man who makes even the most RINO-EY RINO-Ness of McCain look like the most staunch Republican to ever run for office. A man who, if you just read his website actually makes Marx look like a free market conservative…A man…. well you get the point.
So as much as it pains me, I will pull the lever for McCain (Palin).
I feel you Fred, I really do, as a politician I have not liked Mac in a long, long time, and if maybe it was some more innocuous tool on the Dem ticket, well then maybe I’d have joined you, written in Hunter as I wanted. But not this time around.
Is your vote wasted? The definition of wasted is:”done to no avail; useless.” That’s my 2 cents.
Wail away.
Jenn, no one is gonna blast you for a sane and logical opinion, not here, this isn’t run that way..
Ya see, I don’t give a damn who you vote for, all I care about is the fact that you voted.. I would prefer to see a vote for a REAL Conservative, but there isn’t one running for POTUS, only VPOTUS, and that doesn’t mean shit…
If Duncan Hunter was running I’d be voting for him too.. And if we could ALL do a write-in, he’d be a damned good one… Maybe next time…
I DO care who people voted for if they voted for Obama. Just this little thing I have.
You voted. Many people won’t even bother. At least you stuck to your guns!
And IN that care you can actually CHANGE their vote?? No, you can’t…
I’m glad you care, really, but in this day and time apathy IS the rule of the day, anyone that doesn’t vote has NO right to bitch, and if they vote Obama in, well, by God, that means we have to work even harder next time and vote that stealth muzzie son of a buck loving bitch OUT!!
Duncan Hunter, Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin, ALL are the future of the Conservative movement, and THAT is what I care about, something I can actually change, I can’t concern myself with those matters that are out of my control…
If WE want better government, it’s up to US to demand it, and to demand that we run better candidates, because there is one thing I think we can ALL agree on, this time around, we screwed the pooch, BIG TIME…
Kate, I always do…
You get one vote.. well unless you are recruited by ACORN then you might get to throw a few out there for whoever…Anyway.
You are granted a vote, Vote for whoever.. The time for discussion is passed the time for changing someones mind in this election is LONG passed. We have wavered between voting for McCain, Not voting for McCain Writing in or whatever…. you made your choice. Done deal.
I looked into a few things about Barr. and I can not support his stances on a couple of issues…So I will vote for McCain but ONLY because he chose Palin, he could have picked Hunter, he could have picked Thompson, I think Palin was better than all of them because she hasn’t been corrupted by DC yet.
My vote is going to McCain, But I am trying to get a hold of ACORN so I can add a few write ins too…..
Barr ain’t perfect either, but he’s NOT a socialist…
And ACORN, let me know if that works, I am NOT busy next week, I can vote every day, several times…
Hey….heard on the news tonight there’s a town in Mississippi that has more registered voters than they have population of legal age. Maybe you could take a drive. It’s closer than CA.
Fred, I hear you LOUD and CLEAR about McCain and his amnesty love of wetbacks.
When he stood up there with expansion-head-liquored Kennedy, and tried to sell this country down the river(no pun intended), that’s when McAmnesty lost my support. I loathe McCain. I don’t hate him, I LOATHE him. In some ways he’s worse than Ovomit. He pretends that he’s conservative, but he’s just another big lying politician, only interested in his legacy or power or whatever he has in his twisted ambitious mind.
When I contemplate the polls, I always think they should re-focus the topic and ask: “Which candidate do you find the most deplorable?” That’s the real question.
This election is like going to the Prom and having to choose the between the Two Ugliest girls in the school as your date. And, one more time, I’ll say it: I’m Disgusted.
Bluto, that’s the one thing that no one seems to get, with Obama we KNOW what to expect, with McCain, it’s totally unpredictable… He is a wild card at the very best, he blows with the wind and will side with the Dems at the drop of a hat, but that’s OK, he’s now as evil as Obama apparently…
Oh, Christ. Neither one of them is smart enough to be evil. I think they’re both just overly ambitious. Turn off the teleprompter and Ovomit crashes like my computer trying to play two games of solitaire simultaneously. And McCain doesn’t know what a computer solitaire game looks like.
Seriously, isn’t this the worst choice of candidates we’ve seen in our lifetime? I know you’re older than dirt Fred, so you have a bit more perspective than I do, but still. It’s freaking pathetic.
Are you coming over to my side and writing in my Dog? He won’t pee on the rug, I promise.
