Questions over Palestinian family locked up for 3 months

By BRETT SHIPP / WFAA-TV - “Inhumanity” and “atrocity” are just two words being used to describe news of four Palestinian children and their mother being imprisoned by federal immigration officials for nearly three months now.The story began November 2nd during a pre-dawn raid.

Federal agents swept down on the Richardson apartment of Salaheddin Ibrahim, arresting him and five members of his family for immigration violations.

Salaheddin was taken to a federal immigration prison in Haskell, Texas.

Full Story Here:
Questions over Palestinian family locked up for 3 months

This was a feature story on our noon news here in the Dallas area and I wanted to share it with you folks and get some honest feedback from the readers of this blog, below is the email I have sent to Mr. Shipp letting him know I was going to use his story in a featured post…

Brett, I am about to post this story in my blog, I am not a HUGE blogger in the genre of Malkin and Coulter but I do have international readership and I am seriously in favor of enforcing the laws of this land, my stance on immigration is very unyielding, “What part of ILLEGAL did they miss?” has long been my belief…I really hope you aren’t advocating this family be given amnesty, they are clearly in violation of the laws of this nation, and in MY opinion, they, and the 18-20 million other ILLEGALS need to be deported ASAP…

I am going to present it to my readers and we’ll see what kind of response this story gets, and I will of course give you full accreditation and reference you and WFAA as the ’source’, I have no use for plagiarists, and I will post this email as well, I don’t do things behind a persons back…

I do hope you’ll look at my blog and I invite you to make a comment as well, it’s a great story and does bring up a serious issue…

Sincerely, TexasFred

There is also an on-line poll at the story where readers can cast a vote and give their opinion to the station as well…

Detained Palestinian woman and children releasedI told y’all this was going to happen…

TexasFred Says: February 2nd, 2007 at 6:09 pm
“I can’t wait to see how the federal magistrate takes care of this, but I’ll venture a guess, it will be deemed a ‘hardship case’ and all paperwork will be put in motion to expedite the entire matter and these fine taxpayers from Palestine will be given the citizenship they weren’t willing to fight for…”

55 Responses to “Questions over Palestinian family locked up for 3 months”

  1. Questions over Palestinian family locked up for 3 months at Conservative Times--Republican GOP news source. Says:

    […] Original post by TexasFred and software by Elliott Back […]

  2. Sniper One Says:

    Palestinians in the country illegally, being held for being here ilegally… where is the issue?

    My only question is why haven’t we sent them back to Gaza yet?

  3. Kurt P Says:

    What a fluff piece!
    They’re Palestinians, Gaza is that way *pointing East*. They lost their appeal.
    Of course it looks like a prison- it WAS a prison.
    As far as the 3 year old missing mom, send her over there, too.
    Which brings up the “anchor baby” scam. THAT was put in place because the 19th century Democrats refused to see their ex-slaves as citizens.

  4. TexasFred Says:

    I just received this email from Brett Shipp, and I asked him to please post here too, as verification…
    Hey Fred,

    No, as I understand it, the family wants to be deported. They don’t want to live in prison. No country will take them.

    Stay tuned.


  5. Chicagoray Says:

    Here we have yet another instance of foreign peoples, although not this particular family apparently (Palestinians) that outwardly and loudly hates the United States and Americans, yet they risk everything to flout our laws and spit in our faces to come here and live and gain any free subsidies and government handouts they can manage to grab on to in the process.

    Secondly, the “prison” that they are living in is probably on par if not an improvement on where they came from in Palestine so I have no sympathy there.

    They broke the laws the second they set foot on our soil so they are criminals, period. Give special treatment or exception to this family and there are 300,000 other illegal families standing in line to become yet another exception to the rule.

    It’s now high time this country shut the revolving door free ride for anyone anywhere to come and live on our dime illegally. We don’t have unlimited resources here and our country no longer is a unified country thanks to all these damn illegals that want to be in America but don’t want to be Americans and turn our country into Gaza or Tijuana or Guatemala and sadly it’s happening.

    So get in line and do it the proper way or suffer the consequences of breaking the laws of our country which means jail time.

    It’s not our fault and too bad that their sh(*&le land of origin doesn’t want them back, they should’ve contemplated that before coming here, none of these people ever do as they think once they get here the free ride starts as it’s been that way for way too long and it’s time to end it. ……End of story.

