Huckabee Wins Iowa GOP Caucuses
January 3rd, 2008 . by TexasFredDES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Mike Huckabee, a Baptist preacher turned politician, rode a wave of support from evangelical Christians to victory Thursday night in the Iowa caucuses, first test in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards struggled for supremacy in a close Democratic contest.
Huckabee handily defeated Mitt Romney despite being outspent by tens of millions of dollars, and deciding in the campaign’s final days to scrap television commercials that would have assailed the former Massachusetts governor.
Returns from nearly half the state’s 1,781 precincts showed an almost impossibly close Democratic race, with Obama, Clinton and Edwards each holding about a third of the support in a multi-candidate field.
Romney sought to frame his defeat as something less than that, saying he had trailed Huckabee by more than 20 points a few weeks ago. “I’ve been pleased that I’ve been able to make up ground and I intend to keep making up ground, not just here but across the country,” he said.
Full Story Here:
Huckabee Wins Iowa GOP Caucuses
I do NOT believe that the Republican voters of Iowa are THAT damned stupid…
EDIT: As a side note, in keeping with my desire to be ‘Fair and Balanced’, Obama Wins Democratic Contest in Iowa
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I was hoping that this contest of the ridiculous would be balanced out after the first couple of contests. Looks like it is going to take a while or we are just screwed.
So Disappointing.
I think they were smoking corn silk….laced with BS!
I predicted this same precise outcome on two blogs earlier today. Huck has a BIG support in “flyover” states. And yes, the Demorats actually hate Hitlery that much. She might not be out, but she’s bruised, nauseous, bleeding and questioning.
Romney took a big kick to the crotch, despite his big moneybags. I don’t think it’s an assumption that Fred is history quite yet.
On the Dem side, Edwards is chrome toast with his “matching funds.”
All in all, Thompson didn’t do that bad, better than I thought he would.
Did anyone else see Shrillary’s speech tonight? She did NOT look happy… I thought I even heard someone booing at her while she spoke.
As far as Hucksterbee, I can only hope and pray the rest of the country sees through him. It’s bad enough I live in Arkanexico thanks in part to him, but I certainly don’t want to see Mexicamericanada any time soon.
I can not, and will not vote for Huckabee. yeah…he sounds sincere, he is “every day blue collar man ” blah blah blah. But he ain’t.
How many of you right now would want your 17 year old to go unpunished for torturing and murdering a dog ? Don’t give a damn it was 10 years ago. I give a damn it happened. Now what the hell would someone like that do in the White House ? Pardon Michael Vick, probably.
And yes, I know it sounds trite I’m upset about a dog but could care less who we water board or hang for all I care, but that’s how I feel.
Doesn’t surprize me. (Huckabee, I mean.) I didn’t think the people of the US were stupid enought to elect Bill Clinton, either. Since then, nothing the American electorate does surprizes me!
I’m not counting Fred down for the least yet. First of all Iowa and New Hampshire don’t mean much..ego boosters perhaps and no doubt winners will be able to raise money somewhat easier. I figure Thompson will get more support as more people see through Huckabee and the rest of the RINOs.
Many of the MSM pundits figure that McCain will win New Hampshire and go from there to get the nomination…I don’t think so. He had his chance eight years ago and blew it.
I do figure that the best thing that could happen for the GOP is for Osamma Obamma or Hillary to get the dim-a-crit bid…