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I'm a highly opinionated and very Conservative blogger. If you ask for my opinion, I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, so be very careful what you ask for, you might get it.
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Tag Archives: Bundy Ranch a Test Scenario
Bundy Ranch: This was a TEST, it was only a TEST – Part II
Bundy Ranch: This was a TEST, it was only a TEST – Part II From my friend and blogging partner, Rob Bush, I present this: Nevada Ranch Standoff. Nevada Ranch Standoff So this is happening: (Note: I would have used … Continue reading →

Bundy Ranch: This was a TEST, it was only a TEST
This is a message received from Doug Hagmann, the founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network . Doug is a published author with much of his work posted on Canada Free Press and he is a very reliable source of information. I … Continue reading →