Naked Woman in Cheney Glasses?
WASHINGTON (AP) - Get real, people.
That is not a naked woman reflected in Vice President Dick Cheney’s sunglasses. Although it kind of appears to be.
If you blow up the picture, you can see it is Cheney’s hand gripping the handle of a fishing rod.
The picture was posted on the White House Web site as one in a series of photos of Cheney outdoors. It created a buzz on the Internet on Friday and some cable television shows. On Friday afternoon, the White House photo office released a high-resolution image showing that it is a hand holding a fishing rod.
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Naked Woman in Cheney Glasses? No!
We report and YOU decide…
According to the story it’s a reflection of Cheney’s ‘hand’ gripping the ‘handle’ of a fishing rod, uh, maybe so, but when have you EVER seen Big Dick with a smile that big on his normally snarling face??
Just sayin’…
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April 12th, 2008 at 5:22 pm
Dang! That’s the first time I took a real good look. Sure does look like a nekkid wimins… Hmmm…. Hope he took his heart meds!
April 12th, 2008 at 7:18 pm
Hell, that’s not a naked lady.
That’s Amy given good old George a H**D Job.
Dick’s laughing because he didn’t know that a one legged Catholic Dike Muslim loving miget with a picture of the Pope shoved up her ass could do that while sitting in a wheel-barrow.
April 12th, 2008 at 7:29 pm
April 12th, 2008 at 8:29 pm
when have you EVER seen Big Dick with a smile that big on his normally snarling face??
You mean, besides after he pulled the trigger on his “hunting buddy”?
April 12th, 2008 at 9:30 pm
Well, yeah, there was that…
April 12th, 2008 at 9:51 pm
On the other hand…..
Iran mosque bombed, 9 dead and a hundred wounded.
That’s got to make anyone smile.
It would make me smile if 100’s were dead and thousands were wounded.