    As for the poll attached to the story, how slanted and deceptive wording is this:

    Should immigrant children be imprisoned?

    How’s this for more accuracy….

    Should the children of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS be imprisoned if their parents came here illegally and refuse to leave?

  6. LittleOleLady Says:

    No country will take them?

    That sounds like a load of BS. What about the country they belong to? IMO they don’t have the ‘right’ to refuse to allow them to be deported and sent back there.

    In other words.. “Return To Sender”

  7. Murray Says:

    Those who read my blog know how I stand on this issue. Illegal is illegal, simple as that - they are breaking the law by being here. Legal Americans get put in jail for breaking the law and that should certainly apply to the illegals.

  8. Bull Says:


    End of Report.

  9. Blandly Urbane Says:

    It’s a true shame and I really sympathize feel for these folks, they would however not be in this fix had they not entered the country illegally or overstayed.

    This quote below from the article could almost be used to describe the issue of illegal immigration:

    “”It’s there in front of our eyes, but we don’t want to believe it, we refuse to believe it, we really don’t believe it.””

    Obviously, Mr. Shipp is one of the people that just can’t grasp the issue logically. Illegal, if I’m not mistaken, isn’t an activity to be countenanced or ignored….otherwise you end up with what we have today…gee isn’t that ironic.

    “they characterize these people as absconders, immigration violators and criminals and they are none of those.”

    The heart can honestly say they are not “absconders……” but the I’ve yet to find a pumping heart in the legal system. Empathizing is certainly understandable, but not one of the three terms quoted above is inaccurate: hiding from the law, and entering the country as they do is illegal, breaking the law means you’re a criminal (if convicted….).

    This is one of those things that has driven me crazy about this issue. Shipp and others don’t see the how incongruous their stance is. It’s not legal to enter the country illegally. Simple and stupid way to describe it on my part, but you would think it’s fairly easy to grasp. Stupendously ridiculous.

    Thanks for the heads up Fred

  10. Basti Says:

    I’ll have sympathy for ‘illegal invaders’ in this country when I’m allowed to flout the law at will!

    As for no country wanting to take them, don’t we still have some room at GITMO? Stick them in GITMO and let’m rot!

  11. GUYK Says:

    send the ragheads back to raghead country

  12. James S Melbert Says:

    There it is in paragraph 11. It says :they came to this country 5 years ago legally.
    Underline “legally”. So why do all your commenters throw the word “illegal” so much?

  13. TexasFred Says:

    James S Melbert Says:

    February 1st, 2007 at 3:01 pm e

    There it is in paragraph 11. It says :they came to this country 5 years ago legally.
    Underline “legally”. So why do all your commenters throw the word “illegal” so much?
    Admin: Because their visas have since expired I believe, and thus they are now ILLEGAL…

  14. cary Says:

    They are here illegally. The children cannot survive without the parents. They come from Palestine, return them to Palestine. Since they don’t want to be here, why is this a US problem? This should be handed back to the Palestinians, and they should be taking care of it themselves.

    Another example of why the ALL the borders need to be secured before anything else is done about illegal immigration.

  15. The Minuteman Says:

    Not to be a prick, but I have read through all of these comments and sadly it seems that everyone has missed the point. OUR GOVERNMENT ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING TO TAKE SOME ILLEGALS OFF THE STREET!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!! Holy Christ, it must be the end of the world! Now if they would do that a few million more times we’d be set!

  16. Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Says:

    Absolute and utter bullshit… Illegal is ILLEGAL! And with this family I view it as a double-threat. They are not only breaking the law, I strongly believe in profiling since 9/11 and they sure as hell meet the prerequisite for ‘potentially’ wanting to inflict grief on the US. And the fact that children are involved - get real… If a child can walk in Palestine, they can strap a bomb on their chest and kill as many innocents as they can get near. They are taught to do that from the time they’re born. They may very well be innocent, but frankly I’m not willing to chance it - the law is the law… Send them back to Palestine. Lock all our borders down and dispatch those who are here illegally post haste and with extreme prejudice.

    I read the article where it says their visas have expired - that means they are here illegally. I have to ask myself why no country will take them as well? They had 5 years to seek ‘legal’ asylum and to get on the road to citizenship - they did not do that and I seriously wonder why. The only thing I disagree with is breaking up the family - the fact that anyone can just move into America illegally and set up house and live as legal Americans is a severe security loophole and must be closed immediately.

