Bush asks for ‘moment of remembrance’ for veterans

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush asked Americans to pay tribute to veterans by pausing on Memorial Day for “a moment of remembrance.”

Bush had several suggestions for how to honor the sacrifices of those who have fought for the United States - place a flag at a veteran’s grave, go to a battlefield or say a prayer. He said the moment of remembrance would be marked Monday at 3 p.m. local time.

“At that moment, Major League Baseball games will pause, the National Memorial Day parade will halt, Amtrak trains will blow their whistles and buglers in military cemeteries will play taps,” he said Saturday in his weekly radio address.

The president said that as people “fire up the grill” and mark the unofficial beginning of summer, they need to honor the sacrifices that make freedom possible.

Full Story Here:
Bush asks for ‘moment of remembrance’ for veterans

I know that George Bush isn’t the brightest bulb on the string, about 70% of this nation has figured that out, but for crying out loud Mr. Bush, this is NOT Veterans Day weekend, it’s Memorial Day weekend, and as President of the United States, and a Veteran yourself, you should know the difference between the 2 holidays, perhaps if you had attended a few of those Guard meetings you would have learned the distinction between the 2…

I realize Bush goes on to mention that we should honor the dead, and well we should, this is NOT the joyous or happy holiday many have turned it into, this is a day of solemn reflection as we pause to remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice to help keep this nation free, this is their day!!

Veterans need to be honored, make no mistake about it, but for the President to use those words to blur the lines, to take away from the true meaning of Memorial Day, that is just not right, at least not in MY opinion…

Don’t wish me a Happy Memorial Day, there is nothing happy in this day for me, it is a day that fills me with serious reflection and memories of warriors and friends that I won’t see again until we all meet for the BIG muster…

Wish me a Happy Veterans Day, Happy New Year, Happy Birthday and the like, but offer prayers and condolences for our war dead this weekend, don’t denigrate their memory by wishing a HAPPY Memorial Day…

Happy Memorial Day makes about as much sense as Santa Claus does to the true meaning of Christmas and the bunny does to Easter, for many this is nothing more than an excuse to get drunk, go to a sale at some mall or just generally make fools of themselves, and to those faux patriots I say, shame on YOU!!

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