Archive for the 'Fair and Balanced' Category

KDFW-FOX4 Suspends Reporter Rebecca Aguilar After Controversial “Ambush” Reporting

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

Monday night, KDFW-Channel 4 ran a piece about 70-year-old James Walton, owner of Able Walton Machine & Welding in West Dallas, who, early Sunday morning, shot and killed and man trying to break into his business. What made Walton’s story so extraordinary was that it was the second time he’d killed an intruder in three weeks. As it happens, Walton also lives at his place of business.

But today you will not find the Fox4 story on the station’s Web site; there’s a page for it, but no accompanying video. (Update: It’s available here.) That’s because Rebecca Aguilar’s piece elicited a torrent of outrage, both on local blogs (chiefly FrontBurner but also elsewhere) and from viewers who began deluging the station with angry calls Monday night and much of the day yesterday. As Trey Garrison pointed out on D’s blog:

This is her idea of journalism? Ambushing a 70-year-old man who has been through life-and-death twice in three weeks? “Are you a trigger happy kind of person? Is that what what you wanted to do? Shoot to kill?” Good Lord, I hate the people in this field.

Well, Trey need not worry about Aguilar, at least for a while: Unfair Park has confirmed that Aguilar — who was just named one of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists’ Broadcast Journalists of the Year — has been indefinitely suspended, based on concerns about how Aguilar treated Walton. She could not be reached for comment, but Unfair Park did leave Aguilar a message on her cell phone. (When we tried her number in the newsroom, another woman answered and said, “Rebecca isn’t available today.”) We also left a message for Maria Barrs, the station’s news director. –Robert Wilonsky

Full Story Here:
KDFW Suspends Rebecca Aguilar After Controversial “Ambush”

This is the same story I had up a couple of days ago, West Dallas business owner kills 2 suspected burglars in 3 weeks about the Dallas business owner that has taken a personal interest in NOT letting the BAD GUYS rob him blind, and to that gentleman, Mr. Walton, I say GOOD for you and I am proud to have you as a resident of this area…

Well, apparently one Ms. Rebecca Aguilar, of KDFW-FOX4 here in the Dallas wasn’t so happy with Mr. Walton, the only thing I can say thats printable concerning Aguilar at this moment is, I am glad she is suspended…

I want to extend many thanks to Dan Riehl of Riehl World View: Senior Reduced To Tears By Reporter After Shooting for using my story as a part of his, thank you Dan, You Da Man!

And Dan has the video OF this story too, please pop in and take a look at what ‘hack reporting’ from KDFW-FOX4 really looks like…

Shame on Rebecca Aguilar for this trash journalism and even MORE shame on KDFW-FOX4 producers and management for letting it air in the 1st place…

EDIT for Clarification: Castle Law Doctrine - Texas Governor Rick Perry - Press Release - March 27, 2007

EDIT TO INCLUDE: Video Link from YouTube courtesy of Big White Hat

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Blackwater: The Confidential Iraqi Incident Report

Sunday, September 30th, 2007
Death From All Sides

Sept. 30, 2007 - Since the fatal Sept. 16 Blackwater USA shooting in Baghdad’s Nasoor Square, officials from the private security company have insisted that their guards were responding to fire from “armed enemies.” Yet an extensive evidence file put together by the Iraqi National Police and obtained by NEWSWEEK—including documents, maps, sworn witness statements and police video footage—appears to contradict the contractors’ version of events. A confidential incident report, which has been provided by Iraqi National Police investigators to American military and civilian officials, concludes that the Blackwater vehicles “opened fire crazily and randomly, without any reason.”

A nine-minute police video made in the moments after the shooting shows helicopters similar to those used by Blackwater still hovering over the wreckage of charred, smoking and bullet-pocked cars. (For an edited clip of the video, click here.) The graphic images include footage of burned human remains and show the street littered with brass bullet casings. They also show what appears to be a police officer waving a pistol at the scene; the footage was captured by a different police officer, who had run over from the nearby Iraqi National Police headquarters. (Portions of the video have been previously broadcast; it was recorded without sound.)

Iraqi National Police investigators also believe that Blackwater’s helicopters fired on the cars from above, according to confidential police documents and interviews with senior police officials. A memo written on Sept. 17 by the lead Iraqi police investigator states that shortly after the shooting began, “helicopters opened fire from the air toward the cars and civilians.” Gen. Hussein al-Awadi, the commander of the Iraqi National Police, told NEWSWEEK that the trajectory of some of the bullet wounds could only have been caused by fire from the air. “If anyone moved—whenever they saw someone leaving—either the convoy or the chopper shot him,” says Ali Kalaf Salman, an undercover Iraqi National Police officer who was working as a traffic cop at the scene. (One of the police documents lists 17 fatalities and many more wounded from the shooting. Other accounts have put the death toll at 11.)

Full Story Here:
Blackwater: The Confidential Iraqi Incident Report

I don’t want to be throwing accusations out there or anything, but, ya just knew there was going to be a but didn’t you, but have you ever noticed how the Iraqis, and OUR very own MSM always seem to able to come up with video of insurgents shooting at American troops or launching rockets and firing off mortars too??

And there’s never footage of the bad guys getting their asses kicked…

Why is that I wonder?? Just askin’…

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Body Found Near Where Missing Chicago Woman’s Car Discovered

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

CHICAGO — The family of a missing Chicago woman said a body found early Thursday is that of their loved one.

Nailah Franklin, 28, a pharmaceutical sales representative for Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly, was last heard from a week ago.

Dwayne Johnson, Franklin’s uncle, said authorities confirmed it was his niece’s body.

Suburban Chicago officials found a body in a forest preserve near where Franklin’s car was found abandoned last Friday, police said.

On Thursday morning, authorities in Calumet City reported that they found a body in the Wentworth Woods Forest Preserve, near where her car was found abandoned.

Full Story Here:
Body Found Near Where Missing Chicago Woman’s Car Discovered

I have a couple of statements I want to make in this post, 1st, to the family of Nailah Franklin, I am sorry for your loss, I know you’re going through a terribly trying time and my heart felt sympathies are extended to you and yours…

FOX News Live has an update working right now, no link yet, where the family is confirming that they have been notified by officials that this is Nailah Franklin’s body…

2nd, to the hypocritical reverse racists that say FOX News is ‘lily white’ and only covers the plight of missing blue eyed blond white girls, I think that argument just went out the window for you…

Looks like ‘Fair and Balanced’ wins again…

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