U.K. shared intel on airliner suspect

U.K. shared intel on airliner suspect

LONDON - British intelligence passed on to U.S. authorities information about a Nigerian accused of trying to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner but he was not singled out as a particular risk, Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s office said Monday.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s name was included in a dossier of people who made contact with known extremists in the United Kingdom but officials believe he was radicalized after he left the country in 2008, according to Brown’s spokesman, Simon Lewis.

The disclosure came a day after British security officials said they were aware that Abdulmutallab was in contact with known radicals shortly after he came to the U.K. in 2005 but did not consider him a sufficient threat to single him out and alert U.S. authorities.

Investigators say Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old Nigerian who studied in engineering in London and later went to Yemen, sneaked an explosive device aboard his Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day but was not able to ignite it as planned.

Full Story Here:
U.K. shared intel on airliner suspect

I know that the system failed. YOU know that the system failed. Anyone with half a brain knows the system failed. I guess that explains WHY it took Obama several days to make any comment and why DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano believed the system worked, before she admitted it didn’t.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The government has added dozens of people to the ominous lists of suspected terrorists and those barred from U.S.-bound flights, a crackdown that comes as President Barack Obama prepares to personally question and challenge his team about the state of national security.

At the White House on Tuesday, Obama planned to meet with the high-ranking officials charged with the two reviews he ordered after the botched Christmas airliner attack over Detroit - one on air-travel screening procedures and another on the nation’s terror watchlist system. SOURCE

Let me take a guess here, just a shot in the dark. This meeting will be all about how to pass the blame, hide any links to failure and see if it’s at all possible to blame this on George W. Bush.

EPIC FAIL Mr. Obama, that’s what you have here, and it’s quite likely just the tip of the iceberg. And it’s going to be a HUGE iceberg. One that can GUT American security if we don’t get a grip on it right now.

Here’s a suggestion for Barack Hussein Obama and his band of moonbat minions, if you want to get a grip on this situation you’re going to have to do something that Bush didn’t do.

SHOCK and AWE needs to be more than just a slogan. Decimate ANY nation, any group of people that try to hurt the USA. Decimate them, wipe them and their seed from the face of this earth.

Forget political correctness, forget offending the enemy, fight like Americans can, and are more than willing to do. I spoke these words many times during the Bush administration and they fell on deaf ears. You can’t fight a war and not hurt some feelings.

And a personal bit of advice to Barack Hussein Obama, you’ve got to forget that you’re a Muslim, you’ve got to be an American and you’ve got to make war most heinous on the Islamic hordes.

There are only a few things that Islamic warriors respect and understand. Great, powerful and totally overwhelming war is one of the things they understand! You make war on them in a fashion that is designed to bring about as many casualties as possible. You hit them hard, you hit them with everything you have. And when you’re done, hit them one more time just for good measure.

That is how you WIN a war. That is how you save the American people. You have to get DOWN and DIRTY. You have to get your hands bloody. You have to take out everything and everyone that threatens the USA and our way of life.

If Barack Hussein Obama was any kind of a warrior, or for that matter, even a historian, he would know, Islam will not stop hitting us until they have nothing left to hit with! That’s not just the way Islam looks at it either. That is a fact of life and war!

We have been messing around in Afghanistan and Iraq for a longer period of time than any war we’ve fought since Vietnam! Both of those nations are each about the size of the great state of Texas. So far, we have NO definitive victory in either place.

George W. Bush wanted to fight a PC war, he didn’t want to offend our enemies. Obama is only continuing with more of the same. Until such time as this nation places a true WARRIOR at the helm, we will never be done with the terrorists, the jihadists and radical Islam!

