U.S. Military: Leaders Can’t Lead
This piece is, in my opinion, pretty much spot on, Col. Hunt hits hard and honest, the only part I saw that would give me any pause would be the source of the leak, and honestly, that’s not a big concern to me, a source is a source and their motivation may be different from mine but the facts remain the same, and you’ll have to read the whole story to see that part…
Col. Hunt will likely be ostracized by the ‘Bush Bot’ crowd for this because after all, it is a sort of backhanded swipe at the CiC, he IS the one in charge, the ‘deciderer’, and as Col. Hunt so aptly points out, Mr. Bush needs to do HIS job, and by doing so, allow the military to do it’s job…
Oh, and be sure to make note of WHERE this story comes from, you can’t say I’m not using ‘fair and balanced’ story sources, no hypocrisy on MY part…
U.S. Military: Leaders Can’t Lead
By Col. David Hunt
A few writings ago, I got full of myself (again) and wrote that we, as a nation, have forgotten how to fight. It seemed to make some sense to some of you; it sure did to me. Here are a few more thoughts on this fighting stuff.
For me, and many like me, this war is about real people out dying and getting blown apart because of a few incompetents. Our generals, the most senior of the military, are to blame for this. They are the very root of our demise, our malaise and our inability to win.
In the Army, Air Force and Marine Corps, almost all of the daily decisions are made by those in the senior level; the Navy is the only one that’s not totally corrupted… yet. The soldiers are simply the recipients of the many bone-headed things that come down the pipeline. When discussing Iraq and Afghanistan, even the most ardent supporter of this administration starts the conversation with the non-combat word “chaos,” and ends with the least combat word, “hope.” Many are content to gloss over why things are so bad. The truth is, that the conduct of the war, the daily fight, the loss of life, the failures, the piss poor planning, and the incompetence lies completely at the feet of our generals.
On a recent trip to Iraq, with Mr. Bill “I-have-the-number-one-show-on-all-of-cable-and-you-don’t” O’Reilly, I was treated to briefings, meetings and sights that left me breathless by their absurdity. These briefings are called “Battle Update Briefings”; they last for hours and there’s multimedia events which are impressively colorful. When I asked, “Did anything you’re presenting have anything to do with killing bad guys?” the general answered, “Ah … no.”
NO? Then how about a briefing that actually helps kill bad guys, and supports your soldiers, rather than impressing your visitors and yourself … General?
Now check this out:
Read the Full Story Here:
U.S. Military: Leaders Can’t Lead
UPDATE: It would appear that Col. Hunt isn’t the only one privy to this information now…
AP: Marines Fail to Get Gear to Troops
May 24th, 2007 at 8:12 pm
The other night, don’t remember where, I watched a family asking for money so that they could send their son in Iraq a bullet-proof Vest.
I’ll try to find it….
He had been there for over two weeks and had not received his vest yet.
Now, in all fairness, he had not left the Green-Zone either. Maybe that’s why but you would think that the first thing you get is a Vest.
May 24th, 2007 at 8:19 pm
This is right on. What we need is another Patton!
10-4 Willy
May 24th, 2007 at 8:47 pm
I just visited some of what I call the, “Bush Bot” sites.
They refuse to post any story like this. They refuse to say that there might be mistakes being made, it’s not allowed.
They see what they want to see and they hear what they want to hear. Remember our fine troops lifes are on the line.
So, here’s my question…………
Who really is supporting our troops?
Who really wants our troops to have the best of the best so that they may defend themselves and accomplish the duties at hand?
Who has been in War and knows alot more about what’s going on in these situations?
I’ll tell you who, Fred.
You keep it up Fred and remember that it’s people like you that may save an American from dying an un-timely death.
You have the balls to say what “Bush Bots” won’t say. That is that there have been mistakes, let’s fix them and WIN this war in Iraq.
Your passion is seen by all of us that want success.
God bless you and the United States of America.
May 24th, 2007 at 9:07 pm
Ranando, I sincerely thank you for those kind words…
Yes, there are some that claim to support our brave troops and all they really do is pay lip service to support…
I will say what I believe to be the truth and if it hurts the feelings of the likes of the 2 leading Bush Bot Bitches, I don’t give a damn, I will still say it IF I believe it to be the truth…
My information doesn’t come from some enlisted guy kissing ass to stay inside the wire or from folks that have never served or haven’t been in touch for years…
I get my stories and facts from legitimate sources, folks that ARE there or have recently been there or are still connected thru the Intel services or the like, or from friends who find these marvelous stories and send them to me to work on…
And I don’t kiss the ass of the President, and it really pisses off the Bush Bots when I use sources like the great Joe Galloway or CMDR Huber or COL Hunt to justify my stories and to legitimize my statements, and it really fries the Bush Bots when after all this time there are retired Generals and upper level officers coming forward and expressing NOW what I was saying oer a year ago, that really fries em, and I love it too…
The truth WILL stand the light of day, and if you’ll notice, I piss off the ACLU crowd and the bleeding heart lefty libbers too, and THAT is a great feeling, it lets you know you’re doing the right thing when they write about you in their blogs and call you names and tell their 2 or 3 readers what a mean old NAZI you are, I love it when it shows up on Technorati…
I’ll keep on hanging it all out there for as long as I can, my style won’t change, and if the Bush Bots don’t like it, good…
May 25th, 2007 at 9:13 am
She posted my comment. LMAO!
She doesn’t believe a word Col. Hunt has to say.
It’s really unbelievable.
Everything is perfect and we are winning on all fronts
No. it’s really Sad.
May 25th, 2007 at 9:30 am
Shes a BLIND Bush Bot, what can you expect?? She’d drop to her knees and blow him if given the opportunity…