Help me keep this blog open, ALL donations are seriously appreciated. I know times are tight all over, we have a bit of a financial crisis here at our house right now. Domain, server space, pics hosting, all of it costs money, and I want to keep this blog going as is, on it’s own.
Please drop a donation in the jar, even small donations will help us keep this blog going! Just click the Jar, then send your donation to [email protected] . All you have to do is click the *Send Money Now* button and follow the very simple directions!

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This started out as a hobby and a *pass time*, I am retired on disability and have a very fixed income. Things were OK until the wife lost her job. Now, with the markets like they are, she is having a difficult time getting a new job. This is a case of asking for help and I hate to do that, I didn’t want to have to ask, but it would be greatly appreciated.
Help me keep this version of TexasFred’s on the net. I’ll keep on hammering on ALL of the issues that Conservatives support.
Thanks folks, Fred