BP Agents Told to Stop Making Illegal Immigrant Arrests
COCHISE COUNTY, AZ – An Arizona sheriff says U.S. Border Patrol officials have repeatedly told him they have been ordered to reduce — at times even stop — arrests of illegal immigrants caught trying to cross the U.S. border.
Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever stated that a supervisor with the U.S. Border Patrol told him as recently as this month that the federal agency’s office on Arizona’s southern border was under orders to keep apprehension numbers down during specific reporting time periods.
“The senior supervisor agent is telling me about how their mission is now to scare people back,” Dever said in an interview. “He said, ‘I had to go back to my guys and tell them not to catch anybody, that their job is to chase people away. … They were not to catch anyone, arrest anyone. Their job was to set up posture, to intimidate people, to get them to go back.”
Dever said his recent conversation with the Border Patrol supervisor was the latest in a series of communications on the subject that he has had with various federal agents over the last two years. Dever said he plans to relay the substance of these conversations when he testifies under oath next month before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
Full Story Here:
BP Agents Told to Stop Making Illegal Immigrant Arrests
To anyone that doesn’t understand the tactics being employed, let me explain it for you; it’s called *cooking the books* and it’s all a part of the plan to keep the Obama administration, and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano from looking like IDIOTS after Napolitano made her statements regarding the security of our border with Mexico.
Agents patrolling America’s southern border are slamming Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano for giving the nation “a false sense of security,” after she claimed the border region is “better now than it ever has been.”
In the past three years, three border patrol officers have been killed in the volatile border area.
Yet despite the grim reality of the rampant violence stemming from Mexican drug gangs — and two deployments of the National Guard — Napolitano recently remarked: “There is a perception that the border is worse now than it ever has been. That is wrong.”
Napolitano pointed to statistics indicating fewer illegals are flooding across the border. But opponents of illegal immigration say the diminished activity simply reflects the high unemployment north of the border amidst a weak economy.
Full Story Here:
Napolitano Blasted As ‘Laughingstock’ for Safe Border Claims
From the original story:
“I will raise my hand to tell the truth and swear to God, and nothing is more serious or important than that,” he said. “I’m going to tell them that, here’s what I hear and see every day: I had conversation with agent A, B, C, D and this is what they told me.”
Dever’s charges were vigorously denied by a commander with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
“The claim that Border Patrol supervisors have been instructed to under-report or manipulate our statistics is unequivocally false,” Jeffery Self, commander of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Joint Field Command in Arizona, said in a written statement.
I will say this, I hope Sheriff Dever has it ALL together, otherwise, he is going to be made to look like a fool by the Obama administration and Napolitano’s minions at DHS.
The sheriff of Santa Cruz County, which borders Dever’s Cochise County to the west, said, “This is news to me,” when asked about reports that border agents were being told to turn illegal immigrants back to Mexico rather than arrest them.
“It comes as a complete surprise that that would be something that’s going around,” Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada said. “I meet with Dever all the time and I have great respect for him, so I expect he’d come forward and say what he knows and give the source.
“Not knowing who the source is, how reliable that source is, I really don’t have much of a position,” Estrada said. “I’ve been around a real long time and haven’t heard anything like this. By the same token, you learn new things every day.”
Dever, having been in Law Enforcement for many years, has, hopefully, built his case and has all of the evidence he needs to prove his case before he testifies under oath next month before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
Just because Sheriff Estrada doesn’t know everything Sheriff Dever knows means very little. Law officials share information all the time, but there are some facts and evidence that you NEVER share, and sensitive contacts, confidential informants, are your most valued and protected asset, not to be shared with your fellow officers, much less with another department.
Both sheriffs are elected officials. Dever is a Republican, Estrada, a Democrat.
And that could explain a lot, Estrada is a Democrat. I’m not saying that Sheriff Estrada isn’t a top-notch Sheriff, but, he IS obviously, of Hispanic heritage himself, and I have long had serious doubts about the drive and determination of those of Hispanic origin enforcing immigration laws against their own people.
Some will call that a racist statement on my part, I contend it comes from having lived in Texas most of my life, with 10 years of it in El Paso and having witnessed, 1st hand, the abuses of power that some Border Patrol agents engaged in when it was in their personal best interest to do so.
It is not out of the realm of possibilities that a Sheriff of Hispanic origins could possibly turn a blind eye on occasion.
Others have questioned the methodology and conclusions of the Homeland Security numbers showing the border is more secure.
Mark Hanna, CEO of Real Life Enterprises, a Phoenix-based technology integration and security company, has testified before the Arizona Senate about what he called Homeland Security’s flawed methodology used to compile border security statistics. Hanna maintains the numbers are dangerously misleading.
