Rice: US Has ‘No Permanent Enemies’

WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Friday held out the prospect of improved relations with the remaining two members of President Bush’s “axis of evil,” Iran and North Korea, as long as they meet international demands over their nuclear programs.

Rice said the Bush administration in its remaining year would welcome fundamental changes in its dealings with the two countries, as well as with Syria, and as an example pointed to warming ties with Libya, which renounced weapons of mass destruction in 2003.

“The United States doesn’t have permanent enemies, we’re too great a country for that,” she told reporters at a State Department press conference.

But she stressed that neither North Korea nor Iran would benefit from closer relations with the U.S. unless they come clean about their weapons intentions.

Full Story Here:
Rice: US Has ‘No Permanent Enemies’

Once thought to be the most intelligent person in the Bush White House, and it wasn’t all that hard to claim the position, Condi has shown just how dingy she really is…

Sixty-six Americans were taken captive when Iranian militants seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran on Nov. 4, 1979 and in MY opinion, we should have been in a state of war right then and there, we have had Iran’s government and religious leaders as enemies for just over 28 years, now that may not qualify as permanent in Condi’s book but here’s a thought for the smartest person in the Bush administration, Iran will not acquiesce to our way of life, thinking, religion or any other part of the American lifestyle, ever, and as long as Islam exists, we WILL have permanent enemies…

The Bush administrations performance has been somewhat less than stellar in most all areas, and once again they don’t disappoint, Rice can’t be much more than a mouth piece for Bush, uh, no pun intended, but if this is the belief of the Bush administration, well, they’re even dumber than a lot of folks think they are…

Yes Condi, we DO have permanent enemies, and what little respect I had for you just took a tumble…

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13 Responses to Rice: US Has ‘No Permanent Enemies’

  1. Ranando says:

    You know I don’t give a Rats-Ass about Bush or his Nappy-Headed-Ho.

    This is really going to surprise you coming from me but here it goes.

    99.9% of all people on this planet are good, decent people wanting to live in Peace. They want to get up everyday and go to work and supply for their families. They want their children to be able to attend school safely and get the education neccessary to become productive World citizens. They want to practice their religion in Peace and go about their daily lifes smiling at everyone around them.

    The problems are the leaders, the Governments, the Few that control the other 99.9%. Those leaders, those Governments are our real enemies and if they were gone, our enemies would be gone as well or most of them would be gone anyway.

    Radical Islam, that’s another story. Maybe if the 99.9% could take over they would all agree, Radical Islam has to go.

    Maybe, just maybe that’s what she was trying to say.

  2. Butch says:


    Merry Christmas to you and yours Fred.

    BTW, I agree. I agree, Condi has been disappointing at best…

  3. Mad Irishman says:

    “The United States doesn’t have permanent enemies, we’re too great a country for that,”

    What the fuck? The problem is that we DON”T ACKNOWLEDGE that we in fact DO have permanent enemies. We have enemies that their only existence on this Earth is beholden to the fact that they are our enemies. At war with China for 13 years now and uh….We haven’t done a damned thing about it. That’s just the tip of it. Dear Christ… Condi Condi Condi…

    That’s it… We need to blow something else the hell up… ASAP… Doesn’t even matter who or what. We need to put a big fucking hole somewhere…

    Merry Christmas All.
    God Bless you all and God Bless America.



  4. Ranando says:

    I guess all missed my point.

    If you can’t seperate the people from their Governments, God help us.

  5. Mad Irishman says:


    I think ye have missed “the” point and over-looked a portion of your own.

    *The problems are the leaders, the Governments, the Few that control the other 99.9%. Those leaders, those Governments are our real enemies and if they were gone, our enemies would be gone as well or most of them would be gone anyway.*

    Great thought. Nice Sentiment…Completely untrue. While many of the leaders, and behind the scenes small percentage ye mention in power create many problems on their own . . . that in NO way is the be all end all . our enemies would be gone? Uhm . . . yeah…NO. No they wouldn’t.

    Radical Islam, that’s another story. Aye it is another story…a great big God Damned story… Hmm lets see…yer trying to build an idea on only one or two countries with an issue…Iraq…well how about Iraq and
    India and the Sudan and Algeria and Afghanistan and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Ingushetia and Dagestan and Turkey and Kabardino-Balkaria and Morocco and Yemen and Lebanon and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and Argentina and Kuwait and Virginia and Ethiopia and Iran and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Tanzania and Germany and Australia and and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and the Netherlands and Chad and Canada and China and Nepal and the Maldives

    There are LARGE LARGE portions of the world that in fact DO NOT want nor care about ::: **They want their children to be able to attend school safely and get the education neccessary to become productive World citizens. They want to practice their religion in Peace and go about their daily lifes smiling at everyone around them.**

    I don’t know.




  6. Ranando says:

    Like I said Mad, I guess you missed my point.

    That’s OK, I didn’t expect you to understand. Infact, I didn’t expect you to understand at all.

  7. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    Ranando: to a certain degree I would agree — and it is true with US citizens as well. We are certainly greatly ignorant of world issues — one reason I subscribe to The Economist (though it leans primordialy Left). The US media has NO idea how to deal with world issues.

