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Our Blue Star Deli Lunch Meeting!!

July 16th, 2007 . by TexasFred

Howdy folks, we are back home, this was a bit longer luncheon date than I had anticipated, and it was an awesome little get-together, we met Dave Mooney face to face and a nicer guy you’ll never find, Dave is the owner of the Blue Star Deli and he was a gracious host, he made everyone comfortable and we all felt right at home…

Dave’s place is great, a real cozy feeling, very ‘down home’ and the food is great too, and the prices are VERY reasonable and I am hoping that now maybe some of Dave’s maladies may be easing up a bit, Dave was told that the Halliburton Company, which is almost his next door neighbor, finally got on the stick and started doing some damage control, they made a building wide P.A. system address to their entire staff declaring that they do NOT encourage nor support a boycott of the Blue Star Deli and they are looking forward to doing business in the near future, and THAT is really good news…

Our luncheon was a real nice time for all, we didn’t have as many bloggers as I would have liked to have seen but the ones we did have were awesome, I got to see my friend Rich from Isn’t it Rich, and that’s always a great experience, Rich is GOOD PEOPLE, that’s a Texas thing…

One of the many high points of the day was getting to meet Ken Emanuelson of FredHeads!!! Thompson for President 2008, Ken is a great guy and a great blogger too and it is MY privilege to know him and I look forward to getting to know him even better as we join forces to promote the candidacy of Fred D. Thompson for President of this United States of America…

There was another guy that came dragging in looking like something the dog threw out and the cat wouldn’t take, that’s another Texas euphemism for you, I looked up and in walks Zane of Big White Hat, and this was the most hilarious moment of the day, I couldn’t see the door so my wife was watching and I described to her exactly what to look for when BWH walks in, “He’ll be neat as a pin, wearing a western shirt and have a BIG WHITE HAT on his head…”


I looked up and I recognized BWH, and it’s a good thing too, he didn’t have on a HAT, or a cap for that matter, he had on a flowery Hawaiian looking shirt and a pair of cargo shorts, with Flip-flops, in other words, he looked like a Yankee tourist…

Zane is someone I have wanted to meet for a very long time and all kidding aside, he is one wonderful person and it was my pleasure to break bread with this guy, his steady temperament and level headed thinking is a welcome thing to behold, but Zane is truly one of the funniest people I know, the guy is a riot and kept me in stitches…

We all got to meet several other wonderful folks that had heard either Rich on The Mike Gallagher Show this morning on K-SKY AM 660 as they discussed the happenings at the Blue Star Deli or folks that heard me later in the morning on The Mark Davis Show on WBAP 820 AM when Mark and I were discussing what could be done to help Dave and the Blue Star Deli

I want to extend a special thank you to Mr. Mark Davis for taking up this cause, he wasn’t able to meet with us personally due to the schedule of his shows, and that is totally understandable, and to Mr. Mike Gallagher who was able to work in meeting with us in between his show and taking care of his wife, Mrs. Gallagher has been very ill lately and if you will, please keep her in your prayers…

Mike and Mark, you guys are simply wonderful and you have no idea how appreciative the blog world is for you guys being on the RIGHT side of things…

And to all the bloggers that have commented, or posted this story, and to ALL of you folks that have sent in donations to Dave and the Blue Star Deli, YOU folks are the greatest, once again, bloggers have come together on a serious issue and we all came down on the RIGHT side of the issue, a HUGE, heart felt THANK YOU each and everyone involved!!

And please notice, I have new logos in my sidebar, WBAP 820 AM, K-SKY 660 AM and the Blue Star Deli, please click them often and patronize these wonderful Americans and their sites…This has been a really great day and I wish ALL of you could have been there…

Ken Mike Fred Rich

Ken Zane and Fred

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15 Responses to “Our Blue Star Deli Lunch Meeting!!”

  1. comment number 1 by: Sage

    That was a wonderful post….I just wish I could have been there with you guys!! But due to work constraints I was unable to meet up with you guys.
    I will go to the Deli and order something in the near future and help with a donation as the owner seems like a stand up guy as was everyone else involved with helping him.
    Remember folks, this meeting was a once kinda thing, we need to continue to help support him and his Deli and not drop it after today. Please continue to frequent his establishment and support him in any way you can. The boycotts will continue from the Latino community as they try to put him out of business.
    Fred…well done my friend and to the others..you are spectacular in your support as was the radio personalities. And do pray for Mike Gallaghers wife as it appears they need it.
    ‘Nuff said.
    BTW his deli’s menu looks yummy to me lol.

  2. comment number 2 by: Ranando

    Fred, you and all the others did good today, real good.

    It’s nice to know such great Americans, this is what it’s all about.

    Well done.

  3. comment number 3 by: magz/jo

    Y’all are simply amazing, and I, too wish I could have been there. Thanks for sharing the photo’s and info, Fred.
    God Bless….and extra prayers to Mrs. Gallagher.

  4. comment number 4 by: Kate

    See? If ya had done this on Saturday, I’m fairly sure you would have had a few more people. Well, ok, ONE. But that’s beside the point! :)

  5. comment number 5 by: TexasFred

    On Sunday you’d have been there by yourself, hungry, using your cell phone to order Domino’s… LMAO… :)

  6. comment number 6 by: Debbie

    Thanks for sharing, sounds like a great time. The pictures are amazing. I’m glad Halliburton is getting their act together. Great job Fred.

  7. comment number 7 by: Panhandle Poet

    Bravo. Great pics. I will try to get by the Blue Star Deli next time I’m in the Big D area.

  8. comment number 8 by: brad Marston


    Glad i could help from long distance…ain’t the internet grand?


  9. comment number 9 by: Big White Hat

    Whew! I did look like a yankee tourist! I gotta replace that mirror.

  10. comment number 10 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    Here on the Left Coast, I had to wait until 1800 to hear Mike Gallagher’s radio show, from Sacramento. It’s good to know he covered this issue. But in my opinion, it is the INTERNET and the STRENGTH of BLOGS that has managed to make a DIFFERENCE in a single focused business.

    Without the strength of the INTERNET and uninterfered RADIO there wouldn’t have been ANY KIND of response to this predicament —

    Which is PRECISELY WHY the Democrats want to ERADICATE FREE SPEECH and instigate the so-called ‘FAIRNESS DOCTRINE” which is, of course, EVERYTHING BUT fair.

    I’ll make it more specific: the Democrats want nothing more than COMPLETE CONTROL over EVERY MEDIA form and will accept NOTHING LESS than this COMPLETE CONTROL.

    We should REVEL in the fact that we can still communicate and move information between our various factions.


  11. comment number 11 by: Robert

    Well Done Fred, Rich, Zane and the support staff.
    Wish I could have been there, it would have been quite a trip for lunch. I will put my money where my mouth is this time, I’ll send the check in the AM.

  12. comment number 12 by: Patrick Sperry

    Well done Marine, carry on!

  13. comment number 13 by: Right Truth

    Illegal immigration, border guards, and a new effort in Congress…

    Senate Hearing today on Border Agents Ramos …

  14. comment number 14 by: RTaylor

    Awesome! I’ve been linking on my site to the updates and encouraging our D/FW readers to patronize the Blue Star Deli.
    Great photos - wish I could have been there!

  15. comment number 15 by: Maggie M. Thornton

    You Texan’s have all the fun! I’ve been out of town and so, am just reading about the Blue Star Deli. Very cool to see so many give a helping hand.

    Maggie’s Notebook