Senate GOP Foils Debate on Iraq Surge

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate gridlocked on the Iraq war in a sharply worded showdown Saturday as Republicans foiled a Democratic bid to repudiate President Bush’s deployment of 21,500 additional combat troops.

The 56-34 vote fell four short of the 60 needed to advance a nonbinding measure identical to one the House passed Friday. Seven GOP senators broke ranks, compared with only two during an earlier test on the issue.

Democrats swiftly claimed victory. “A majority of the United States Senate is against the escalation in Iraq,” said Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. “As for the Republicans who chose once again to block further debate and protect President Bush, the American people now know they support the escalation” in troops.

Republicans blasted the Democratic leadership for refusing to allow a vote on an alternative that ruled out any reduction in money for troops in the field.

Full Story Here:
Senate GOP Foils Debate on Iraq Surge

Reid is correct when he says, “A majority of the United States Senate is against the escalation in Iraq,”, but Harry, it’s just not a big enough majority to get YOUR job done…

I’m against this ’surge’ thing myself, I think it’s just too small a number to actually get the job done correctly, I think they needed to place at least 10 times that many additional troops in theater, and that would be just to ’sweep’ and secure Baghdad…

And in the meantime, I think we should have deployed an additional 250K troops to sweep the rest of Iraq, if we’re going to do this thing, lets do it right, and end it once and for all, and with that many U.S. combat troops in place, Syria and Iran would be crapping in their robes, wondering which one of them is next…

I have never been convinced that we needed to go to Iraq in the 1st place, but since we’re there, for good or bad, here’s how I feel about it, why go to the party if you’re not gonna dance??

There is a decisive victory to be had in Iraq, but we MUST take the gloves OFF for it to happen, and I don’t think the Dems have on ‘boxing’ gloves, I fear theirs are made of ‘pantie lace’ and God forbid the Dems should have to actually stand up and do something that may cause them to get their ‘lillywhites’ dirty…

And to Jack Murtha, EX-Marine, and I stress the EX part, any real Marine will know why, to you Murtha, I say this, I am absolutely thrilled that I never knew you, because if you went at being a Marine in the same manner that you address public service and elected office, then you Sir, were one piss poor excuse for a Marine, I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone with the Vietnam combat record you have, the medals you won, or anyone that served with so much distinction could then turn out to be the crummy bastard you became in later years…

5 Responses to “Senate GOP Foils Debate on Iraq Surge”

  1. Senate GOP Foils Debate on Iraq Surge at Conservative Times--Republican GOP news source. Says:

    […] Original post by TexasFred and software by Elliott Back […]

  2. GUNZ Says:

    No doubt about more boots on the ground. I agree totally with that. I don’t know what the Hell they’re thinking…

    As a former Infantry Squad leader/Platoon Sgt. I know the numbers are simply wrong and miserably out of proportion on the low end. But we Sgts never could tell very many officers that something was F-K’d up and it just didn’t ‘feel’ right.

    The bastards drawing these plans up have LONG forgotten the fundamentals. They are simply ‘war college’ know it alls. That or they are proposing good ‘tactically’ sound plans to be approved and that dumb shit Bush is shooting them down all in the name of political correctness.

    Murtha is a goof ball cartoon. I cannot believe his history when I read it. He got a bad case of crotch rot someplace where he was stationed apparently. Went untreated and the infestation drilled it’s way right into his brain housing group.

    What a ‘dick’ plain and simple…

  3. Murray Says:

    Anybody who reads my blog,, knows how I feel on this issue. It’s time to get back to the WWII mentality. Go kick some rag-head ass with the full intention off winning, not surrendering!

  4. Sage Says:

    I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone with the Vietnam combat record you have, the medals you won, or anyone that served with so much distinction could then turn out to be the crummy bastard you became in later years…
    Ummm….Agent Orange did it to him…lol.

  5. Patrick Sperry Says:

    Murtha is a worthless piece of camel dung, as my God father would have said.

    BTW, at both the War College, and at BIOC the very first thing that you are taught is to listen to your Sergeants.

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