When a Democrat throws the RACE CARD

When a Democrat throws the RACE CARD

What happens if a Conservative or a Republican makes a statement where *The RACE CARD* is thrown? I think we ALL know.

The media goes crazy, the DNC goes crazy, Je$$ie Jack$on and Al $harpton hold rallies. Eric Holder launches an investigation. Hussein holds a *beer summit* and says that Republicans must stop playing *The RACE CARD*. Chris Matthews gets a *tingle* and has to change his shorts and the entire American left demonizes the right.

What happens when a Democrat throws *The RACE CARD*?

*chirp*… *chirp*… *chirp*… That’s the sound of crickets, just so you know, and that is the very sound you’ll hear from the media, the press and everyone else concerned.

Some people don’t belong in politics. Some people don’t belong on The Bench, the judicial bench. Some folks are just gaffe prone, look at Joe Biden, a lovely example.

We apparently have, in MY opinion, a highly strung, not too bright, histrionic, reactionary, gaffe making drama queen right here in Dallas County. Her name is Teresa Hawthorne (D) and she wants to sit on the bench of the 203rd Criminal District Court here in Dallas County.

I believe, after several phone conversations and FAR too many email exchanges, that having Ms. Hawthorne sit on ANY bench would be a HUGE mistake on the part of Dallas County voters.

You see, in addition to Ms. Hawthorne being, in MY opinion, that highly strung, not too bright, histrionic, reactionary, gaffe making drama queen I previously mentioned, she threw *The RACE CARD*.

Ms. Hawthorne is white, and she tried to throw *The RACE CARD* at me.

She didn’t throw it very well.

I was, she found in her less than thorough ‘net search, a BLACK man and I was attacking her rudely. Of course once Ms. Hawthorne got her facts straight, after the LIGHT BULB flicked on, and she realized that she had just made the biggest gaffe of this entire Dallas County campaign, she began to recant and apologize profusely. Those apologies continued throughout the night at the Candidates event, several times.

Isn’t that always the case? Multiple apologies, sincere and touching attempts to make things just go away? ‘Can’t I get a free pass on this one? I didn’t really mean that the way it came out…‘ kind of thing. As I have learned, in this day and age, things don’t just go away.

If you say it, you had better be prepared to defend it and stand behind it, forever. Apologies don’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, once it’s out there, it’s REALLY out there. Emails are easily launched into the public domain. Especially ones from political wannabes that have racial overtones.

I won’t bore my readers with the FULL email exchange between Ms. Hawthorne and myself, let it suffice to say, she wanted to make some last minute changes to a program, a strange request for changes to the format of a function that I was a part of, and I questioned her, very nicely, as to WHY she wanted to make these changes at this late date and WHY a Dallas County Democratic candidate for judge was wanting to speak on the behalf of a Republican State Board of Education candidate.

Damned fair questions in MY opinion.

Ms. Hawthorne launched on a tirade of non-truths and accusations. She is an attorney, you’d think she would know better. Perhaps she was misinformed, I am giving her benefit of the doubt. Perhaps Ms. Hawthorne just didn’t understand the concept of the process, maybe she had never seen my blog, my picture is prominently displayed, maybe she didn’t see my REAL name, and what the heck, maybe she didn’t know how Facebook works. Benefit of the doubt…in any case, please continue to read this almost hilarious story, and it would be hilarious if it weren’t so pathetic.

I have it ALL archived and will be happy to forward it along to anyone wanting to read it. Here is, as they say, the highlight reel! :twisted: 

from: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com to: texasfred date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 1:24 PM subject Re: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time 1:24 PM (19 hours ago)

Fred, just checked you out on FB. Shocked! You are black. I have NEVER had a black man be so rude. I do not want to say anything for my brother. He asked me if I did not mind would I just in 10 words for less make apologizes and since he is my brother said yes. No Big Deal. My brother and I just have some different political views. I am sorry I even asked. I will be there. Do Not want to come because I am exhausted, but would like to win. Hope we can shake hands without you ignoring me. I tell it like it is also. Teresa Clayton Hawthorne

SHE was shocked? :?  My wife nearly feinted when I told her. :P

And this is the followup, one of the followup emails I got from Ms. Hawthorne.

from: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com to: texasfred date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 1:29 PM subject Well, I see there are 2 Texas Freds. I have made 2 huge blunders today. So sorry. That why it is best as a candidate to just not say too much.

