Bush, Clinton, Bush … Clinton?

WASHINGTON (AP) - Forty percent of Americans have never lived when there wasn’t a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. Anyone got a problem with that?

With Hillary Rodham Clinton hoping to tack another four or eight “Clinton” years on to the Bush-Clinton-Bush presidential pattern that already has held sway for two decades, talk of Bush-Clinton fatigue is increasingly cropping up in the national political debate.

The dominance of the two families in U.S. presidential politics is unprecedented. (The closest comparisons are the father-son presidencies of John Adams and John Quincy Adams, whose single terms were separated by eight years, and the presidencies of fifth cousins Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt, whose collective 20 years as president were separated by a quarter-century.)

“We now have a younger generation and middle-age generation who are going to think about national politics through the Bush-Clinton prism,” said Princeton University political historian Julian Zelizer, 37, whose first chance to vote for president was 1988, the year the first President Bush was elected. And as for the question of fatigue, Zelizer added: “It’s not just that we’ve heard their names a lot, but we’ve had a lot of problems with their names.”

Full Story Here:
Bush, Clinton, Bush … Clinton?

Let’s do an even more comprehensive run down and possibility prediction, shall we??

G.H.W. Bush was Ronald Reagan’s VP for 8 years and then POTUS for 4 years, giving him a total of 12 years in the White House, not as POTUS the entire time but there none the less, before he lost to Bill Clinton who infested the White House for a total of 8 years and was succeeded by G.W. Bush who has stumbled and stuttered his way through nearly 2 full terms and barring some tragic event will be a sitting POTUS for 8 years, that’s a total of 28 years so far where there’s been either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House in one capacity or another, stay with me now because here’s where it gets a bit more complicated…

If Hillary should win in ’08, God forbid, but IF she did and only served 1 term, that gives us a total of 32 years with either a Clinton or a Bush in the White House, and suppose she were to somehow be re-elected in 2012, and went on to serve another 4 years as POTUS, now we’re looking at 36 years with a Clinton or a Bush in the White House…

Fast forward a bit and use your imagination now, it’s 2016 and Jeb Bush is approaching ‘elder statesman’ status and he convinces enough people that HE needs a shot at the Oval Office and he gets himself elected, even if just for 1 term we’re looking at a total of 40 years of a Bush or a Clinton in the White House, and just suppose ol’ Jeb gets himself re-elected and serves another 4 years, OK, now we’re up to a total of 44 years that this nation has had either a Clinton or a Bush in the White House, but hold onto your hat’s, I’m not done yet, we’re up to the year 2020 now…

Chelsea Victoria Clinton (born February 27, 1980) will be 40 years old by that time, do you see the possibilities here??

We could conceivably have at least 52 years of uninterrupted Clinton/Bush in the White House, tell me there’s not some sort of ‘grand scheme’ for a Globalist America at work here…

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6 Responses to Bush, Clinton, Bush … Clinton?

  1. Gunz says:


    That’s certainly mind boggling, and Hillary would have the nerve to say this country needs to move in a different direction? One name with a vision for a socialist America and the other an undying quest for a New World Order.

  2. Ranando says:

    It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.

    By the way, have you seen the Ass on Hillary? You could put the entire Romanian Army in there.

    This madness has to stop, she can’t be elected.

  3. Robert says:

    uh-Not good.
    What if Jenna Bush and Chelsea Clinton became Married lesbians, Chelsea could get inseminated from Jeb and give birth to a Bush/Clinton baby that would rule the world in 45 years or so……..OH GOD!!!!

  4. GUYK says:

    the hell of it is that Jeb Bush has better sense than any of them..but then that doesn’t take much…

  5. ablur says:

    You really scare me sometimes Fred.