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Tag Archives: Impeach Barack Obama
The case for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama
The case for impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama This morning on WMALs “Morning on the Mall” radio show with hosts Brian and Larry I was asked a simple question relating to the Taliban prisoner release and impeachment of the president. … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Allen West, Articles of Impeachment, Barack Hussein Obama, Bowe Bergdahl, Bowe Bergdahl - Deserter, Bowe Bergdahl -- Traitor, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Impeach Barack Obama, Mexican Gun Laws, National Defense Authorization Act, National Security, NDAA, Susan Rice, The Taliban
Guns from U.S. sting found at Mexican crime scenes
Guns from U.S. sting found at Mexican crime scenes (Reuters) - At least 122 firearms from a botched U.S. undercover operation have been found at crime scenes in Mexico or intercepted en route to drug cartels there, a Republican congressional … Continue reading →

Barack Obama: A Bill of Indictment
Once again I am compelled to share the work of one of the best writers I know, Mr. Alan Caruba. Alan is a true professional and you can follow his writings here: Warning Signs Barack Obama: A Bill of Indictment … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Alan Caruba, Impeach Barack Obama, Impeachable Offenses, Obama Failures, Political Opinion, Warning Signs
TexasFred Suggests: Impeach Barack Obama
TexasFred Suggests: Impeach Barack Obama I don’t want us to get too far ahead of the game, but this health care travesty is going to bankrupt the American economy. Or, maybe I should say, this health care debacle is going … Continue reading →