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I'm a highly opinionated and very Conservative blogger. If you ask for my opinion, I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, so be very careful what you ask for, you might get it.
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Tag Archives: Solyndra
Despite Obama Calling His Epic Scandals Phony, Here Is A List Of His Real Scandals Hurting Americans
Despite Obama Calling His Epic Scandals Phony, Here Is A List Of His Real Scandals Hurting Americans Here is a detailed list of The Obama Scandals, it was written by J. D. Heyes and is published at the link with … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Abuse of Executive Orders, Abuse of War Powers Resolution, Barack Hussein Obama, Benghazi, EPA Lisa Jackson, Eric Holder Perjury, Eric Holder Perjury II, Fast and Furious, GSA Scandal, Intimidation of The Media, IRS, J. D. Heyes, Joe Biden, Kathleen Sebelius, Lisa Jackson Scandal, Rep. Joe Sestak Scandal, Rosengate, Solyndra, The Associated Pres, The New Black Panthers, The Obama Scandals, The Pigford Scandal, Veterans Affairs Scandal, Voter Intimidation Scandal
Obama gets grief for saying private sector ‘fine’
Obama gets grief for saying private sector ‘fine’ WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama declared Friday that “the private sector is doing fine,” drawing instant criticism from Republicans who said it showed a lack of understanding of the nation’s economic … Continue reading →

Barack Hussein Obama and the downfall of America
Barack Hussein Obama and the downfall of America How can you be certain that the political election season is upon us? The biggest military lightweight in recent American political history appears to have *grown a set*. Obama: I’m not bluffing … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Adm. William McRaven, Afghanistan, Bailouts, Barack Hussein Obama, Bill Clinton, Decision 2012, Gen. James Mattis, Hillary Clinton, I'm not bluffing on Iran, Iran, Israel, Mitt Romney, No More RINOs, Obama and the Military, Osama bin Laden, Politics, Solyndra, Syria, The Lesser of the Evils, U.S. Central Command, U.S. Special Operations Command
White House counsel refuses House panel’s sweeping Solyndra subpoena
Are you ready for that late Friday afternoon NEWS DUMP? It appears that once again the Obama regime thinks Conservative bloggers aren’t watching. Maybe they think we’re all consumed by the Herman Cain story, maybe that’s what we want them … Continue reading →