Ex-General: Iraq a ‘Nightmare’ for US

ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) - The U.S. mission in Iraq is a “nightmare with no end in sight” because of political misjudgments after the fall of Saddam Hussein that continue today, a former chief of U.S.-led forces said Friday.

Retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, who commanded coalition troops for a year beginning June 2003, cast a wide net of blame for both political and military shortcomings in Iraq that helped open the way for the insurgency - such as disbanding the Saddam-era military and failing to cement ties with tribal leaders and quickly establish civilian government after Saddam was toppled.

He called current strategies - including the deployment of 30,000 additional forces earlier this year - a “desperate attempt” to make up for years of misguided policies in Iraq.

“There is no question that America is living a nightmare with no end in sight,” Sanchez told a group of journalists covering military affairs.

Sanchez avoided pointing his criticism at any single official or agency, but it appeared a broad indictment of White House policies and a lack of leadership in the Pentagon to oppose them. Such assessments - even by former Pentagon brass - are not new, but they have added resonance as debates over war strategy dominate the presidential campaign.

Sanchez went on to offer a pessimistic view on the current U.S. strategy against extremists will make lasting gains, but said a full-scale withdrawal also was not an option.

“The American military finds itself in an intractable situation … America has no choice but to continue our efforts in Iraq,” said Sanchez, who works as a consultant training U.S. generals.

Ex-General: Iraq a ‘Nightmare’ for US

I can already hear the cries of the ‘Bush is God’ crowd, “Another traitor to the war effort” will likely be the 1st cry, and “Why didn’t he say something when he was running things?? Why wait until now??‘, that’s likely the most popular 2nd crybaby scream from the Bush Bots, and to answer those folks that think the General maybe didn’t do his job, and didn’t TELL Bush what the REAL problems are, here’s the deal, that’s WHY he’s an EX General, he DID tell Bush and you see what it got him??

But to the Bush Bots, Gen. Sanchez will now be a lefty loon, a moonbat, a coward, maybe even a FAKE General, yeah, that’s it, he MUST be a fake, there’s no way he could be a REAL General…

Some of these Bots need to wake the hell up and realize, the DoD is filling em with a load of crap and all that stench you get hanging out and kissing ass at the ‘O’ Club trying to make points for the hubby, well, that ain’t perfume you’re smelling sister…

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8 Responses to “Ex-General: Iraq a ‘Nightmare’ for US”

  1. gunz Says:

    Remember this Fred: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB207/index.htm

    The administration can make all the excuses in the world, they KNEW what would most likely happen but did it anyway.

    The REAL war planners had their blueprints thrown in the trash can.

    Against all military advisement and Rumsfeld had a Hell of alot to do with it. It was going to be done his way and he was only doing what Bush wanted him to do.

    And that is why so many have came out like this, they told him so before we went in, and now they are telling him I told you so now that their careers aren’t in jeopardy anymore.

  2. Ranando Says:

    Where are the commenters?

    I agree with every word Sanchez has said, he was there. He had to deal with this Administration and now he’s telling us what went down.

    God Bless Him.

  3. TexasFred Says:

    Ranando, the TRUTH just scares the living shit out of the Bots, but I bet if you read their sites you’ll see Sanchez called exactly the names I said he would be..

  4. Debbie Says:

    Fred: Thanks for your comment at Right Truth, but were you talking about ME as a Bush BOT? If so you must not have read my personal opinion at the bottom of the article. Here it is:

    “I happen to agree with a few of the things Sanchez says. We went into Iraq with the idea of taking out Saddam and being finished within a few days/weeks. Washington had no idea what a mess things would be when the differing factions each had an opportunity to come into power and take revenge for past treatment by other groups. The result was we were unprepared, not enough troops on the ground, and a military controlled in Washington rather than on the ground. We have paid a huge price for that in lives, money, goodwill in the world, and divisions at home.”

    I tried to give a good overview of what all sides were saying about Sanchez’s comments. I had just been attacked by a reader for being TOO narrow minded, for siding with the Republicans no matter what, and that is so FAR from the truth about me it’s funny.

    I have been one of the strongest voices to pounce on Bush for his mistakes, and they have been many. If I had my choice, I would be independent, not Republican or Democrat. But, as I asked the commenter at Right Truth, what choice do we have?

    I don’t blindly follow anybody.

  5. TexasFred Says:

    No Ma’am, I was NOT talking about you, THAT was written late last night and posted then, I AM psychic.. :)

    No, I knew what the reaction would be, that comment was for the Amy’s of this world, all those folks that THINK they have a clue, when they don’t…

    For all the Bots with their heads still up their asses, pay attention Gayle and Amy, I am talking to you here, Sanchez DID try to change things and he DID try to tell Bush what was wrong and the little fuckhead in the Oval Office didn’t hear what he wanted to hear, now Sanchez is an EX General…

    Figure it out for yourselves if you can actually THINK that hard…

  6. Debbie Says:

    Whew! Good to clear that up. I read your comment before I came over here to read your article. My bad.

    The problem as I’m seeing it, is that some people blindly follow whatever their political party does. Some have failed to think for themselves any longer.

    A reader and I were talking about our political system. It really is broken. If we could send everybody in Washington home and start over, it would be wonderful.

    No more career politicians. Start term limits for everybody. Allow more than one political party. Stop all the campaign contributions that leave politicians beholden to corporations or individuals. And on and on

  7. Ranando Says:

    If he would have said, “The War in Iraq is going just fine”, the Bush-Bots would be praising him, ever though it wasn’t true.

    They don’t care about the truth, they can’t handle the truth.

    Bush-Bots, bringing down The United States of America one post at a time.

    One of these major Bush-Bots has written a post saying your a bad American if you don’t reach out to Islam, WTF? She would rather defend Islam then General Sanchez and she lives on one of our military bases.

    Now that’s scary.

  8. Debbie Says:

    I think we are all tired today. Everybody is misconstruing (is that a Bush word???) what everybody else says. I’m taking a break now. I need to eat something, and then I’m going to pull on the jeans, boots, jean jacket, grab a fancy hat of some sort and a warm pashmina … and head to the park. Hubby’s band is playing tonight for a Firefighter’s fundraiser. I’m his biggest fan. So, let the old time rock-n-roll, blues, country, jazz, and other good music begin the healing. Want to join me??? Everybody’s welcome.

    It’s SHOW TIME.


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