2 HUGE BLUNDERS! Those are her words. Mea culpa you think? An *Oops* perhaps? A ‘Damn I wish I had that one back’ moment do you suppose?

And this is the response Ms. Hawthorne received.

from: TexasFred to Teese tjhattorney@aol.com date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 2:24 PM Well… Imagine that… YOU throw the RACE CARD… THAT truly is interesting… I wonder what the reaction would be if I had thrown the RACE CARD? If a Conservative candidate had thrown THE RACE CARD? I think we BOTH know…

I’m NOT Black, but what difference would it make to this conversation if I were?

And very nice of you, the transparency and all, the brother/sister part… Letting that be known AFTER the fact…

And as to the Clayton being told that since he wasn’t speaking thing, let me make ONE statement followed by ONE question and then, as far as I am concerned, this tete’ a tete’ is concluded.

STATEMENT: You have been involved in this forum since it’s inception, and I am greatly appreciative, but until last week, your opponent, Ms. Balido, had not responded in the positive that she was going to attend.

QUESTION: Have you, at ANY TIME, been told that if YOUR opponent wasn’t speaking then, YOU would not be allowed to speak?

I already know the answer to that one Ms. Hawthorne, and so do you…

You have a GREAT day and trust me, this has been the most enlightening, and useful email exchange I have EVER had…

As stated, I have the entire conversation archived if anyone is interested.

It could be used by the press if the press had the BALLS to take on a Democrat for throwing *The RACE CARD*, but we know they don’t.

I try to not bring TEA Party *insider* information into The TexasFred Blog, this is my personal blog and I make every attempt to keep it separate and independent from my TEA Party activities, but this is something that the voters of Dallas County, ALL of Texas, and something that every Conservative in America needs to see. We do NOT need a person of this caliber sitting on the bench as a JUDGE! ANYWHERE!

Conservatives, Republicans and Libertarians are castigated if they say something so stupid and thoughtless. I think it’s time that the Democrats be held accountable when they makes gaffes of this nature. Not ALL Democrats DO make gaffes like this, but when they do, I don’t give ANYONE a free pass, I’ll take ‘em ALL to task. Dem or GOP. Ask Rick Perry! :P

Teresa Hawthorne (D), is running for the the 203rd Criminal District Court in Dallas County. Dallas, contact me via email and I WILL send you the full transcript of her screed. This is NOT the person we need representing Dallas County in ANY capacity. That is MY opinion.

And Ms. Hawthorne, your opponent, Judge Jennifer Balido, DID get to speak to the forum, from the stage. As did ALL of the judicial candidates that chose to remain for the entire event. I just wanted you to know that the last email you sent saying, “Sorry that neither one of us could speak.” was as inaccurate as all the other emails you sent.

Jennifer, you did a FINE job! :)

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23 Responses to When a Democrat throws the RACE CARD

  1. Vigilante says:

    Fred, THIS, is what is wrong, and through our whole system of government as well…..

    “She is an attorney,”


  2. TexasFred says:

    Vigilante — There are some great attorneys, thank God there are, but you bet, there’s some that need to be disbarred and never allowed to practice again…

    This particular case is, I believe, one where a person let their mouth write a check that their ass just couldn’t cash, and you know me, I am NOT going miss an opportunity to take a fool to task!! 😈

  3. Kate says:

    Fred? You’re black? Learn something new every day! 😀

  4. TexasFred says:

    Kate — And I’m rude too… Bite me!! 😛

  5. minuteman26 says:

    This dumb bitch wants to be a judge? Not. Hope the folks up your way have her figured out.

