Emergency Funds Needed — Tornado Relief
We took a hit but didn’t lose everything, many of our neighbors aren’t so lucky… If anyone is inclined to make a donation to the relief fund to help us and our neighbors, see the PayPal slug in the sidebar and donate there or contact me for my home address via email if you wish to send a check…
If enough folks donate then even small donations can make a big difference, but we won’t turn down ANY donations, large or small…
Anything I get will be shared with those in need, NEVER with the Red Cross but with Texas Baptist Men… One of the finest bunch of folks out there… They are out there working as volunteers right now, cleaning and picking up, and folks, we’ll still be picking up this time NEXT year…
A thought to our neighbors that have lost everything; go to the post office, get a P.O. Box and file a temporary change of address so the mail still comes in and life can go on with some degree of certainty… All the best my friends and neighbors, we WILL survive and get through this together…
This is about 5 blocks due north from my home…
Will your address that I have mailed to you still work?
Yes Sir, it will.. We got notice this afternoon that trash pickup and mail delivery will be back to normal in areas that have homes standing and mailboxes still standing….
Everyone knows where I live anyway, it’s all over Google…
7609 Coral Way
Rowlett, TX 75088
I don’t worry, my house is the RPD Southeast Substation and I am always carrying…
Yeah well, I think I was careful not to disclose your exact physical address. I just mentioned in a blog or two here before this one that I knew you were in, section 242, a block east of the reported tornado path. Be safe and carry on, always carrying as you say.
Big difference though in who I trust. And you know who that is.
I’ll get something mailed tomorrow, what I can. You use some and share if you can.
If I may use a little humor, as you know I do from time to time, in the words of the administration, I’ll leave it up to you…” the White House let the NSA decide what to share and what to withhold, officials said. “We didn’t say, ‘Do it,’ ” a senior U.S. official said. “We didn’t say, ‘Don’t do it.’ ”
P.S. Experience… from my P.O. to you was four days.
Sent what I could Fred. Next check from my uncle will come on 1/13/16. I’ll shoot some more your way then. Hope things get back to normal as quick as possible. I know it takes time. I remember how the flood in April of ’84 in northern New Jersey hit us and it was literally months before we got straightened out. Hang in there, it’s a one day at a time thing. You and your family are in our prayers.
And it is ALL so much appreciated too…
Just so people know, the damned NEWS MEDIA is basically a bunch of STUPID TALKING TURDS…
The water tower that is so severely damaged here in Rowlett is not THE Rowlett Water Tower, we have several towers, this one is an older tower that happens to, as all of our towers do, have the ROWLETT name on it…
Make NO mistake folks, when this is all over I will have some blistering blog posts but this STUPIDITY couldn’t be ignored, the MEDIA has done exactly NOTHING to help and have made matters appear even worse than they are with their insane, ratings driven and myopic reporting… Bastards!