WASHINGTON (AP) - The Secret Service said Thursday that Democratic Sen. Barack Obama was being placed under its protection, the earliest ever for a presidential candidate.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff authorized Obama’s protection after consultations with the bipartisan congressional advisory committee, according to Chertoff spokesman Russ Knocke and the Secret Service.
Secret Service spokesman Eric Zahren would not provide details of what led to the extra security, but said, “I’m not aware it was based on any threat.” According to the Department of Homeland Security, there were no known threats and Obama requested the protection.
So, the ‘closet Muzzie’ is gonna have his own Secret Service detail huh??
Well, he’ll likely need it, for a couple of reasons, the number one reason is, many people, me included, feel that he really IS a closet Muzzie and I’m not just saying it to denigrate the guy, but the very thought of someone that is Muslim educated sitting in the Oval Office is an almost intolerable thought, and there are some that would engage in extreme measures to insure that the possibility of this never came to fruition…
The 2nd reason is simply because Obama is black, at least partly black, and that in itself is a huge detriment, there are still many radical rednecks and racists in this nation that will not accept a black POTUS, in any way, and when you combine the fact that he IS partly black AND believed by many to be a Muslim at heart, well, the possibility does exist that some nut-job might try to eliminate Obama…
Federal law allows candidates to seek protection if they meet a series of standards, including public prominence as measured by polls and fundraising. The members of the congressional advisory committee are the Speaker, the House and Senate majority and minority leaders as well as one additional member.
I have got to wonder, at this early stage of the game, has there already been some credible threats made against him or is this just an ultra precautionary move being made in an attempt to avoid what would undoubtedly be a very nasty situation if something did happen to Obama??
If the Secret Service is already running a detail on him, can you imagine what it will be like if this guy were to become a serious contender or if he won the Dem nomination??
Full Story Here:
Obama Gets Secret Service Detail
Hmmm…I wonder if they’d have given Condi a detail so early had she decided to run? This guy is their golden child. I wouldn’t be suprised to see his level of security ramp up significantly as Nov ’08 approaches.
This is Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll say it again…
If he gets elected, I’m out of here.