Rescuers Suspend Effort at Utah Mine

HUNTINGTON, Utah (AP) - After 10 days of setbacks, nerve-jangling “bumps” and a second mine collapse that killed three workers trying to rescue their comrades, authorities Friday conceded defeat to a mountain that appeared to be slowly crumbling.

“Is there any possible way we can continue this underground operation and provide safety for the rescue workers? At this point we don’t have an answer,” federal Mine Safety and Health Administration chief Richard Stickler said as he announced that officials had suspended the rescue operation indefinitely.

The collapse Thursday night killed three rescue workers and injured six others who were trying to tunnel through rubble to reach six men trapped since Aug. 6 after a massive cave-in. Crews on Friday were still drilling a fourth hole into the mountain to look for any sign of the missing men.

“Without question, we have suffered a setback, and we have incurred an incredible loss. But this team remains focused on the task at hand” - the rescue of the miners, said Rob Moore, vice president of Murray Energy Corp., co-owner of the Crandall Canyon Mine.

I have held off blogging about this, there has been nothing good to say and I didn’t want to say one word that was discouraging, these folks have been in our thoughts and prayers since day 1 but after 3 days I personally held out very little hope and now I am not holding back, these guys are quite likely laying in their graves…

I wish nothing but peace and comfort to the families and I know they don’t want to give up but after this long a time they just need to face the reality that it’s all but over, there just comes a point in time where you have to cut your losses…

Mexico’s consul in Salt Lake City, Salvador Jimenez, said he spoke with (Gov) Huntsman and urged him to continue the rescue effort. While experts need to study the best way to do it safely, “this effort should not be interrupted,” Jimenez said. Three of the six men still trapped are Mexican nationals.

Here’s a suggestion for you Salvador, get you a shovel and tote YOUR beaner ass down in there and do some digging, the best thing this Mexican bastard can do is keep his mouth shut, good men have died in an attempt, a very serious attempt to rescue these guys, how many more have to die to make this spick bastard happy??

And before some bleeding heart POS calls me a racist, no, it’s not a race issue, it’s a nationality issue, I HATE it when Mexicans stick their noses into OUR business, DEAL WITH IT !

Full Story Here:
Rescuers Suspend Effort at Utah Mine

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6 Responses to Rescuers Suspend Effort at Utah Mine

  1. gunz says:

    Yea me also, must of been 3 of Mexico’s best tunnel diggers; the tunnels that start in Mexico and open back up in the United States…

    I can’t help to think if they weren’t Mexican Nationals Salvador would give a fuck less.

  2. gunz says:

    Does that make me a racist too??

  3. Patrick Sperry says:

    What can I say..? Well, most folks are not aware that I spent time as a “Hard Rock Miner…”

    And yes, I was in rescue. Hey folks? Ya know what? We don’t give a damn about color, religion, or any of that other stuff when the walls come down.

    The folks that went into the hole to help those Brothers that were trapped knew well that most such operations are just body recovery. But, sometimes, not.

    This is a story of courage, nothing less, and nothing more.

  4. chicagoray says:

    Sure looks like that doesn’t it Gunz? And Patrick well said and thanks for the insider insight

    That remark really has me fuming, and that as**** should be run out on a rail for separating the miner brethren into categories of importance as if they have some greater significance than the other AMERICAN NATIONALS down there with them?

    I’m writing that Salvador *pi* a get screwed letter as soon as I’m done commenting here my friends, and Thanks for bringing this to my attention Fred with this post.

  5. Ranando says:

    I don’t understand why escape and/or emergency tunnels aren’t dug in advance.

  6. alan says:

    engineering decisions and costs… normal business decisions.
    sometimes wrong, sometimes tragic.
    what if the Titanic’s rudder had been as large as it should have been?

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