As I said earlier in this post, it’s called cooking the books. The Obama administration will order it done to protect themselves and their leader. Sadly, some poor schmuck will fall on his sword to protect Napolitano and Obama.
Somehow, I have to believe that Sheriff Larry Dever is telling the REAL story. There are Police and Sheriffs Departments that I know of personally that have been told by ICE to NOT arrest anyone on immigration charges.
Time to make that picture you published from the old west happen again. If the citizens along the border want security, they will have to take it upon themselves. Hell, they found an IED on 77 down in Brownsville the other day. Looks like vigilante justice is what’s needed to save the day. The Feds aren’t going to act as Obama doesn’t want to hurt his Hispanic voters.
Back in the 70s when I was working with Dallas PD we arrested and held illegals for pickup by the Border Patrol until we were informed that municipal officers did not have jurisdiction to enforce federal law and to cease making the arrests.
It wasn’t but a few weeks after we received these orders that the Dallas Times Herald ran a story about how undermanned the Border Patrol was and that the agency just couldn’t keep up with the flow of illegals. The fed’s plight didn’t elicit much sympathy from DPD street officers.
Looks like Sister Nappy is running a reverse gunwalker scheme in that she wants to keep arrest numbers down to “prove” she’s doing her job. What was the old saying? “Figures don’t lie but liars sure do know how to figure.”
“we were informed that municipal officers did not have jurisdiction to enforce federal law and to cease making the arrests.”
That’s an interesting statement and I’m not saying you’re wrong. Reason it’s interesting is that municipal officers always picked up personnel who were either AWOL or deserters from the military. Those AWOL troops were violating federal law. It sounds like selective enforcement on the part of the feds to me.
Those BP agents who talked to Sheriff Denver not only put their jobs on the line but their lives. They could find themselves in a situation only armed with beanbag guns facing illegals armed with full automatic weapons.
There is no level so low that the Obama administration will not stoop to achieve the results the liberal left wants. For months I have heard the story about the administration directing the BP to reduce arrests, primarily by chasing illegals back across the border. Add that behavior to the efforts to stop Boeing from building a plant in South Carolina, and attempting to get the job of a CEO of a pharmacutical company. This comes on top of taking General Motors assets and “giving” them to the Autoworkers Union a few months back.
This Obama administration will push, and push, and push, to take over as much of the country as they can. They are meeting little resistance because of apathy, or because most of the American voters are now getting money from the public trough. The Democrats have bought enough votes to now get what they want. There is not enough voters left remaining off the public dole to combat them.
I fully expect the administration to introduce a bill in Congress most any time that changes our name from United States of America to Sorosvia. After all, they bought it fair and square.
Ron — I have told my readers, repeatedly, look for Obama to begin the execution of EXECUTIVE ORDERS, and I would not be at all surprised to see it happen, in earnest, any time now…
BUT…if Obama gets a 2nd term, he will look at it as his mandate to RULE America with an iron fist…
A lot like Harper wanted to be a dictatorial ass and rule us here in Rowlett, egotists and self-centered, narcissistic moonbats are all cut from that same cloth…
This, Fred, was occurring earlier in the month.
I wrote about this back on April 2nd, in re this quote:
Thank God!! - Big Sis weighed in:
To which I reply: you lying bitch.
BZ — Lying bitch indeed… I lived on that border, I worked all along and on both sides of that border, that was 25 to 30 some odd years ago, it was dangerous then, it’s an outright disaster now…
Gads: I should make this a post on CLO…
People lying..? Like who? Our damned POTUS, maybe? His cronies..? Then BATFE gets Border Patrol Agents killed, and covers it up; Hell even Senators can’t get to the bottom of it!
Cargo theft is at an all time high it seems. Ask any “Trucker” about Laredo, and the noises heard at night. Ask about all the Company rules that disallow a person to properly and effectively defend themselves… What about all the Spanish speaking people at the Truck Stops? Asking if you want to make some “real money?”
This list just goes on, and on like the Energizer Bunny!
“Executive Orders” could kill this nation…
The Obama’s BATFE is about to make a Belgium made A5 an illegal weapon, and we just sit on our collective asses…
The Obama releases yet another Birth Certificate… After all this time? Can you say counterfeit? I knew ya’ could!
The Obama care, and the list just goes on and on…
I am afraid that this is an issue-much like the out of control spending and entitlement issue-which is never going to be solved because there is nobody in Washington with the political courage to do it becuase they fear the political fallout of a certain voting block in the next election. Come to think of it, in many cases it is the same voting block on both of these issues.
This fraud in the whitehouse might just give the “executive order” that will be his undoing and it can’t come soon enough to suit me.