Impeachment on a Roll

Down the shore yesterday, as we say in Philly, I was body surfing in the Atlantic and it got me to thinking.

On the East Coast, where the prevailing winds are offshore, the surf tends to be pretty tame, and Thursday was no exception, with the biggest waves cresting at perhaps three feet. Nonetheless, these little combers were able to send my prone body racing 100 feet toward the beach at a good clip.

There’s a lot of energy packed in even a small wave.

Just so with impeachment, where a wave is slowly building for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney.

Full Story Here:
Impeachment on a Roll

The guy that wrote this piece, and those calling for the impeachment of Bush or Cheney or BOTH really need to study a bit, and learn to use a dictionary, and learn to comprehend the real meaning of a word before they use it as an indictment…

–verb (used with object) 1. to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office.
2. Chiefly Law. to challenge the credibility of: to impeach a witness.
3. to bring an accusation against.
4. to call in question; cast an imputation upon: to impeach a person’s motives.
5. to call to account.

and then there’s the act itself:

–noun 1. the impeaching of a public official before an appropriate tribunal.
2. (in Congress or a state legislature) the presentation of formal charges against a public official by the lower house, trial to be before the upper house.
3. demonstration that a witness is less worthy of belief.
4. the act of impeaching.
5. the state of being impeached.

Actually, we IMPEACH Bush almost every day, at least I do, to impeach means you accuse, that’s all…

Some people seem to not understand the definition of the word IMPEACH, it doesn’t mean that the impeached party is removed from whatever position they may hold, it simply means they are being ‘called’ to account for their deeds, nothing more, it’s the final judgement of an impeachment hearing and the verdict OF that sitting body that matters, the impeachment itself is a relatively harmless act of name calling and accusations, founded or otherwise…

Example: George W. Bush is a moron and he is getting our military killed and is letting the illegals over-run the USA…

There, I just impeached Bush, are you happy now?? But does it mean he’s going to be removed from office now??

You wish…

2 Responses to “Impeachment on a Roll”

  1. Perri Nelson Says:

    The articles of impeachment brought by Dennis Kucinich haven’t got a prayer of passing in the House. They’re a patchwork of false accusations that can easily be shown to be false by a small amount of digging. They’ll never get through the required numbers in the Senate to convict in any case. Even so, these people think they have a chance of removing Vice President Cheney from office.

    In a way they’re right, but only in a way. In a little more than a year and a half, both President Bush AND Vice President Cheney will be removed from office. That’s what happens when a term-limited public official is no longer eligible to run for office.

    Yes, I know that the Vice President isn’t term limited, but I doubt seriously that we’ll see Mr. Cheney on a ticket for 2008.

  2. evilfurby Says:

    The only way that Bush could be impeached is if a terrorist attacked the country and had entered in through our virtually non existant border. Luckily that hasn’t happened.

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