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Democrats try to spur more oil exploration

July 17th, 2008 . by TexasFred

WASHINGTON (AP) - Seeking to blunt GOP efforts to permit oil exploration off Atlantic and Pacific coasts, House Democrats are pushing legislation they say would spur oil drilling on already available lands in Alaska, the West and the western Gulf of Mexico.

Republicans scoffed that the so-called Drill Act - imposing a tougher “use it or lose it” rule on leases already held by oil companies - would do little to boost oil exploration, saying current policies are aimed at the same goal. A vote was set for Thursday.

On the eve of the vote, the Interior Department issued a major new lease in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve, known as NPR-A. The Democratic bill would require a more active Interior Department leasing program on the reserve, which is located to the west of the off-limits Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, the subject of a long-standing battle between environmentalists and the oil lobby.

“Democrats brought forth their ‘Use It or Lose It’ bill without knowing it was already the law of the land,” said GOP Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo. “Today we’re reminded that the majority’s efforts to ‘unlock’ NPR-A are about as necessary as passing a bill ordering the sun to rise.”

Full Story Here:
Democrats try to spur more oil exploration

Lets face facts, we’re in the middle of the worst oil crisis we have ever faced. It’s partly the blame of the big oil companies, and it’s partly the blame of the Congress and the ineffectual leadership and lack of foresight exhibited on their parts.

And we can’t forget to also look to the executive leadership of our great nation as well, for the last several Presidents. The *parties* suck, both of them, it’s just that the Repubs suck a bit less. And as of late, it hasn’t been that much less.

Democrats are scrambling to appear pro-drilling - hence the “Drill Act” title for Thursday’s bill - even as their leaders appear dead set against reversing the long-standing drilling bans along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

This is where the Dems always are, a day late and a dollar short, and it’s usually someone else’s dollar.

Pelosi and Reid are leading the charge, they want to look like they’re actually doing something, and they are doing something. What they’re doing is pretty much nothing, and what’s not a nothing is more redundant that their normal nothingness.

The sad part is when the late night comics get it right on their political calls, last night Jay Leno said, “Oh, but Pelosi’s all for drilling, she has no problem with drilling, as long as you don’t actually hit anything…”

I don’t know if it’s a nationwide commercial, but here in Texas we’re getting one from T. Boone Pickens, touting HIS new plan to free America from the evils of foreign oil. Pickens Plan

There’s not a thing wrong with the idea of wind power and solar or nuclear energy, but it all boils down to this, whatever we do, it has to get it passed by the tree huggers, PETA, and the *greenies*, and again, lets face facts, there’s NO making those people happy.

Nuclear power scares the *greenies* as much as oil, the tree huggers don’t want to admit it but Co2 is GOOD for the trees, and PETA is just totally stupid. PETA, and some of their *fringe* groups oppose wind power, the cleanest and safest source of electrical production yet, simply because there are some birds that have been known to fly into the blades of the wind towers, thus killing the birds.

Let me tell you something, ANY bird that is SO stupid that it can’t duck or dodge a set of wind tower blades, moving at less than 10 MPH, is NOT a bird we really need to save in the 1st place.

We have a solution, and it’s called American Solutions - Drill HERE, Drill NOW, go take a look, sign the petition, support the effort, we CAN make this happen, but it’s going to take all of us pulling together!

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One Response to “Democrats try to spur more oil exploration”

  1. comment number 1 by: Kate

    Their solution? From CNSNews.com

    - expand public transportation;
    - encourage “pay-as-you-drive” auto insurance policies that reward low-mileage drivers with lower insurance premiums;
    - reduce commuting costs by providing incentives to employers and employees to take transit, bicycle, carpool, walk, or telecommute to work;
    - help local governments create “walkable, bikeable” communities;
    - help Americans make “smart” transportation and housing choices by educating them about their options;

    Yeah, that’ll do it. Good grief! (insert a smidge of sarcasm where appropriate!)
    - create “location efficient mortgages” that would make owning a home near transit more affordable.