Monthly Archives: May 2014

Mattis: Withdrawal plan gives enemy hope, sends wrong message to allies

Mattis: Withdrawal plan gives enemy hope, sends wrong message to allies WASHINGTON — Taxpayers and troops will receive something of a peace dividend under White House plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2016. The new strategy … Continue reading

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Grieving father takes center stage in gun debate

Grieving father takes center stage in gun debate LOS ANGELES (AP) — Richard Martinez says he never set out to be a face of the gun-control movement and has no interest in taking deer rifles and shotguns from the hands … Continue reading

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Gay Republicans push for booth at state GOP convention, change in party platform

Gay Republicans push for booth at state GOP convention, change in party platform A group of gay Republicans Thursday called on state GOP leaders to change language in their party’s platform that states “homosexuality tears at the fabric of society.” … Continue reading

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The Texas Republican Primaries are Over

The Texas Republican Primaries are Over All good things must come to an end, or so the old saying goes. I’m glad it’s over actually, it is time for Texas Republicans and Conservatives to rally together and WIN the upcoming … Continue reading

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