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Tag Archives: Abuse of Executive Orders
Barack Obama: An inept Fool, an anti-gun/anti-American Socialist and a very BAD Actor
Barack Obama: An inept Fool, an anti-gun/anti-American Socialist and a very BAD Actor Wayne LaPierre, CEO and Executive Vice President of the NRA covers this Obama BS quite well and everyone expects the NRA to call Obama out on his … Continue reading →

Why Has Barack Hussein Obama Purged the Military?
Why Has Barack Hussein Obama Purged the Military? Is Barack Hussein Obama as *anti-military* as some seem to think? I’m not one that buys into every 2-bit, tin-foil hat conspiracy theory but you have to admit, the stories about Obama … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Abuse of Executive Orders, Barack Hussein Obama, Does Obama Hate America?, Executive Orders, Hitler Youth, House Armed Services Committee, Military Purge, Obama Conspiracy Theories, Obama Decimates Military Leadership, Obama is Clueless, U.S. Military Support
Despite Obama Calling His Epic Scandals Phony, Here Is A List Of His Real Scandals Hurting Americans
Despite Obama Calling His Epic Scandals Phony, Here Is A List Of His Real Scandals Hurting Americans Here is a detailed list of The Obama Scandals, it was written by J. D. Heyes and is published at the link with … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Abuse of Executive Orders, Abuse of War Powers Resolution, Barack Hussein Obama, Benghazi, EPA Lisa Jackson, Eric Holder Perjury, Eric Holder Perjury II, Fast and Furious, GSA Scandal, Intimidation of The Media, IRS, J. D. Heyes, Joe Biden, Kathleen Sebelius, Lisa Jackson Scandal, Rep. Joe Sestak Scandal, Rosengate, Solyndra, The Associated Pres, The New Black Panthers, The Obama Scandals, The Pigford Scandal, Veterans Affairs Scandal, Voter Intimidation Scandal