  17. Kate Says:

    I feel bad that parents put their kids in such a position. Should they be behind bars? Well, yeah…. they are breaking our laws, they are ILLEGAL!

    Which part of “occupied Palestine” do they want to return? The part where Israelis are targets, or the part the “Palestinians” target each other?

  18. jarhead john Says:

    Since they are here illegally, I’m not sure that a comment, or a poll, is even necessary. Oops, I forgot, the lefty loons don’t use common sense; they base their decisions on emotion instead.

  19. Robert Says:

    While I sympathize with their plight, I am angry at the fact this issue is a problem. Only in America would this be an issue at all. Mexico, as well as THESE folks ORIGINAL region would have shipped them out as soon as they became Illegal.

    I take pride in America for being different and a free society, but at some point you have to close the doors to Illegal immigration if we are going to continue to call ourselves a nation.

    We are dealing with a Mexican Invasion, the LAST thing we need is Middle Eastern invasion…

    Can you imagine the impact of an Illegal swarm from Palestine like we have from Mexico? We’d have car bombs/Splodey’s going off all over America….

  20. Longstreet Says:

    I have no sympathy for those people. They are illegals! If no country can be found to take them, then keep them locked up indefinitely… period. Further, I would support internment camps in our deserts for just such a purpose.

    Best regards,


  21. TexasFred Says:

    Well, it seems to me that just about everyone making a comment here is pretty much on the same page, and I can tell Mr. Shipp why too, it’s because not only are they here ILLEGALLY now, it’s because they’re Palestinians, and regardless of what they say their reasons for being in the USA are, Americans are going to be suspicious, as well we should…

    I do honestly feel sorry for the little 3 year old, she’s a pretty child and is truly a victim of circumstance, and that’s a regrettable situation but I still have no feelings for her adult family that was here long enough to let their visas expire, therefore placing the family in this position…

    Life’s tough, but ILLEGAL needs to mean ILLEGAL, not hoping our nation issues some kind of blanket amnesty…

  22. JD3 Says:

    Let’s see now…hmm…Palestinians….Oh yeah….they were the ones videotaped celebrating in the streets on …what was that date? Oh yeah…9/11….and illegal? There isn’t any problem here….and no, three year old children should not be incarcerated….they should be with their parents in their homeland……

  23. dtodeen Says:

    I’m with the rest of you, ship them out. But hey face it, we are screwed by the leaders of this country, we have 18 30 million rreasons to be concerned.

    As long as we got the McCains telling us they are doing the work we AMERICANS wont do, we have no solution.

  24. Melissa In Texas Says:

    I read Shipp’s piece.
    I am not moved.
    I do not care WHAT country these folks come from originally.
    Their visas expired and they were still in this country.
    This makes them illegal immigrants.
    Period, bottom line.
    Yes, I agree, the children should be with their parents.
    If those parents are in a detention center, then so be it.
    No, it is not the children’s fault.
    ALL children need to know that there are boundaries.
    As a parent disciplines a child, so must our country have laws. Children need to be taught that laws exist and breaking those laws results in, sometimes, less than ideal consequences.
    The anchor baby concept needs to be trashed.
    Again, no matter which country the parents originated from.
    For all the “my great-grandparents were immigrants” folks:
    You remember seeing those lines at Ellis Island?
    They were registering!
    There is a huge difference between coming in, acquiring a visa, following the law and leaving when it expires.
    Hiding in public, blending in with the melting pot does not change the fact that visas are for a limited period of time and they DO expire.
    I am grateful to see that our government is finally doing something with the tides of people streaming into our country and overstay their legal welcome.

  25. Palestinian Family ‘Locked Up’ For Immigration Violations « Publius’ Forum Says:

    […] (Hat tip to Texas Fred ____________ Warner Todd Huston’s thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as,, men’ and among many, many others. Additionally, he has been a guest on several radio programs to discuss his opinion editorials and current events. He has also written for several history magazines and appears in the new book “Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture” which can be purchased on He is also the owner and operator of Feel free to contact him with any comments or questions : EMAIL Warner Todd Huston […]

  26. jarhead john Says:

    Lefty loons love to use words like “sad,” “children,” and “family,” to discuss criminal invaders. I agree that it is indeed sad that other countries are harsh or poor. However, the poverty, or harsh climate of those nations should not be a burden that our nation should bear by refusing to enforce our own laws. Illegal immigrants are criminals, and should be deported; no matter how “sad” their situation may be. I wouldn’t get any sympathy from the law for simply telling a sad story; they shouldn’t either.

