CDC: West Nile outbreak ‘one of largest’ in US

CDC: West Nile outbreak ‘one of largest’ in US

ATLANTA (AP) - U.S. health officials reported Wednesday three times the usual number of West Nile cases for this time of year and one expert called it “one of the largest” outbreaks since the virus appeared in this country in 1999.

So far, 1,118 illnesses have been reported, about half of them in Texas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In an average year, fewer than 300 cases are reported by mid-August. There have also been 41 deaths this year.

Full Story Here:
CDC: West Nile outbreak ‘one of largest’ in US

This line, “1,118 illnesses have been reported, about half of them in Texas” is the crux of the issue for me and I am going to say, quite frankly, and with NO regard for just WHO gets their panties in a wad by me saying so; if we have to use ground foggers AND aerial spraying, 7 nights a week for the next month if it kills the damned mosquitoes and no more cases of HUMAN infection are reported, and no more cases of HUMAN deaths are reported!


I don’t care that a certain local political wife is unhappy because she fears that the grasshoppers, snails, gnats, butterflies, lizards and other assorted INSECTS are not being seen in her yard. I don’t care if she believes her house is *all smelly* because the mist that may or may not have been sprayed has POISONED her beautiful home and ravaged the pleasant emanation that radiated city wide for ALL to enjoy.

This the same person that told my wife, several hours BEFORE this spraying supposedly occurred, that IF it did happen it would just ruin her lovely yard, make her house smell bad and put her asthmatic child in danger. I do NOT embellish!


Let me pose this question; how many dead bugs does it take to equate to the death of one human being? 


How many infected BUGS does it take to bring about the death of one HUMAN?


I don’t know if birds get West Nile virus from eating infected mosquitoes of if birds get infected from bites received FROM mosquitoes, and I don’t care.


I don’t care if birds have fewer insects to eat. I don’t care if that leads to fewer birds, you see, fewer birds leads to less BIRD CRAP on our cars and patio furniture.


We are told that this spray has no effect on MAMMALS, which would be us, our dogs, cats, horses and so forth.


Obviously I am NOT one of those environmental GREEN PEOPLE that is out to save the planet, the bugs, the trees, the birds OR the damned mosquitoes.


What I am is this; a 58 year old white male that has had serious health issues in the past and I don’t need to have my health compromised because of some tree hugging insect lover that communes with nature and wants to be FAIR to ALL the little insects!



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3 Responses to CDC: West Nile outbreak ‘one of largest’ in US

  1. Lee says:

    Fred, I am not clear, do you want them to spray, please be a little clearer next time. :)

  2. BobF says:

    Watched that on the news tonight; it’s getting bad.

    Hard to believe some woman is more concerned with her yard than a neighbor getting infected and possibly dying. Even if you survive, the recovery takes a long time.

    We’re finding out that getting rid of DDT is causing a lot of problems and infestations to come back. The outbreak of bed bugs is related to DDT being gone. The stuff they have to replace it just doesn’t have the punch or if it does, the EPA won’t allow it in sufficient strength to do the job right.

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