Milblogs Go Silent For CJ

You may remember this post, where I posted about CJ from A Soldier’s Perspective and the grief he is getting from his children’s former school. What’s worse is that his command in Alabama did not back him up. Luckily, many prominent milblogs are, and a lot of them are going silent in solidarity with this highly decorated American hero:
On Wednesday 16 December, readers will have the chance to imagine a world without milblogs, and to do something about it. Those participating are urging their readers to contact their elected representatives in Congress, and to let their opinions be known to them and to other leaders in Washington.
Some milblogs will remain silent for several days; some just for the day. All have agreed to keep the post about the silence and C.J. at the top of their blogs until Friday 18 December.
The issues go beyond C.J., and deserve careful consideration and discussion. We hope that you will cover this event, and explore the issues that lie at the heart of the matter. Contact the milbloggers in your area or that you know, and hear the story that lies within.
A Partial List of Participating Blogs:
This Ain’t Hell
Boston Maggie
Miss Ladybug
Drunken Wisdom
Grim’s Hall
From My Position
CDR Salamander
BouhammerToday, you have the chance to imagine a world without milblogs, and to do something about it. Make your voice heard by writing your congressional representatives and others, and by making donations as you see fit. (H/T - Mr. Wolf from Blackfive)
Hopefully, this protest will raise awareness to CJ’s plight, and with any luck, the Army will start standing up for one of its own.
While I am not a milblogger, I am also participating in the day of silence in honor of CJ and every other milblogger out there. Thank you all for what you do.
Fred Notes: This post, Milblogs Go Silent For CJ, is taken, in it’s entirety, from my blog buddy Wyatt Earp at Support Your Local Gunfighter. I am a part time Milblogger, I blog about politics, police matters and military support, as well as a myriad of other topics, but I stand in full support of Wyatt Earp and Military Bloggers the world over!
Thanks Fred…
I visit a few military bloggers but only one daily, he is a young navy man stationed in South Korea. New to blogging but nevertheless a great writer and good conservative. I have wondered if the military would clamp down on him as I know they do not like those on active duty to voice their political views. I have been concerned. Personally I feel that those in the military have the same rights as we civilians and should be able to voice their opinions even when they fly in the face of the administration. High ranking officers have often been targeted for making their opinions know to the public and in some cases fired. I wonder if this policy has now moved to those in the lower ranks. The uniform should NOT muzzle the man or woman wearing it. More than anything else it is the symbol of the freedoms we hold dear and to strip those freedoms from those individuals wearing it is unAmerican.
Fred - I read the Army Times article about Master Sgt Grisham and the troubles he’s having with his blog. The Army is intent on shutting him down or finding an excuse to get rid of him. The new politically correct Army doesn’t like him calling a spade a spade. That’s the long and the short of it. My Army is turning into a bunch of moral and ethical pussies. Wish CJ the best.
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Another wtf moment for the military. They sure didn’t try to muzzle Hasan, did they?
This is so wrong on so many levels.
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I’m surprised CJ was able to voice his opinions as long as he did. Without Uncle Sugar gagging another patriot. What happened to freedom of speech? The answer has obama
as the principle.