  27. B.R. Says:

    Fred, I say put their butts on a plane to Jordan (which, BTW, is where a lot [more than in Israel] of pali regional land REALLY is/was historically) & the Jordain authorities do what they will w/ them. & I guess, it’s up to the family if they take their toddler (pretty or not) w/ them or leave her w/ the uncle.

    I looked around the net on this & other articles say the mom is CURRENTLY pregnant. If that is the case then, that is ALL THE MORE reason to say get them the Hell out of here before that child is born.

    The Minuteman,
    But they’re STILL here. Off the streets isn’t good enough.

    Robert: “…the LAST thing we need is Middle Eastern invasion…”
    Uh, look around some of the cities in the USA & re-think that line. Example: St Louis & elsewhere, where the muzzie cabbies won’t take the blind & their dogs in their cabs………

  28. Yaakov Kirschen Says:

    break the law?… get arrested.
    illegally in the country? …get deported.
    life used to be so simple!!
    Dry Bones
    Israel’s Political Comic Strip Since 1973

  29. Debbie Says:

    No question, send them home. The problem is they should have been sent home long ago. I don’t care if they are from Mexico, Israel, Palestine, or any other place. Illegal is illegal.

  30. fmragtops Says:

    They broke the law, they went to prison. When their term is over, ship them out of The Great Satan, and back to the land of camel fellating cowards and katyushas killing civilians.

  31. Patrick Sperry Says:

    I see no reason that any of them should be allowed to remain in the United States. If the family were refugees, and that was the original reason for the issuance of their visa then perhaps there might be reason to question all of this. Bottom line though is that their very presence here violates our laws. The government is, for once, just doing it’s job.

  32. Brett Shipp Says:

    FYI, the family is willing to return to Palestine, and at this point wishes to return, but no country will receive them, which is why they anticipate being released in a few weeks. It’s my understanding that they came here seeking to escape the chaos in their native Palestine, they had family here and believes they would be granted asylum. They held jobs, paid their rent, consumed foreign made products like the rest of us, paid their sales taxes and led a peaceful, productive existence in Richardson.
    It appears that a federal magistrate has cleared the way for the family’s release in a a few weeks.

  33. TexasFred Says:

    Brett, thanks for your response, I DO appreciate it…

    If by chance, you’re following this thread, please either post an update or email me and I will if and when this situation changes…

    And again, thank you for responding, I know you’re a busy guy…

  34. Debbie Says:

    Now they are claiming asylum? Oh brother. No other country will take them? What about the peace loving Palestinians? Oh they don’t want them because they have been living inside the great satan, America???? *spit*

  35. Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Says:

    Once more, I’m going to repeat what I said yesterday. Why won’t any country take them back especially Palestine? I have seen no explanation of this… I don’t care if they paid their bills or consumed our products - they are here illegally and in a 5 yr. period did not attempt to get on the path to citizenship. So now they are seeing an immigrant advocate - at least it appears to be the case. What is the reason for asylum? Give us some concrete facts and logic that make sense and stop dancing around the issue and bemoaning the fact that we are being too ‘Harsh’ on illegal immigrants. How does Mr. Shipp KNOW what they have been doing or not doing? Illegal is still ILLEGAL and they have thumbed their collective nose at our laws for over 5 years. I’d like to know where Mr. Shipp’s sympathies were when it took over 2 years to get my daughter, her Danish husband (a computer programmer) and their two children back in the US. We had to prove we were financially solvent to even vouch for them and they were following the rules. Instead of bleeding philosophically for illegal immigrants, how about taking care of our own? Instead of facillitating potential terrorists, how about protecting those of us that are Americans? The hypocrisy is so deep here you need waders just to find a single provable fact. Enough said…

  36. cary Says:

    It would appear the the LLL (Left Leaning Liberals) are going to milk this for all it’s worth.

    First, explain to me why someone who is here past their legal time limit is allowed to stay? Next thing you know, middle eastern men from the ages of 18-45 who are here on student visas will be overstaying their time, and hijacking an airplane or two…

    Folks, it’s time we got serious about something. I don’t care which, just get serious about it.

