Texas Man Executed for Decade-Old Murder

Texas Man Executed for Decade-Old Murder

HUNTSVILLE, Texas — Texas has executed a man convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend nearly a decade ago.

Before his execution Thursday evening, Robert Jean Hudson repeatedly expressed love to his wife and a friend who watched through a window and ignored four relatives of his victim as they watched through another window into the death chamber.

“I will take you to heaven with me,” Hudson said from the death chamber gurney. “I will always be with you.”

Hudson, 45, was the 18th inmate put to death this year in Texas, which carries out more executions than any other U.S. state. Hudson’s execution was the last scheduled in Texas for this year. At least 10 Texas inmates are scheduled to die next year, including six in January.

Hudson stabbed Edith Kendrick, 35, to death and seriously wounded her 8-year-old son in the 1999 attack at her house near Dallas.

Full Story Here:
Texas Man Executed for Decade-Old Murder

Here in Texas, we WILL get it done, eventually. If you kill someone in Texas, we WILL kill you back, it just pisses me off that it takes so long to do so!

I guess Texas goes for the death penalty because we’re not as progressive as some intellectuals, I mean, we’re nothing but back woods, bog dwelling, beer swilling rednecks and we are a state of undereducated haters, and that hate drives us to impose justice on the criminal, at least that seems to be the opinion of a *few* people.

I have never been against capital punishment, it is a much needed, and under used option in MY opinion. Some psychologists seem to think that the death penalty doesn’t stop individuals from committing capital crimes. That may be true, execution may not be a deterrent, but it makes me feel a lot better just knowing that it IS on the table, and IS an option for the most heinous offenders.

Here is the only downside that I see, it takes entirely too long from conviction to execution. We have DNA now, we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the crime was committed by the accused. If convicted, give them 1 appeal, if that fails, carry out the sentence, be done with it and stop wasting taxpayer money on a condemned criminal.

Administer justice, swift and sure, don’t let them sit for 10 years or more on Death Row.

And there is another thing Texans need to consider, George Bush and Rick Perry have never been bashful about signing a death warrant. Would a liberal Democrat or, evil worse, a despicable RINO, say maybe Kay Bailey Hutchison, would leadership like that be so willing to sign off on an execution?

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10 Responses to Texas Man Executed for Decade-Old Murder

  1. Kate says:

    Crap. Only 18? Texas is slacking off!

    I have never understood why it takes so long to carry out the sentence. If convicted, and sentenced to death, then get on with it! Save the taxpayers money by carrying out the sentence in a very timely manner! Instant would be best, but two years - max.

  2. Gawfer says:

    “…Some psychologists seem to think that the death penalty doesn’t stop individuals from committing capital crimes…”

    It was never intended to be a deterrent; it’s a punishment! And Psychologists are idiots in white coats for thinking it serves any other purpose. I don’t ever recall hearing the testimony of an individual who said “I was gonna keel ’em, but then I remembered I’d git keeled back, so I just winged ’em”.

    The only thing I’d say about the wait is I imagine if we’re gonna kill someone, it’s good to be damn sure they’re guilty, so I guess a second look ain’t bad… Here in pipe-smokin’ CA though, they get 4-5 looks, because we’re politically correct!

  3. StormWarning says:

    Has nothin’ to do with “progressive,” as one of my friends says, “some people just need killin’ “

  4. TexasFred says:

    Storm, I can think of a couple too, I mean with NO effort at all… 😕

  5. Debbie says:

    It’s the same way here in Tennessee. We execute, but it seems to take forever. We had to go though the lawsuits about how the legal injection we used wasn’t humane enough … blah blah blah

    I doubt the criminals worried if they were being humane when they committed their crimes.

  6. angry white dude says:

    Adios, scumbag! That’s another reason I love living in Texas. We take out the garbage! Next?

    I enjoy reading your page Fred.

    Angry White Dude

  7. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    Deterrent? Here’s your deterrent: THAT guy will never kill again. Deterrent enough for me.


  8. Malinda777 says:

    I LOVE TEXAS! We are all so pissed off right now in Reno…our “esteemed” District Attorney Dick Gammit (Dickless I mean) has just wasted millions of our dollars on two scumbags that he wouldn’t seek the death penalty for…citing some really retarded Nevada Revised Statutes saying the “mitigating” circumstances outweighed the “aggravating” circumstances. I read the statutes…I think he can’t read!

    One Tongan kid went to a Halloween party and some black dude from the UNR basketball team mouthed off to him (which on SCHOLORSHIP was TOLD by his coach not to go out!)…so the Tongan leaves…goes to get his homies…and comes back and blows three honor students away! He got 3 life sentences without parole. He’s early 20’s so I GET TO PAY FOR HIS FAT ASS TO EAT for the next 60 years!

    Another scumbag (probably illegal) just blew away two kids for painting an X over his dumbass tagging he’d done on some wall. A 17yr kid saw them do it…told the guy…and he got his toys, chased ’em down…chased ’em through the field and shot ’em in the back & head.

    Gammit says he won’t seek the death penalty! I hope Mr. Richard Dickless Gammit DA can read this! See Dick Run…Run all the way HOME when YOU ARE NOT RE-ELECTED!

    We have the death penalty in Nevada, but as far as I can see they keep it tucked away all covered in dust on a shelf somewhere. Hell…this one rich dude pissed off over his divorce settlement stabbed his ex-wife in a brutal fashion, (while one of his kids was home)…went downtown and parked himself in a parking garage of a casino, and shot a high powered rifle into the court house shooting the judge that did his divorce…NOPE…no death penalty for him either! HE SHOT A JUDGE!

    Ahhhh….like they say…there’s no place like home…at least I was raised a Texan 🙂

  9. Katie says:

    The trouble with the death penalty is that there are too many appeals. Give me the old days when the penalty was carried out within a year of the conviction.

  10. texasgunnut says:

    I think we as a State are worse off for not enforcing “Pace Picante’ justice”.

    Simply put, Get A Rope.

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