Sept. 11, 2012 - 11 years have gone by and I still remember!

Sept. 11, 2012 - 11 years have gone by and I still remember!

I don’t know how ANY American could forget…

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3 Responses to Sept. 11, 2012 - 11 years have gone by and I still remember!

  1. Katie says:

    I will never forget. I will never forgive.

  2. Capt Ron says:

    I will never forget the day, the attack, and the pain on various levels we all felt and still feel. I will never forget there are groups of people who will do anything, including slaughter of civilians, to further their cause. I will never forget I am an American fighting man with the protection of our Constitution and our way of life to be paramount. I will never forget those who stand watch today and stood watch in the past. I am an American, through and through, and I will never forget.

  3. Patrick Sperry says:

    Never forget, never forgive.

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