    If we are going to get serious about border security, then DO IT.

    If we are going to be serious about letting a bunch of illegals overrun this country, then let me know. I need to stop over to the gun store and start stocking up on a few things…

  37. Christopher Says:

    What concerns me the most is that a middle eastern family, children in particular, are being used to garner sympathy for people here illegally.

    If this was a family of wetbacks who crawled through a sewer to get here and were jailed, would the media even “care” about their plight?

  38. Basti Says:

    Same old b/s, just a different day, different cause! It’s always about the poor little child or the poor downtrodden woman, or the politically persecuted man. None of this is our business or concern! If it were our business or concern we should have rolled over the entire Middle East years ago and plumbed the whole are up! However you will remember that the Left is against war of any kind (Unless they started it. See Bill Clinton for examples) so what ever happens to the Pal’s is their problem.

    I’ve never met a bleeding-heart activist that I didn’t take an instant and volatile dislike to!

  39. Cowgirl Says:

    So sorry that I don’t think the conditions in any United States facility that family may have been in would fit the descriptions of inhumane and atrocious. Inhumane and atrocious would be those little children being wired with bombs and sent into an Israeli market.

    It is no big surprise that “no country wants them.” No country has ever wanted the so-called Palestinians. With good reason, I might add. I would say to send them back to their own country, but oh…. that’s right…. they don’t have one. They could have had one. But, they want Israel, without the Israelis.

    We need to dedicate one of the Aleutian Islands as a place to airdrop people we can’t send home. We wouldn’t even need guards.

  40. Rage Says:

    I don’t care if they are seeking asylum from the Hamas or anyone else.
    They are muslim and should be disposed of.

    Fuck deporting them.

    Tagem bagem burnem.

  41. velvethammer Says:

    “Inhumanity” & “Atrocity” ??? [roll eyes ]

    “He says no one could have imagined they would end up behind bars in the country where they sought asylum. “It’s the most unfair thing, un-American thing, inhumane thing, illegal thing that has happened to this family,” said Ibrahim.”

    Illegal? Inhumane? Un-American? Excuse me Ibrahim, but enforcing our laws is American, and they are illegal. And inhumane? Please!

    Hello! I-L-L-E-G-A-L MEANS I-L-L-E-G-A-L!
    OUR Country OUR laws. Follow them or get the hell out!
    I have said it before and I’ll say it again. When ever an American commits a crime and is sent to prison, his/her family suffers. There should be NO special treatment for those whom are non-citizens! They and others who find themselves in this position, should of thought of their families BEFORE they drug them half way across the world!

    What will we Americans face next? Press 1 for spanish - Press 2 for arabic …oh and IF you ACTUALLY speak the language of this Country Press 3 for English????

  42. Bull Jones Says:

    Brett Shipp said: “They held jobs, paid their rent, consumed foreign made products like the rest of us, paid their sales taxes and led a peaceful, productive existence in Richardson.

    Of course they paid their sales taxes! Geez! Since when was that optional? Did they file tax returns? My guess is: No. Did they make anything more than a light pass at becoming legal? My guess is the same: No.

    They are illegals and they should go. Period. Each and every one of them, child included. The Gates of Liberty are still open, but as with all gates, it is there to maintain control of who or what enters.

  43. fmragtops Says:

    Brett Shipp said: “They held jobs, paid their rent, consumed foreign made products like the rest of us, paid their sales taxes and led a peaceful, productive existence in Richardson.”

    Yo, Brett, not to be too hard on you, I mean you had sack enough to come here and comment, and that counts for something in the blogododecahedron, but all that stuff you said in that quote above is absolutely irrelevant.

    This is like one of those word problems you get in math class where they bombard you with useless information, and you have to pick out what’s relevant. The relevant facts are: 1.) Their Visa expired 2.) That makes their immigration status illegal

    All that other touchy-feely stuff makes for a great story, but doesn’t change their status as criminals.

  44. TexasFred Says:

    Now let’s think about this for a minute, these people were here in the USA for 5 years and they were legal, but THEY didn’t do all that was necessary to remain that way, who’s fault was that??

    Why should they be any different than any other group of ILLEGALS now??