I can’t think of any that are worse, honestly, and that has been my contention from the start, if these 2 slapnutz are the best the RNC and the DNC can put up, we, as a nation are totally f**ked!!
From the desk of The Old Curmudgeon, a few choice words for the asswipe that believes one can’t bitch if one doesn’t vote McLame. News for you, buddy. I am unaware of a special looney brigade that changes any vote for other than Mclame and counts it in the column for Yomama. If I’m missing something, show me, or STFU. As Chuck Muth has said, if McLame loses, the blame is on him for running a Bob Dole campaign. Little Johnny is nothing but an asswipe as well as a socialist at heart. So, a hearty “Bite me in the ass” is being sent your way.
Now, as for Sister Sarah; sorry guys, she’s obviously not an empty blouse, but beyond that, she is seriously lacking in judgement ( she agreed to run with McLame, didn’t she-stike one, she is, I’m afraid a flash in the pan; this is her 15 minutes of fame.
Presuming the Miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue is not forth coming, I would dare say she will not be the nominee in ‘12. Mainly for a number of reasons, most notably, the money, honey. It will require mega bucks on top of mega bucks, Obama has raised about 600+ grand. That is a lot of coins. Two; as the trend in the political races is leftward, the glorious turkeys at the RNC will be looking for one to move ever left to combat the perceived leftness of the DIMS. In my opinion, Sister Sarah isn’t all that conservative anyway.
Quite frankly, the lady needs to show me a lot more than she has.
Adding to her woes will be the fact, the campaign for ‘12 will damned near be cranking up mid to late next year. That’s a long time for Sister Sarah to be strung out like raw fish in a Korean Market. ( again factor in the money that will be required )
I will also make a prediction that the elites that actually run this country will never let one like Sarah Palin anywhere near the White House. The two major candidates this time were almost handpicked. I don’t believe she will pass their muster, and if she does, we won’t want her anyway as the turn to the Dark Side will be complete.
But they’re going to allow that halfbreed muzzie bastard in… Go figure…
No kidding Fred. What the fock is up with that? The political powers want a HUSSIEN as president? HOLY F*CK.
May I be so bold as to say that Ovomit is the singularly MOST un-American candidate we’ve EVER had.
The only comfortI have is the thought that I lived through some of the best years this country’s seen. The USA I grew up in, is gone. No doubt about that. How far gone it is going to go is still to be seen.
Fred, I voted my conscience (but was only able to vote once for McCain-Palin - I thought that multiple voting was allowed in Texas). I am frustrated and angry. Any maybe worse, I have found myself becoming more biased than ever before.
If you’ve read my blog recently, you’ll note that I’ve just about “had it.” Its clear from my readership (as was so pointedly shown to me by another blogger who touted 10000 hits per day for a post on the “attacks of October 7th” and elsewhere where a prediction of American cities being destroyed by a terrorist attack during an Obama presidency), I have no role or influence. So be it. I guess I’ve pissed off alot of people.
FRIENDS, Romans (and other illegals too!) Countrymen! Lend me your ears!
I nominate the one and only hope for this great nation, the one, the only, SENATAH BLUTARSKI! aka Bluto above: and Crazy Unkle Johnny as V.P.
You have to be an old timer blogger with Fred and I in order to understand this one
Ok Patrick, that’s a downright scary ticket. One thing is for sure, If I had Crazy Uncle Johnny as my VP, I can be assured that nobody will want to assasinate me.
I know people who will vote for Elmer Fudd if he’s running for something.
Their choice.
That’s why this is called AMERICA.
But they’re going to allow that halfbreed muzzie bastard in… Go figure…
Ah, but Fred, he’s their halfbreed muzzie bastard. He’s black and the rage. They are making history. Oh ye of little faith.
Well, that explains it…
I know I’m late to the party on this one but wanted to get my two cents in (had some cyberglitches - I tried posting earlier, hope they’re out of the way now).
