Anti-US cleric al-Sadr threatens new uprising in Iraq

BAGHDAD (AP) - Anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr gave a “final warning” to the government Saturday to halt a U.S.-Iraqi crackdown against his followers or he would declare “open war until liberation.”

A full-blown uprising by al-Sadr, who led two rebellions against U.S.-led forces in 2004, could lead to a dramatic increase in violence in Iraq at a time when the Sunni extremist group al-Qaida in Iraq appears poised for new attacks after suffering severe blows last year.

Al-Sadr’s warning appeared on his Web site as Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government claimed success in a new push against Shiite militants in the southern city of Basra. Fighting claimed 14 more lives in Sadr City, the Baghdad stronghold of al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army.

Fighting in Sadr City and the crackdown in Basra are part of a government campaign against followers of al-Sadr and Iranian-backed Shiite splinter groups that the U.S. has identified as the gravest threat to a democratic Iraq.

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Anti-US cleric al-Sadr threatens new uprising in Iraq

If the U.S. military doesn’t stop this moonbat, uh, radical Shiite cleric al-Sadr, it WILL NOT happen, if the job is left to the Iraqi forces, they will lay down their arms, or, surrender them to the Mahdi army would be a more accurate description, and then will join forces with al-Sadr in this deepening CIVIL WAR, also known as The Debacle in Iraq

I realize that al-Sadr and his Moonbat, uh, Mahdi army aren’t that much of a serious threat, more of an annoyance really, like flies in the barn yard, but they can and do cause death and destruction, the waters in this Debacle in Iraq are so muddied now that it’s going to be difficult to determine exactly who the good guys and the bad guys actually are…

One of my readers recently suggested that the way to end the insurgency in Iraq would be to shoot ANY person seen that was carrying a rifle and NOT in uniform, and to a certain degree I can find NO fault with that strategy, but even that won’t get all of them, not to mention the fact that private contractors and CIA guys aren’t in uniform, and they DO carry weapons, and the possibility for error would be huge, and the results could be catastrophic…

You see, as I, and many others have told our readers for quite some time now, the Iraqi army and police have more supporters of al-Sadr in their ranks than they do supporters of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and once the fighting begins in earnest, the Iraqi military and police will turn tail and run, mostly to the al-Sadr camp, or, just maybe become simple deserters, like the cowards they are…

I have said repeatedly, Iraq IS in the midst of a CIVIL WAR, and that’s a place where we have no business being involved, Vietnam should have taught us that lesson, and yes, I know that it was OUR deposing of Saddam that brought this on, I also know that it was the utter and absolute mismanagement, and ill conceived planning by the Bush War Machine that allowed what should have been a relatively minor combat operation to become an all out debacle that has transgressed into CIVIL WAR

al-Sadr doesn’t scare our troops, they would love to annihilate this trouble maker, but our Presidential PCness has not allowed that action to come to fruition, and so, this reprehensible cretin al-Sadr is allowed to rear his ugly head once more…

It’s time for Mr. Bush to make a decision, but I think we already know what HIS decision will be, Stay the Course, as we are faced with being the total support of and the only viable combat force in Iraq, and are forced to work within the limits of the leash that has been placed upon our troops by their CiC as they watch the Iraqi troops exhibit their known propensity for cowardice and desertion…

Our troops have nothing but the best of intentions and will follow whatever orders they are given, it is MY opinion that they need to be given the order to clean out the entire nation of Iraq or be given the order to clear the AO and come home, how simple can it be??

Our troops deserve to see this thing brought to an honorable ending, they have given everything they have to give, and are prepared to give even more, Bush OWES them a chance to see the payoff for their efforts…

I read a lot of blogs that claim to be in total support of our troops, but they also remain in total support of The Debacle in Iraq as well, Iraqi Freedom if you will, and they have no problem with telling Bush what a marvelous job he’s doing by keeping our troops mired in this mess…

To me, by not encouraging the POTUS, and our Senate and Congress to bring this thing to a decisive conclusion, and by not making every effort possible to get the WIN THIS THING message out there, well, that is not exactly what I would call maximum effort where troop support in concerned…

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8 Responses to “Anti-US cleric al-Sadr threatens new uprising in Iraq”

  1. GUYK Says:

    We have half stepped in this war since we took the damn country…it is time to win. Bush acted like he had some balls when he told the ragheads to “BRING IT ON” and now he acts like Obama and Jimmy balls.

  2. GUYK Says:

    Saw this morning that the Iraqi Army has just about cleaned up Basra with the support of American Air Power. And Iran approves? What gives here Fred..I smell a rat.

  3. Patrick Sperry Says:

    President Bush, respectfully, let my people go! This damned mess would be done and over in short order.

  4. TexasFred Says:

    I heard a similar report but NOT that Iran approved… Damn, that IS a bit weird, is there any chance you can find a link to that and post it here?? If so, I’ll write it up too, I can’t fathom Iran approving of anything…

  5. GUYK Says:

    Got it from the NY SLimes this morning

    Whether to counter those allegations or simply because, as many Iraqis have recently speculated, Mr. Sadr’s stock has recently fallen in Iranian eyes, the Iranian ambassador, Hassan Kazemi Qumi, on Saturday expressed his government’s strong support for the Iraqi assault on Basra. He even called the militias in Basra “outlaws,” the same term that Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki has used to describe them.

    “The idea of the government in Basra was to fight outlaws,” Mr. Qumi said. “This was the right of the government and the responsibility of the government. And in my opinion the government was able to achieve a positive result in Basra.”

  6. TexasFred Says:

    And this 1st paragraph say a lot more than is written:

    BAGHDAD — Iraqi soldiers took control of the last bastions of the cleric Moktada al-Sadr’s militia in Basra on Saturday, and Iran’s ambassador to Baghdad strongly endorsed the Iraqi government’s monthlong military operation against the fighters.

    Wow… I mean, just WOW… What the hell is this all about?? And from the NYT?? I thought they were Iran’s best buddy??

    And this:

    Despite the apparent concession of Basra, Mr. Sadr issued defiant words on Saturday night. In a long statement read from the loudspeakers of his Sadr City Mosque, he threatened to declare “war until liberation” against the government if fighting against his militia forces continued.

    But it was difficult to tell whether his words posed a real threat or were a desperate effort to prove that his group was still a feared force, especially given that his militia’s actions in Basra followed a pattern seen again and again: the Mahdi militia battles Iraqi government troops to a standstill and then retreats.

    Maybe al-Sadr is full of shit, maybe he’s talking to hear himself speak, all I know is, Iraq can’t take him OR his followers out, WE can, and should, poste haste, but it’s a question now of will we??

    Our Marines had the son of a bitch cornered up and Bush wouldn’t let them finish the job, PCness got in the way, and I don’t think Bush grew a set of balls recently…

    And after a bit more thought, maybe the NYT is just hedging their bets, covering ALL the bases, those asshats have been caught with their bloomers down a lot recently, I somehow doubt that journalistic integrity have suddenly become their new mantra…

    Thanks Guy, the links are great…

  7. Patrick Sperry Says:

    Guyk, in all respect Sir. Half assed? My Son took Saddam International in under 18 minutes…
    2Bn 75th Inf

    half assed…? He and his men, kids to you and me.

  8. TexasFred Says:

    Patrick, I am pretty sure Guy was referring to our Moron in Chief and HIS efforts to micromanage Iraq and NOT to the troops…