  6. HoosierArmyMom says:

    Last night I was reading a libber thread on Facebook that had comments about an elderly lady in AZ who wore a tea party tee shirt to the polls and was told she would have to change it and come back to vote. There was the rule of law in the situation, but some damn attorney is helping her sue.

    All the libbers could do was cling to this incident and spew nastiness about the Tea Party because of it. I am indeed convinced that as Ann Coulter and many others say, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder. Now we have a prime example here of the Allinsky styled approach delivered by a whiny Democrat candidate for Judge???? Insults against citizens, wanting the rules bent for them, and playing race cards by a candidate who is trying to dispense justice from the bench??? That’s what these shews are all about. Rather than looking to the Constitution and point of law, they are busy digging into the Cloward-Priven antics and trying to create Social(ism) Justice from the bench. Hard working Americans better wise up fast, as they will only get Injustice from these shills, much like the reverse racism Holder has given us while heading the Department of Injustice!

    So Fred, how long have you been one of the “Bros” exactly???? LOL!!!!! Just shows that any idiot can get a degree and pass a bar exam, eh?????

  7. TexasFred says:

    HAM — Any idiot indeed… Word! LMAO… 😛

  8. TexasFred says:

    minuteman26 — According to some comments made last night, by folks that DO know her, comments stated as OPINION, in private, and NOT being shared on the blog, the word IS out in certain circles, now it’s being spread far and wide…

  9. mrchuck says:

    Texas Fred is black?
    Next rumor will be that he also lives in Jasper, Texas.

  10. mrchuck says:

    Teresa Hawthorne, attorney, Democrat,, is one of those women that” Can’t Understand Normal Thinking”.

  11. Bob Mack says:

    For the left, the race card is ALWAYS the wild card of last (and sometimes first) resort, the up-the-sleeve holdout they always use to try and turn a losing hand into a full house.

  12. TexasFred says:

    Never let it be said that I don’t present the entire transcript!

    —-Original Message—-
    From: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com
    Sent: Fri, Sep 24, 2010 3:12 pm
    Subject: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format

    To ALL Candidates, News Media and TEA Party members:

    Barring any last minute emergency, this is the format for the Candidates Forum tomorrow night. Invitations are now closed, the site will not be re-edited at this late date.

    I ask that anyone wanting a copy of this schedule, please make a copy and bring it with you.


    from: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com
    to: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 12:16 PM
    hide details Sep 25 (1 day ago)

    Since George Clayton cannot be there due to being in Houston representing North Dallas High School at a school event and since his opponnt is speaking, he has asked me to in a few seconds give his apologizes. Thank you.

    Teresa Hawthorne


    from: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com
    to : Teese tjhattorney@aol.com

    bcc: Jerry Berggren jerry@jerryberggren.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 12:23 PM
    subject: Re: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format
    hide details Sep 25 (1 day ago)

    That may be acceptable, but, it’s a bit late to be dropping bombs on us…

    The final decision is up to our president and I am copying him this message…


    from: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com
    to: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com

    dateS: at, Sep 25, 2010 at 12:34 PM
    subject: Re: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format
    hide details Sep 25 (1 day ago)

    I am sorry; since he will not be speaking that gives you extra time. I understand if that is not good.