Fred is *absolutely* right that it is *always* ok to vote your conscience! There are a number of times I’ve voted for the Libertarian ticket instead of voting for one of the candidates of the Republocrats single party system. In fact, I’ve voted Libertarian for President more times than Republican (or Democrat combined :-). A lot of times it makes more sense. Instead of “wasting” my vote which isn’t going to matter as to which of the major party candidates gets elected [this is particularly true here in Alaska where the election is often done, slammed closed, and concession speeches made before the polls even close], voting Libertarian can make a real difference. For instance, up here any party that gets 3% of the vote gets automatic ballot status next time around. Otherwise they have to gather signatures and have petition drives and jump through all sorts of hoops. My vote is a lot more likely to do some real good voting Libertarian in such cases. But, even were that not true, we need to encourage more choices not less! I wouldn’t vote for Ralph Nader if they promised me a new chicken in every garage and a new car in every pot. But I’m still glad to see him run every year (and not just because he draws mostly from the Dems). Same with the Greenies. And certainly I am delighted to have the Libertarians on the ballot. A couple elections ago we elected Wally Hickel (a former Republican Alaska Governor and former Sectretary of the Interior under Nixon … who fired him later on!
on the Alaska Independence Party ticket! Historically our forefathers didn’t intend for us to have a two-party system. Jefferson was horrified when that’s the way things started forming up.
I’ll swallow hard and vote for McCain/Palin this time. Mostly because I think it is so critical to do whatever I can to stop Obama. [It would be nice to think he'll be a failed "Carter" type president Fred. In fact I almost pity the person and party that wins this one because of the mess they are going to inherit ... but the amount of permanent damage Obama could do in one term is enough to scare the bejesus out of me.] But also because of a bit of local pride in having our Governor in the race.
But I have never objected to someone voting their conscience … even when I think their conscience is nuts!
(Which is clearly NOT true of Fred.)
I have just one thing I have to take exception to in your post though, Fred. That is the suggestion that everyone should vote. In a perfect world … everyone would have thought about the candidates and issues sufficiently to make an informed choice. But in the real world … if the only thing a voter *really* knows is which candidate the folks who are bussing him to the polls wants him to vote for … I think he ought to stay home. I agree that every citizen has a duty to be informed about the issues. But if they’ve already failed that part and are incapable therefore of making an informed choice as to who to vote for … I certainly still agree that they have the *right* to vote. But I also think they’ve got no business pulling the lever for anyone.
‘Nuff on that!
As a life-long Alaskan on the gray side of 50 I’ve got lots of good material and a completely different take on Palin than you’ll ever see in the mainstream media. Drop on by. Coffee’s on.
[Oh, btw Fred ... I agree with you completely on McCain and the buyout ... on my blog under "McBama the Debate".]
I can’t tell if I still have a glitch. Last attempted comment didn’t give an error mssg., but it’s been a couple hours and it didn’t show up either, so could be my machine still has issues.
So, this is sort of a test and sort of to address stuff I didn’t talk about in my last attempt.
I’m a life-long Alaskan folks. And I gotta tell you that if you’ve gotten your impression of Governor Palin from … well … pretty much from anywhere I’ve seen, you’ve been given a twisted image. She’s not nearly the “empty blouse” she seems to appear. Granted, this is a small town girl’s first foray out into the big wide world and she’s stumbled a bit. But a lot of it I blame on McCain and his “handlers”. They’ve had her so locked down, you haven’t had a chance to see the real Sarah. And she’s trying to do what “the boss” wants. This isn’t her turn to be the boss. So instead of letting her own thoughts out she’s trying to parrot the “approved talking points” she’s been told not to stray from. (Rumor has it that she’s fed up with it too!)
But this woman *single-handedly* (really, *she* flat did it) pulled Alaska out of the slime. As head of the Oil & Gas Administration she learned that the Big Oil companies were buying legislators. She couldn’t get anywhere telling anyone about it (everyone already pretty much assumed it … people have run on reform tickets for years up here and if elected either just join the gravy train or get nowhere fast). So she quit and ran for the boss’s job: Governor. Won it in a landslide and then brought in the FBI (whom she’d *already* gotten involved) and took on all the vested powers in the state. And won, hands down. She took down the big boys without batting an eye. Frankly, Stevens wouldn’t be a felon now if Palin hadn’t started the corruption cleanup rolling. Lots of powerful people are indicted, behind bars or headed there. Once the oil companies found out she couldn’t be bought or bullied … they started playing fair and she actually has a good working relationship with them now. But she is the first governor in a very long time that wasn’t just a doormat for them. Much more good stuff on her most folks haven’t heard, but I’m using up more than my share of Fred’s blog
[Eg: Bet you didn't know she has a higher security clearance than either Obama or Biden!] Come on over. See what Alaskan’s think before being edited by the media! I’ve got *lots* more:
If McCain wins … even the elites who run Washington can’t keep her out. They didn’t want Reagan either. She is *the* wild card in the deck and the one thing that actually panicked the liberals and the elites.
And panicking them is always a good thing