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Monthly Archives: August 2013
An Open Letter to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
An Open Letter to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives This morning I sent a detailed email to my U.S. Congressman, Rep. Pete Sessions, telling him of my concerns with this possible debacle in Syria and I just now … Continue reading
Posted in America 1st
Tagged Gas Attacks in Syria, Rep. John Boehner, Rep. Pete Sessions, Rumors of War, Syria, Tell Obama NO
When to strike: Tense decisions for Obama on Syria
When to strike: Tense decisions for Obama on Syria WASHINGTON (AP) - Preparations for a highly anticipated strike on Syria could lead to an awkward decision on timing. Few doubt that President Barack Obama is preparing for a U.S.-led military … Continue reading
Posted in America 1st
Tagged A False Flag over Syria, America Enters WWIII, Bashar al-Assad, Civil War in Syria, G.H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Islamic Radicals, No Blood for Oil, Syrian Conflict, The Great Satan, The Middle East, The Muslim Brotherhood, Weapons of Mass Destruction, WMDs, Yellow Cake Uranium