    Teresa Hawthorne


    from: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com
    to: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com

    Bcc: Jerry Berggren jerry@jerryberggren.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 12:41 PM
    subject: Re: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format
    hide details Sep 25 (1 day ago)

    If you will see the format, his NOT speaking has already been factored in and that time was passed to the judicial candidates…

    It’s only cutting into YOUR already brief speaking time by speaking on HIS behalf… I am guessing you’re going to have about 1 minute to speak and make apologies for Clayton not being there, but that’s all…

    Not being rude, not intentionally, but the time frame for this event is already TIGHT and up against the wall, we have extended the time to 9:30 to help JUDICIAL candidates that WILL be attending, and their time budget is very tight as is…

    Last minute BOMBS like this hurt ALL concerned, Clayton knew, long in advance that he was not going to be here, he was given, long in advance, an opportunity to have someone speak FOR him… He never addressed that possibility… Until just now…


    from: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com
    to: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 12:50 PM
    subject: Re: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format
    hide details Sep 25 (1 day ago)

    Sir, I did not want to speak for him. I would not even try to do that. He was told that if he did not speak, his opponent would not be allowed to speak. All I wanted to do was just say George gives his apologizes for not being here he was asked to represent North Dallas HS in Houston. That is it; perhaps the announcer could do that at the time he is suppose to speak. The tone of your emails for some reason have been rude. I am a nice person and believe in fair politics to all both voters and candidates. See you there and look forward to meeting you.

    Teresa Hawthorne


    from: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com
    to: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com

    bcc: Jerry Berggren jerry@jerryberggren.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 1:09 PM
    subject: Re: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format
    hide details Sep 25 (1 day ago)

    He was told that if he did not speak, his opponent would not be allowed to speak.

    NO… He WAS NOT

    That is NOT the truth in any way shape form or fashion… And it is best that the moderator speaks Clayton’s reason for not being there…

    I am not intending to be rude Ms. Hawthorne, as I said, not intentionally, but last minute requests, ones that could have, and should have been made at a much earlier date, tend to make things rough for ALL concerned…

    And out of curiosity, WHY is a Democratic Judicial candidate being asked to make apologies for a Republican SBOE candidate? That is very strange in my opinion…

    I’ll see you at the forum and perhaps you’ll be able to answer that question…


    from: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com
    to: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 1:24 PM
    subject: Re: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format
    hide details Sep 25 (1 day ago)

    Fred, just checked you out on FB. Shocked! You are black. I have NEVER had a black man be so rude. I do not want to say anything for my brother. He asked me if I did not mind would I just in 10 words for less make apologizes and since he is my brother said yes. No Big Deal. My brother and I just have some different political views. I am sorry I even asked. I will be there. Do Not want to come because I am exhausted, but would like to win. Hope we can shake hands without you ignoring me. I tell it like it is also.

    Teresa Clayton Hawthorne


    from: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com
    to: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 1:29 PM
    subjectRe: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format
    hide details 1:29 PM (23 hours ago)

    Well, I see there are 2 Texas Freds. I have made 2 huge blunders today. So sorry. That why it is best as a candidate to just not say too much.


    from: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com
    to: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com

    bcc: Jerry Berggren jerry@jerryberggren.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 2:24 PM
    subject: Re: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format
    hide details 2:24 PM (23 hours ago)

    Well… Imagine that… YOU throw the RACE CARD… THAT truly is interesting… I wonder what the reaction would be if I had thrown the RACE CARD? If a Conservative candidate had thrown THE RACE CARD? I think we BOTH know…

    I’m NOT Black, but what difference would it make to this conversation if I were?

    And very nice of you, the transparency and all, the brother/sister part… Letting that be known AFTER the fact…

    And as to the Clayton being told that since he wasn’t speaking thing, let me make ONE statement followed by ONE question and then, as far as I am concerned, this tete’ a tete’ is concluded.

    STATEMENT: You have been involved in this forum since it’s inception, and I am greatly appreciative, but until last week, your opponent, Ms. Balido, had not responded in the positive that she was going to attend.

    QUESTION: Have you, at ANY TIME, been told that if YOUR opponent wasn’t speaking then, YOU would not be allowed to speak?

