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I'm a highly opinionated and very Conservative blogger. If you ask for my opinion, I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, so be very careful what you ask for, you might get it.
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Tag Archives: The Obama Legacy
Obama starts 2016 with a fight over gun control
Obama starts 2016 with a fight over gun control WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is slated Monday to finalize a set of new executive actions tightening the nation’s gun laws, making his first order of business in 2016 a … Continue reading →

ObamaCare is a Miserable Failure
ObamaCare is a Miserable Failure The title of this post is NOT an unfounded attack on Barack Hussein Obama and his ObamaCare debacle, it is a statement of FACT and TRUTH. Most elected officials in the GOP, and ALL true Conservatives, … Continue reading →

Obama consoles families and survivors of West, Texas, plant explosion
Obama consoles families and survivors of West, Texas, plant explosion WACO, Texas - President Barack Obama consoled a rural Texas community rocked by a deadly fertilizer plant explosion, telling mourners Thursday they are not alone in their grief and they … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Baylor University, Hurricane Sandy, Jeremiah Wright, Never let a crisis go to waste, Obama in perpetual Campaign Mode, Obama Lies, Obama Promises Recovery, The Obama Legacy, Thousands still homeless after Sandy, West Plant Explosion