Pentagon institute calls Iraq war ‘a major debacle’ with outcome ‘in doubt’
WASHINGTON — The war in Iraq has become “a major debacle” and the outcome “is in doubt” despite improvements in security from the buildup in U.S. forces, according to a highly critical study published Thursday by the Pentagon’s premier military educational institute.
The report released by the National Defense University raises fresh doubts about President Bush’s projections of a U.S. victory in Iraq just a week after Bush announced that he was suspending U.S. troop reductions.
The report carries considerable weight because it was written by Joseph Collins, a former senior Pentagon official, and was based in part on interviews with other former senior defense and intelligence officials who played roles in prewar preparations.
It was published by the university’s National Institute for Strategic Studies, a Defense Department research center.
“Measured in blood and treasure, the war in Iraq has achieved the status of a major war and a major debacle,” says the report’s opening line.
At the time the report was written last fall, more than 4,000 U.S. and foreign troops, more than 7,500 Iraqi security forces and as many as 82,000 Iraqi civilians had been killed and tens of thousands of others wounded, while the cost of the war since March 2003 was estimated at $450 billion .
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Pentagon institute calls Iraq war ‘a major debacle’ with outcome ‘in doubt’
“Measured in blood and treasure, the war in Iraq has achieved the status of a major war and a major debacle,” says the report’s opening line.
I’ll bet all the little Bush Bots just cringed when that one hit, it’s not some helter-skelter attack piece from a left wing moonbat nut job bunch that’s anti-war for the sake of being anti war, it’s from the Pentagon’s premier military educational institute, imagine that, from The University, and they say Iraq is a DEBACLE, the Pentagon institute, the most top shelf think tank the Pentagon has at it’s disposal, and they call Iraq a DEBACLE, I’ll just be damned, who would have ever thought??
As any regular reader of this blog knows, I have called this thing The Debacle in Iraq for a long time now, and the Bots all said I didn’t know what I was talking about, they said I never knew what really went on in Iraq and that I had no clear picture of The Debacle in Iraq, yep, that’s what they said, I wonder, what will they be saying now??
This report reads like it was written by me, of at least with me as a consultant or contributor, you see, this report has been coming for a long time, and some folks knew it was coming, it had to, the REAL tale of the tape HAD to be told, and we tried to tell folks that truth about what was really happening in Iraq, but the Bush Bots tried their very best to shout us down, to discredit me and a few others, simply because we didn’t kiss Bush’s ass and because we had the gall to speak the truth and not the feel good bullshit that gets handed out in the press briefings…
I suspect that the Queen of the Bush Bots will do her level best to discredit Joseph Collins, the author of the report, he will be called a demented detractor, a Bush hater,, an enemy of this nation, a closet Islamic supporter, and God forbid, he may be called a paid shill, one that was put in place by the Democrats just to try and make Bush look bad, like Bush needs help in that department…
OK, sarcasm aside, this report is nothing less than personal vindication, and it gives serious citation for MY statements and opinions as posted on this blog…
You see, some of us are in the know, some of us are still connected to the right people, people that are still in Baghdad, people that DO see the BIG picture, and this report has been long, long overdue, let the lamentations of the Bots begin, this report says almost everything I have been saying for months now, we never should have gone to Iraq, we can’t walk away from Iraq, and there appears to be NO end in sight to The Debacle in Iraq, not a satisfactory ending, not one that our current president is prepared to execute…
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April 18th, 2008 at 10:39 pm
I don’t question Collins. I question McClatchy.
April 18th, 2008 at 10:41 pm
Kate, without some expansion, that comment makes NO sense…
Shoot the messenger?? Hell, the Bots do that to EVERY MSM news source, you’re not planning on going there are you??
A source is a source is a source, they have a pdf of the report, I NEVER said ANYWHERE in this post that I was in agreement with the SOURCE, I base my position on the report, please, don’t start acting like the Bots…
McClatchy just happened to break the story, ABC News was all over it tonight, that’s where I got it, I just found the Yahoo News link 1st and easiest, and before you go and question a news source, you need to be 100% sure that the ones you use in the future are absolutely and totally above reproach…