    And all that stuff about them ‘wanting’ to be deported?? I am having a really hard time buying in on that…

    I can’t wait to see how the federal magistrate takes care of this, but I’ll venture a guess, it will be deemed a ‘hardship case’ and all paperwork will be put in motion to expedite the entire matter and these fine taxpayers from Palestine will be given the citizenship they weren’t willing to fight for…

    And as likely as not, some scumbag shyster will sue the crap out of the USA and get these people a ton of OUR money too…

    No wonder all the trash on earth wants to come here, we’re EASY…

    Mr. Shipp is bound to see by now, this isn’t some libber, touchy/feely, bleeding heart bunch of asshole Dems, this blog is populated by some damn good RIGHT WING Americans that are VERY conservative in their attitudes and in their love of this nation and Her laws, and by God, the laws of this land MUST be upheld if we are to have a nation at all…

    And the MSM ’sympathy slant’ just isn’t going to ‘play’ with this crowd??

  45. Rage Says:

    Muslim, enough said

  46. velvethammer Says:

    Not sure if HTML is allowed so…
    Quote Texas Fred: “their love of this nation and Her laws, and by God, the laws of this land MUST be upheld if we are to have a nation at all…”

    A nation must maintain it’s sovereignty or it is no longer a nation. A free for all, does not a nation make.

    The hell with P.C.! The hell with civil rights for non-citizens! If one is legal one is welcome, if not cya!

    And as Bull Jones Says:
    “They are illegals and they should go. Period. Each and every one of them, child included. The Gates of Liberty are still open, but as with all gates, it is there to maintain control of who or what enters.”

    Right on! Good fences make good neighbors…

  47. Bluto Says:

    Hey I paid sales tax! I Held a job! One time, in a galaxy far, far away, I even paid rent! Woooooooo Hooooooo! Everyone start sending me their sympathy cards. I actually worked! I’m so special!

    Can I do something illegal now? Thanks!

    Damn, I forgot, I have to consume foreign products to get the “Brent Shipp Get out Of Jail Free Card”(who knows what the f*ck “consuming foreign products” has to do with freaking ANYTHING in this discussion…but I’m game, I’ll play along!). Well, hell, I’m in like flint then, ’cause I just bought some gas. Good times, baby, good times. I feel really special because I can hold down a job, and pay taxes….how ’bout you all?

  48. Patrick Sperry Says:

    Whoo Hoo! This is bigger than any family group involved in a visa mishap!

    Da Senator has returned!

    Bluto for President!

    Now, on a more serious note. If there is, in fact, a reason that these people would be persecuted if returned to Palastine then it needs to be examined. Yes, maybe even behind closed doors. Did they assist Masoud, or our CIA? There could be more to this than meets the eye. I seriously doubt that, but it is possible.

  49. jarhead john Says:

    Brett Shipp seems like he has a kind heart, and believes in what he writes. That’s admirable. However, his basis for defending this family of illegals is based solely on emotion, and not logic (nor the law). He should re-examine his stance, base it on common sense, and remind himself of the laws of this nation. Until he does that, his opinions will continue to be greeted with shaken heads and laughs by rational adults.

  50. LittleOleLady Says:

    Awesome and passionate responses everyone.. THESE are the voices of “We the people”..

  51. Mary Says:

    The God-given liberties that Americans enjoy are protected by laws, right?

    Throughout our history, Americans have sacrificed, fought, and died to protect our way of life.

    We’re a nation of laws, including immigration laws. If those laws are not upheld, if they’re disregarded or dismissed for whatever reason, then the foundation of our nation crumbles.

    Ideally, no one is above the law — not presidents, not children.

    While I feel compassion for the family’s suffering, it was of their own doing.

    I don’t mean to be hard-hearted; but with freedom comes responsibility.