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11 Responses to U.K. shared intel on airliner suspect

  1. minuteman26 says:

    Fred - You rightly describe the type of conflict that needs to be waged against radical Islam; but you and I know that with Hussein Hopeanchange it ain’t going to happen. Ideally we shouldn’t allow any more muslims into this country until we win the war on terror. We should route out illegal muslims and deport them or worse. Wahabi Islam should be outlawed in the USA and any who practice that piece of shit form of islam should be punished and/or deported. Since our govt. is lagging in truly protecting the American people from these raghead terrorists; maybe its time for a Judeo-Christian jihad to get going here at home. We could start with CAIR. Just thinking out loud.

  2. TexasFred says:

    Of course it’s not going to happen under Obama, it didn’t happen under Bush either, just sayin’…

    Judeo-Christian jihad? There’s a thought, only one hitch, you KNOW that the Obama bunch would label US as terrorists, not the asshat Muslims we’d be fighting, but US, a bunch of religious extremists making war on the PEACEFUL Muslims…


  3. minuteman26 says:

    Sometimes you got to do what you got to do to uphold what’s right. You got to be true to your core beliefs.

  4. minuteman26 says:

    I like “Freedom Fighters” a lot better than terrorists.

  5. minuteman26 says:

    I take the last back. Patriots would be a better description.

  6. TexasFred says:

    Patriots is how WE would look at it, the powers that be control the media and WE would be branded as TERRORIST, a word Obama will NOT use to describe his Muslim brothers…

  7. minuteman26 says:

    Very simple, if the MSM are on the side of the muslims, bye bye media. Don’t know if I’ll get this right, but to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson; to save the Republic sometimes blood has to be shed to correct past mistakes. Between Obama and the ragheads that time seems to be getting a lot closer than many think.

  8. Gawfer says:

    DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano believed the system worked, before she admitted it didn’t.

    Sounds familiar: John Kerry

    Because a bad burger kept me awake last night, I watched a few minutes of The O’Reilly Factor, and listened to his guest (don’t remember his name but he is a former CBS correspondent) state that though a 23 year old Arab poses a greater threat than a 78 year old grandma from Peoria, for the sake of political correctness and in a Barney Fife manner, the TSA subdues the grandma because she had 6 ounces of Head and Shoulders Shampoo instead of the allotted 4 ounces, all the while allowing the Arab with a one way ticket and no luggage pass without scrutiny. He said until we get past the idea of PC, we will remain at great risk.

    He was obviously advocating profiling by race, and I’d tend to agree with his assessment.

  9. Vigilante says:

    I like mm26’s view on the matter.

    Maybe we really should start a Jihad (AKA an “Ass whuppin”) against this cair bunch of asswipes. They are using OUR own
    laws against us while our stupid ass PC bleeding heart politicians, keep kow towing to their incessant fuckin whining.
    Get’em down and use foamy pig piss to shave that ugly ass beard off. Then give them a choice to either leave(recommended) or be neutered so they can’t breed. I could suggest more violent actions but I thought I’d keep it clean here on Fred’s blog. LOL

  10. HoosierArmyMom says:

    Napolitano needs to be fired, but of course that won’t happen. The Department of Homeland Insecurity has been so busy painting Tea Party Patriots and returning vets from Iraq and Afghanistan as “threats to National Security” that muzzie terrorists are being pandered to and terror organizations like CAIR can raise money to help kill us, unimpeded. I think we will see blood shed in the streets before it’s over.

    The Libs are so busy vilifying the American public and Conservatives that they can’t see the forest for the trees. A bunch of brain dead, libber zombies in this nation will be it’s undoing.

  11. BobF says:

    There are only a few things that Islamic warriors respect and understand. Great, powerful and totally overwhelming war is one of the things they understand! You make war on them in a fashion that is designed to bring about as many casualties as possible. You hit them hard, you hit them with everything you have. And when you’re done, hit them one more time just for good measure.


    This could be done without sending in one American GI. Although Bush-1 severely hurt our airpower, we still have enough to bomb them back into the stone age. In Desert Storm, the Iraqi’s feared the B-52 because it rained death and destruction upon them. They know where those training camps are and it wouldn’t take a lot to carpet bomb them into rubble.

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