    But to have Condi make such an unequivocal statement is impertinent, considering the history, short as it is, of our nation. We associate with the nations we do, when we do, at the time that we do, because it is generally in our best interest — at the time. And times change. Everything is fluid, much is fluctuous.

    There are few absolutes — except that, these days, it is easier to delineate our friends; they constitute a shorter list. Or we could submit to the European principle: no principles at all, except to kiss the asses of those whom we may perceive could hurt us. Islam? Russia? Just because ALL of Europe receives its OIL from Russia?


  8. Mad Irishman says:

    Well now that seemed as though a meek cop-out and yet, at the same time somewhat of a God Damned Relief as well. Mayhap it is good I’ve not understood, or seemingly haven’t. Perhaps it’s just as well we haven’t understood one another. . .otherwise this discourse could not occur yes? Perhaps I let my Irish get the better of me there or perhaps ye read things unintentionally present in my words. I can assure you I meant no insult and so on. Christ if that were my goal I surely would’ve done a much better fucking job of it. On the same note I believe I understand your point well.
    The need, wanting , yearning and desire for freedom spans the globe this is a truth, but the actuality and the growth of freedom are not inevitable. Nor when that Freedom is gained should we expect it to mirror ours . . .hence a partial reason for my disagreement with the 99.9% having that same desire. Freedom and Virtue, morality , integrity , respect for life, love , God and others are entirely different things.
    Tyranny blankets a number of nations even still and in as crude a way as ever before. You have Leaders, Regimes and ‘governments’ that are without a doubt ‘in it for the money.’ Prospering the prosperous evermore yet denying their people basic rights and freedoms. Sort of like What Hillary and Romney would like to do to us. Some ‘governments’ simply sit by whilst demagogues peddle their authoritarianism. Many are just beginning, baby-democracy if you will. Some are regressing, either way both are fragile. The people pay for that fragility. I understand your point well sir. With all due respect, I think I have a more firm grasp of it than yourself. However; by simply removing these leaders, these governments ; as you say . . .we will not have the affect you desire or allude to. You can easily remove the leather seats from a car . . . and still drive the damned thing 100mph. Many of our ‘enemies’ . . . many of these nations that are being pushed into becoming our enemies or have been for years; have too large a fuel supply for such a plan as the aforementioned to work. By fuel, I do not refer to oil. I mean Praxiology . . .Mind-set, indoctrination, morals, values etc etc it is a large list. A list of psychosis and so on that is bred in and so on for generations. Subsequently it will take generations to repair . . . if even possible. Again; I reiterate their are large populace of persons on this Earth that have no desire for the lives you’ve mentioned. That is a more complex dilemma to deal with. I understand your point well . . .hell , I agree with a fair portion of it. I also understand well that an experienced life journey will lead one to grandiose ideas of simplicity concerning such worldly matters. I understand that , because I think we have that in common. A large part of me is still pretty certain a couple of guys like you Fred myself and perhaps a few others that post around our blogs could sit down with all the leaders and damned near settle everything. That of course would require everyone to do exactly what we told them. . . plain and simple. *My arm hurts when I do this. Well don’t do that anymore!* Savvy my drift? From perusing your site it is like we are living mirrored lives, simply got there by drastically different roads. Hell, I believe not too long ago I suggested we simply put a big hole somewhere. Sometimes we must lixiviate our minds, remove ourselves from bastions of thought we are used to. Step into the complex lights and chaotic barrage of input and well . . . try to make it simpler. lol. In any event . . . we aren’t really disagreeing here . . .we’re both right in a sense . . . ‘course, I’m going to go with me being ‘more right’. LMAO..

    Merry Christmas..and God Bless


  9. Mad Irishman says:

    P.S. Bloviating Zeppelin Last paragraph . . .Good Point.

  10. Ranando says:


    All good points and well taken.

    Here’s my point……………….

    To every American, Venezuela is our enemy. Hell, if he could Bush would go to war with them.

    Venezuela is not our enemy, Hugo Chavez and his Government is.

    I’ve been to Venezuela many, many, many times in my life and not once have I ever had a problem. I surf, shop, walk the streets, eat in restaurants, go to bars and I have many friends there.

    All I was trying to say is that maybe there are a few more Venezuela’s out there.

    I know there are, I’ve been to them all over the World.

  11. Mad Irishman says:

    Agree 100% with that analogy and or situation. Perfect point. I also agree that there are many more. For the same reasons . . . seen them first hand. Perhaps our ‘foreign affairs’ or efforts should be more focused on helping in those places. And, well…screw the rest.



  12. gunz says:

    Looking at it from a religious aspect, and I believe this is a religious war with these sand niggers, we have permanent enemies. What on earth is Condi thinking? That’s a stupid remark and looking at it from a biblical stand point Israel has ALWAYS had a permanent enemy and it’s Islam period, and I’m not a bible thumper but being a conservative I certainly believe in it to a very large extent as most conservatives do.

    Unless we as a nation plan on turning our backs on them and becoming anti Israel I believe we have permanent enemies. As long as there are Christians, Jews. and Muslims there will be wars.

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