Chertoff: Texas border fence construction to begin by fall

HOUSTON - U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said he expects construction of a Texas-Mexico border fence to begin by this fall. He pledged to consult with local communities on the fence design, but said he won’t give them a veto on the plan.

“I expect we’ll be doing some construction in Texas this fiscal year,” Chertoff said in an interview with the Houston Chronicle. The government’s fiscal year ends Sept. 30.

When you talk about failures from the Bush administration, Micheal Chertoff jumps right to the top of the list, in my opinion Chertoff’s picture needs to be posted in every dictionary, right next to the word USELESS…

“I expect we’ll be doing some construction in Texas this fiscal year,” he says…

Oh yeah?? Well where the hell have you guys been for the last almost 6 years?? Since 9-11?? Why hasn’t the border already been secured?? Oh, wait, I remember, you guys were too busy taking OUT Saddam to actually think about taking CARE of the USA…

Under a bill President Bush signed last year, 700 miles of fencing is slated for the U.S.-Mexican border, of which Homeland Security has said will include at least 370 miles of physical fence supplemented by “virtual” barrier of sensors, mobile towers with cameras, agents and other technology. About 150 miles of fencing is expected in Texas.

Let’s talk Dog and Pony Show shall we??

“The border shared by the United States and Mexico is more than 2,000 miles long, about 1,200 miles of which runs along the southern part of Texas.” Fiscal Notes, August 2002

What the hell?? Just because we’re Texans and have a bit of a reputation as rednecks doesn’t mean we can’t do some figuring when we have to, in Texas alone we have a shared border with Mexico that’s approximately 1,200 miles long, from Anthony to Brownsville, and Chertoff says they’re going to build about 150 miles of fencing in Texas??

150 miles?? For crying out loud, what about the remaining 1,050 or so odd miles in there Mikey?? You guys gonna do the virtual fence thing for that little stretch??

Border leaders opposed to the fence say local concerns have been ignored. They’re concerned the fence could hurt flood-control systems, wildlife habitats and relations with Mexico.

Well, there ya go, all the reason in the world to leave the U.S./Mexican border wide open, the tree huggers think it might disrupt wildlife habitats and the PC police are afraid it will damage our relations with Mexico and could hurt flood-control systems, never mind the MILLIONS of illegals and potential terrorists that are pouring across, we can’t hurt the coyotes and rattle snakes…

I wonder?? What would the impact on the environment be if we put the National Guard on OUR borders, turned them loose with a fairly light set of ROE’s, plenty of ammunition and orders to STOP, by whatever means necessary, ANYTHING crossing our border at any point other than LEGAL border crossings??Do you think that might hurt our relations with Pres. Bush’s best friends??

Read this story in full and you’ll see who the most complaints are coming from and I believe you’ll understand WHY they don’t want a fence, and it doesn’t have a thing to do with the environment, flooding or wild life…

We are being invaded folks, and it’s not stopped, just because Pres. Bush’s AMNESTY bill has been stopped for now, that hasn’t done one thing to stem the flow of ILLEGALS and God knows what else that pours into our nation across the Mexican border…

The Bush administration is FAILING the people of this nation with their so-called border protection, and is using the weakest effort possible in an effort to pacify the American people, DON’T fall for it…

Full Story Here:
Chertoff: Texas border fence construction to begin by fall

Hat Tip to An Ol’ Broads Ramblings

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8 Responses to Chertoff: Texas border fence construction to begin by fall

  1. Basti says:

    They manner of construction and the length of this fence is absurd. It’s like you putting up a fence on one side of your property so that you can keep stray dogs from pissing on your lawn and then you’ll be amazed that the dogs just walk around the fence. (We have some of the most stupid bastards in history running what is laughingly called the US Government!)

  2. LittleOleLady says:

    Ever see that commercial with the three old ladies.. “Where’s the fence!?”.. I’m a still wondering where it is.

  3. Debbie says:

    Might be hard to build the fence, with Bush pulling 1/2 of the National Guard AWAY from the area. There’s no way a fence alone will stop the flow of illegals and terrorists. It will take comprehensive coverage, more border guards, unmanned drones, etc.

  4. Pingback: Right Truth

  5. Sage says:

    How can I say this politely??
    I CAN’T !! As Basti said this is “the most stupid bastards” in history running our country, but what I would say ” in history RUINING our country!!!
    This cluster is so insane that I want to pack up and move to Iceland.
    We are worried about coyotes, birds, fishes, flood areas etc?? over our sovereign national rights??!! Who is running this government, an imbecilic weekend monkey kisser with ties to Mexico? Someone please get the Potus a clinical evaluation and the rest of his anarchy some medication…please.
    I have never seen such INSANITY in our government, well Vietnam does bring back some painful memories. Where is the Leaders that we need to bring us back from the brink….oh Reagan is gone…sigh.
    ‘Nuff said

  6. GUNZ says:

    flooding and wild life concerns? LOL

    Should read the flooding of wildlife across our borders; the 2 legged laughing Hyena..

  7. Subvet says:

    It’ll take another 9/11 type massacre to get everyone’s attention on this. IMHO we should fence both northern and southern borders and mine the perimeters. That’ll do for a start.

  8. James says:

    Hi Fred, I have been neglecting my rounds so havent visited your blog lately. Bush and Chertoff (I call him Jerkoff) are really dragging out the will of the people.

    Hmmm… so Mikhail Jerkoff will consult local communities for design preference? Comrade Mikhail, I wonder if any of those sections will be a little white picket fence or a split rail fence?

    By fall we will hear that there are labor dificulties and that they will employ illegals to do “…work that American Citizens wont do!”

    Or some other excuse to drag it even farther out, the intent to not build it before the election.

    Does anyone have the morphing software on hand? Check out how much Jerkoff and Lenin look alike. Should be an easy morph.

    Thanks Fred… I just felt the urge to vent!

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