    I already know the answer to that one Ms. Hawthorne, and so do you…

    You have a GREAT day and trust me, this has been the most enlightening, and useful email exchange I have EVER had…


    from: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com
    to: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com

    Bcc: Jerry Berggren jerry@jerryberggren.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 2:44 PM
    subject: Re: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format
    hide details 2:44 PM (22 hours ago)

    LOL I thought Jennifer was coming. We were both invited to another party and I really thought she was going to be there in Rowlette. I guess I was wrong. So maybe I should go to the the other party. Fred, I emailed you several weeks ago and asked you if you knew that George was my brother . I honestly do not remember your response; I thought you knew as this point. We both graduated from Garland High School in 1967. Anyway believe it or not if you had not given me any time that would have been ok. Sorry that you take my comment as playing the race card. Certainly did not intend that. Anyway this has been an interesting email conversation. You keep up the hard work; glad to see someone who really cares. As far I am really concerned, TOO MANY TAXES PERIOD SICK OF IT.


    from: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com
    to: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com

    Bcc: Jerry Berggren jerry@jerryberggren.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 2:53 PM
    subject: Re: TEA Party Candidates Forum Time Format
    hide details 2:53 PM (22 hours ago)

    Nice *dodge* to the statement and question… Ms. Balido IS going to be here tonight, that is the last I have from her… She responded last week…

    And it’s ROWLETT… If you want to run for office in Dallas County, at least learn to spell the names of the towns within the County…

    As I said, interesting indeed…

    Come or not, that is your choice, but know this, Monday AM, this conversation is fodder for the press and blogs, intentional or not, you threw the RACE card, and Dems go crazy when it’s on a Republican or Conservative…

    Good luck on your run for the bench… I rest MY case…


    from: Teese tjhattorney@aol.com
    to: TexasFred texasfred@rowletttexasteaparty.com

    date: Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 10:41 PM
    subject: Tonight

    hide details 10:41 PM (14 hours ago)


    Thank you so much for putting together the forum. It took a lot of time and effort on your part and I am so excited to see people who are truly interested in all candidates. I hate the misunderstanding; you would have to know me better to understand. I enjoyed meeting so many people and your wife. Please tell your wife thank you and that I enjoyed meeting her. I have done volunteer work in your city with the ROCK program. That was the program started by Belinda Loveland, who was one of my best and dearest friends. It was difficult just to drive there tonight, I miss her so much.

    If I can ever answer any questions regarding my campaign, please do not hesitate to make contact.

    Again, sorry for any misunderstandings. I consider Jennifer a friend and she was originally running for another bench and then was appointed back in I think Dec 09. I was glad to see her there. Sorry that neither one of us could speak. I did talk to many folks and gave them some information and so did she.

    Thanks again.


    For any that are curious, Judge Jennifer Balido DID show up, she was introduced, ON STAGE, and was given the opportunity to speak, as were ALL Judicial Candidates that stayed for the entire Candidates Forum!

  13. extex_cop says:

    Well Fred…I guess you need to change the wording under your photo to read….

    I’m a Conservative. I’m a highly opinionated ‘WHITE’ blogger. If you ask for my opinion I’ll let you know exactly what’s on my “WHITE” mind. I don’t play the PC game, so, be very careful what you ask for.

    That should remove any doubt….but I did notice if I turned the brightness control almost all the way down to where you can just barely see your picture….then one might think you are a black man.

    Not sure if your parents are still around, but that notice would have surely put them into shock. Did your wife ask you see your birth certificate again…just to make sure?….LMAO ! !

  14. TexasFred says:

    extex_cop — My folks are gone, but my Mom’s family was all a bunch of Cajuns from Louisiana, and I am kind of dark complected with very dark eyes… She would have been rolling… My father, on the other hand, would have seen NO humor in it…

    My wife was rolling… A while back we were doing some business and we had to fax copies of our DL’s, my pic DID look like a Black person…

    They were expecting a mixed-race couple, you should have seen the looks on THEIR faces when we walked in… 😛

  15. DanLWar says:

    Love it Love it Love it! You go Fred! Nice job with the white face thing - nearly as good as Ludicris…though he only did it for one video - how you pull it off day in, day out is amazing!