  52. Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Says:

    Figures - some wealthy real estate guy becomes their advocate and handles the limo for them - it’s for the children don’tcha know. You know what - why do we even bother with laws? Oh, that’s right - they only apply to Americans. If you are an illegal or a terrorist you get all the sympathy in the world from our media, the left, our courts and our government. Illegals kill at a very high rate in this country, they spread disease straight from their homelands, they preach hatred of America, Jews and Christians in our Universities and their Madrassas here in the states and the US does everything but hand them the sword to behead us with and the nukes to try and bring us down. Our politicians are so pathetic, they would probably even do that if it got them votes or more illicit funds to buy a yacht with or a new Beemer… Lock and load folks - we will be fighting the enemy at home and from within. We opened the doors for them, fed them, clothed them, taught them - gave them everything they need to truly hate us and kill us - whether it be our good neighbors from the south or from the middle east, they have our names written on their bombs and a taste for our blood. Lamb to the slaughter? Hell, more like a whole damn flock to the slaughter. They use our laws and our freedoms against us to mock us and kill us - and our government just smiles and calls them our friends and compatriots. Well, American citizens are not so gullible and will only take just so much. If I were the terrorists and invaders, I don’t think I would get too comfortable - they have no idea what fighters we really are and just how viciously Americans will fight for their country and their homes unlike the snivelling craven politicians who try to assure us with words and meaningless promises. I’ve had it with the lot of them…

  53. GUNZ Says:

    It’s a damn farce. What this is about is the US Government extending olive branches to those damn A-RABS over there so that we can look like the broker of peace and not look so biased in regards to Israel.

    This government knows that this sort of thing will get around over there. How we helped one of their own. Gotta get that road map to peace in the Middle East worked out. 2 seperate states you know. They aren’t entitled to squat. Israel SHOULD be 5 times it’s size if not more. Quit giving up your land Israel!

    This is a simply politics of the worse kind with a very bad presedence involved.

    We have enough muzzies in this country. One day every argument that was ever made about those camel jocky’s going nuts in our streets with terrorism will come to pass.

  54. B.R. Says:

    No it doesn’t need to be examined Patrick especially since it ALREADY HAS BEEN EXAMINED & the petition was turned down (just like the article states). Other articles were more detailed about the situation. The other articles state that they were DENIED ASYLUM OVER TWO YES TWO YEARS AGO. Yet, as of last Nov when they were picked up, they obviously DIDN’T LEAVE, HENCE, them being ILLEGALS. Yes I think the govt should have at least booted them out back when their request was DENIED (MEANING THEY DIDN’T DO THEIR JOB) BUT the family knew they were supposed to leave and they DIDN’T (before their papers expired but oh now since they are expired we can’t ‘force’ Jordan to take them back - BS). Just like if a convict is supposed to ‘report’ to prison to serve their term but they don’t & the cops don’t pick them up for two years is irrelevant - when the cops finally do pick them up off to jail they should go.

    IMHO, it shouldn’t have been examined AT ALL. They should have been turned down FLAT OUT for a number of reasons. (1) The came here on Jordain papers not papers from Israel or ‘palestine’ if you like. (2) Even IF they were being ‘persecuted’ I don’t give a rats butt about pali’s & their woes since, IMHO 99.99999999% of their ‘woes’ are self-made.

    NOW FOR THE REALLY BAD NEWS: I just did a search for updates on this & have found out that they have ALREADY been RELEASED (on Fri 2-2). NOT deported as they should have been nor still held as they should have been nor even kept for a ‘few weeks’ more. Yes, I saw it coming but still it pisses me off. And WORSE YET, immigration officials are going to RE-EXAMINE their asylum app. Well, looks like we’ve lost this one TOO. BTW, The article I saw w/ this new info, gave ‘credit’ to “Dallas real-estate developer Ralph Isenberg” (I’m guessing the same developer Terresa referenced). Isenberg had a run-in w/ immigration b/c of his wife & their daughter that were deported a while ago. So he joined them in China WHILE HE LEFT HIS 16 YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER BEHIND HERE. IMHO, ’some Dad’, well at least to the teenager, but oh what the Hell, the teenager was only his adopted daughter & not blood. 14 months later he & his wife ‘won’ & came back.

    I say find out what properties this A.H. is involved in & boycott & or protest them.

  55. UPDATE: That ‘poor’ Palestinian Family… at Conservative Times--Republican GOP news source. Says:

    […] Reference back to this story: Questions over Palestinian family locked up for 3 months and you’ll see where it all started, and the top link is the latest in Mr. Shipp’s campaign to assure that a family of ILLEGALS, a family that does indeed have a pitiful story, a family that does touch the heart in the presentation Mr. Shipp makes, is still, without a doubt, here in this nation ILLEGALLY, and are ILLEGAL due to their own inaction’s, they had apparently failed to follow thru on their visas, didn’t get them extended or renewed or they failed to pursue an effort to become legal citizens of this nation… […]

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