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I'm a highly opinionated and very Conservative blogger. If you ask for my opinion, I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, so be very careful what you ask for, you might get it.
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Tag Archives: Daryl W. Lofton
Who is REALLY to blame for Racial Division and Police Hatred?
Obama’s ‘propaganda’ pushed people to ‘hate the police,’ Giuliani says President Obama has engaged in “propaganda” encouraging people to “hate the police,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) charged a day after two New York City police officers … Continue reading →

Posted in Police Support
Tagged Barack Hussein Obama, Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, Bill De Blasio, Daryl W. Lofton, Henry Louis Gates, New York City, NYPD, Officer Rafael Ramos, Officer Wenjian Liu, Past Commissioner Ray Kelly, Pat Lynch, Police Support, Rudy Giuliani, The Beer Summit, The Black Panthers