  16. TexasFred says:

    DanLWar — I was LMAO on that one…

    Folks, please make welcome one of my Rowlett neighbors and TEA Party member, DanLWar…

    He has a great sense of humor and a hell of a lot of political sense too…

  17. Vigilante says:

    Fred, forget about those forums………start your own


  18. DanLWar says:

    When I was a young boy my family went on a vacation that took us through one of the cities where my mother grew up, and there were many relatives, all who we were beholden to visit. It was great; I ate five fried chicken dinners that day, as it was in Kentucky. It was amazingly fun!

    I’ve always been questioning and vocal, and at one dinner, I spoke up and asked my father seated next to me at one of these sit down dinners with 10-12 people at the table, what the people at the table were talking about. I was perhaps six, but always listened to adults and questioned anything I didn’t understand. I asked him what a ‘colored’ or ‘nigger’ was, the topic at the table, as growing up in Chicago we didn’t hear these words.

    My dad asked me to leave the table with him and sat down with me in the other room. He explained to me what they meant, but then admonished me to not use those kinds of words, trying to explain prejudice to a six year old. I remember what he said: those people were showing their own stupidity; judge every person by their mind and heart, not their color.

    I’ve grown up that way, but I do still have a prejudice resulting from that talk. I don’t like stupid people, and I don’t care what color, nationalty, or planet they come from! Stupid people are stupid people. They come in all sizes, shapes, and colors.

    I wonder how many Americans can even recite the preamble of the US Constitution, let alone discuss what it means. When the framers used the words “general welfare”, how many think they meant we should all be on welfare?

    The federal government has grown beyond it’s consitutional limits and WE have let it. Politically correct crap, race sensitivity, religious sensitivity, and any number of other PC ‘values’, have completely blinded us for too long. I don’t care if you’re black, white, yellow or purple; It’s the US Constitution stupid! Our strength and prosperity comes out of the fact we’ve followed that document throughout out history; and our downfall will come when we fail to.

    Working at the local level, educating all those who for so long were indoctrinated in public schools paid for by the very government which needs to be changed, selecting representitives who have a greater voice than any one of us and will articulate our feelings and beliefs, is paramount. We have to get the word out: It’s the Constitution, stupid!

    Memorizing the preamble is unacceptable - screw memorizing anything. Learning and being able to discuss the full contents and meaning of the US Constitution should be required learning for every high school student.

    The Federalist papers should be entry-level required reading for ALL students entering college. Certainly, all should be able to discuss in depth the 10th ammendment.

    Understanding how to balance a check book should be entry-level knowledge to enter high school. Understanding the meanings of ‘deficit’ and ‘national debt’, and the difference between them should be requirements to gruaduate.

    Every American ought to understand the meaning of Tax-Freedom Day. Who reading this even can explain an excise tax and discuss the last time they paid one?

    Enough is enough America! Wake up, pay attention, keep up!

    (sorry Fred for hijacking your thing here, but thanks for a place to write!)

  19. DanLWar says:

    sorry for the typos and grammar errors

  20. Katie says:

    You are not rude Fred. You are a Southern Gentleman who treats a LADY with respect and honor. It was just too bad that Ms. Hawthorne is NOT a lady.

    [OK. I’ll sheath my claws now.]

  21. TexasFred says:

    Just to be fair, several people that KNOW this woman have contacted me, and so far, the nicest thing that has been said was, “She’s as nutty as a fruitcake…”

    Wow… It’s amazing the things you can learn from one little candidates event… 😛

  22. Steve Dennis says:

    And I thought justice was supposed to be blind! So much for that theory. We all know what would have happened if she wasn’t a liberal, she would already have had to drop out of the race.

  23. TexasFred says:

    Steve — Her email was sent far and wide, it’s in the hands of at least HALF of the GOP judiciary and a couple of Dem judicial candidates have it too…

    I hope they hold her feet to the fire, she is as goofy as it gets in MY opinion, and damn sure not someone we need on the bench…

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