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Army OKs $248M in barracks repairs, but housing still aging

May 8th, 2008 . by TexasFred

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP) - Spc. Loren Dauterman, who trained at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin last month with the National Guard, found something good to say about the falling-apart floors and ceilings in her quarters.


“It is better than sleeping out in the woods,” Dauterman said last week, “but not a whole lot better.”

Thousands of soldiers at Fort McCoy, Fort Campbell and elsewhere are assigned to barracks built for the GIs who fought World War II and the Korean War. The buildings are showing their age, and the soldiers are getting fed up.

Full Story Here:
Army OKs $248M in barracks repairs, but housing still aging

Am I the only one that sees this as an insult to Americas fighting men and women?? Is this not an affront to their dignity??

We send our fine guys and gals to places like Iraq and Afghanistan and ask them to endure horrid living conditions at worst, and not so good conditions at best while WE spend BILLIONS of U.S. tax dollars on the rebuilding of a nation that is still engaged in a highly destructive civil war…

And when our troops come home to the USA they are expected to live in these conditions??

I have seen ‘enlisted’ housing on Army bases, Ft. Bliss and Ft. Hood, TX., I knew some young NCO’s a few years ago, they lived in base housing and it was, for the most part, less than desirable, and I can’t even begin to speak of the conditions that the single enlisted men lived in, barracks that were built before WWII were not at all uncommon and their condition 25 years ago was pretty bad…

Officers housing was quite a bit better compared to the others but it was nothing to write home about and in many cases officers spent their own money, or their wives did, to improve the housing, do repairs and decorate it in an attractive manner and so forth…

Our troops deserve a lot more than they are getting, both from the military while they are on active duty and from the V.A. once their service is done, it is a travesty for us to provide better for the citizens of other nations than it we do for our own fighting men and women, and their families…

Now I’m only guessing but I would take bets that there are certain Bush Bot Army wives out there that would tell you the army provides more than adequate housing for our troops and the V.A. provides more than adequate care for our Veterans but that drum has been beat to the point that there are few folks that still put any faith in her words…

And personally, I don’t care what anyone says, our troops deserve nothing but the best this nation can provide to them, you don’t ask men and women to lay down their live and expect their dependents to live in squalor

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3 Responses to “Army OKs $248M in barracks repairs, but housing still aging”

  1. comment number 1 by: BobF

    I put the blame for this on the senior Army leadership. It doesn’t have anything to do with who’s in the White House or SecDef. Senior leadership chose to spend their money on weapons systems rather than upgrade their infrastructure. Many of these weapons systems were junk and never made it to the field but someone got a nice position with that defense contractor when they retired. Meanwhile, the troops live in substandard conditions here stateside.

  2. comment number 2 by: daveb

    I agree with BobF. Luckly the on post family housing is now private contract with a civilian contractor. The money that was at one time taken away from the soldier when they moved into housing is now kept avaiable to take care of the housing. Before this the Dept. of the Army could use the money for what ever they saw fit. The on post single soldier barracks from what I have seen is not that bad. I have seen barracks taken down here at Fort Hood and assume that new ones will replace them. I am sure that there are substandard barracks here and have seen ones at Sill and Lee. This is my opinion.

  3. comment number 3 by: TexasFred

    daveb, Thanks for stopping by, comments like this are always welcome…

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